วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Oprah - Baby Boomers Best

Oprah ... if not the most visible and famous boomer is damn close! Did she have much luck, or it was just hard work and is the right place at the right time? The reality is that you can have the best chance and be great, but unless you never reach your target audience you enter the huge success Peaks connection. For example, there are a host of great singers there, and few make it to the top ... and even fewer remain there!That is another question ... Today, the fifteen minutes of fame can be cut off at any time. Movie stars, celebrities and musicians are only as good as their last film or last song ... You can forget very quickly. The headlines today for negative things is very fashionable, and brings a wave of attention. But like everything it has become yesterday.

What has kept this famous baby boomer on so long? It is entirely possible that their reign of fabulous couldto go on indefinitely ... Where there is a fascinating subject, it has the most interesting and popular guest. In my humble opinion, she Interviewing skills far surpass any other talk show hosts. Your generosity is unapproachable.

She has brought fame and fortune to many with only one reference to their names or titles. I have sweet dreams at night always thought my book on the Oprah Winfrey show mentioned. Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz have fame that many physicians and psychologists could onlyDream away, pointing to her.

So, what is the downside ... She has the perfect life, as we look through the mirror. Their only problem seems to be their weight, which fluctuated more than her show ratings rise from it. She has a trainer, special chef to cook her healthy and low calorie diet, and yet we have all seen it go up and down the size ladder for many years. Food issues can in some ways more serious than alcohol addiction. It is mainly because we have to eatto stay alive. Nothing stimulates the taste buds like eating ... You can give up alcoholic drinks and not even deal with them, but food is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid. We have to eat to stay alive. Just walking down the street and passing a bakery can ruin any well planned diet. So you have a fried egg on dry toast, you are not only hungry and not satisfied, but you may crave something sweet.

And Oprah goes, many functions and parties, and underto healthy food choices from gourmet dinners to dissect takes more willpower than you may have. All the dishes served out in restaurants and at parties is to the good taste, and you know what that means in terms of calories and fat content.

Each author or cause the person with their particular would sell their first born, to show her to be ... And if her book club choices are ... We are all waiting with bated breath .... It is difficult to fathom how many books could be sold to only one call fromOprah.

She certainly has enough money to retire ... and perhaps play straight, but she continues. She has done to help so many good things in their lives of people with her angel network, her special gifts, her voice and much more.

So I raise my glass with diet soda, they go to for a long time!

