วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

In the Mood for Love

Before in the old days when people had secrets that they share not want

They would climb a mountain and you will find a tree

Carve a hole in the tree, and whispering the secret in the tree,

And cover the hole with mud

In this way, no one would be the secret ...


The two lead characters in this film (Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung), not even kissing. The closest they get is a temporary brush of his fingers. Still "In the Mood for Love" is one of thethe greatest romantic movies of all time ... a timeless classic.

The story is simply told and simply beautiful. It's about two people who meet to find their lives by an irony of fate, fall in love. But they discover that it does not allow the situation closely, they found, they are to stay together. They are bound by the conventions of society and by their own innate decency. The way they fall in love without realizing it is lovingly illustrated bysmall details.

But the plot is irrelevant in a film like this. There is too little dialogue. It is by the great Hong Kong auteur director Wong Kar-Wai. As in all his films, it's all about the atmosphere. The haunting instrumental score, the red-colored images permeate the film seeps into your senses and drown in nostalgia and sadness.

Almost the entire film takes place in the interior. The sequences shot in the rain in narrow by-lanes, the smoke slowly in the directionthe roof, Maggie waiting at a roadside food stall ... transforms even the most mundane of scenes into an indelible image of the awe cinema.

Tony Leung won best actor at Cannes in 2000 for his performance in this film. And he deserves it. By a mere glance, he bares the depths of his heart, how could you never imagined. And Maggie Cheung looks heartbreakingly beautiful.

What happens is inevitable at the climax of this film. It follows thelogical sequence of action. This is one of the movies where you do not hope for a clichéd Hollywood ending, what to do. But then it would not be the film ... A film about love and memories ... that to stay forever, even if love is long gone.

Starring: Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu Wai

Director: Wong Kar Wai

