วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Death Mask

Death Mask Review

This is one of my favorite kung fu movies and it ranks up there with Swordsman 2 in my eyes. The dubbing is really cheesy and adds a lot to the fun. This movie is about two brothers separated at birth to protect them from the evil Ninth Prince who killed their father to steal the throne. One brother grows up under the thumb of the Ninth Prince and secretly learns kung fu, but his skills are not enough to defeath the Ninth Prince. The other brother, who is presumed dead, was dropped off at a small courtyard inhabited by the three Holy Fools. They are being punished for hurting too many people with their kung fu and are not allowed to leave the compound. They agree to raise Tou Heng. They end up teaching him their powerful form of martial arts without him even knowing it. This movie has some of the most best fight choreography I have seen in any movie! This is a MUST SEE for any kung fu fan. In fact, buy two in case one wears out.

Death Mask Feature

Death Mask Overview

Death Mask Specifications

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 07, 2009 13:27:06

