วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of Tapeworm

Many have tapeworm parasitism as one of the most common reasons why people identify a pet, an animal doctor. If you broke your pet through the intestines tapeworms, they will experience diarrhea with excessive mucus, a rumbling stomach and worm segments, which are present in her chair.

The cat or dog tapeworm infection is called Dipylidium caninum. This worm life cycle starts in the anus of the infected cat or dog. If the animal takes a pot, a small segment of the worm goes withthe chair, with some tapeworm eggs. These eggs will lay dormant in soil for several months until they accidentally (of a flea immediate host) are consumed. You can already imagine how the whole system works.

The flea, the tapeworm egg is eaten, another parasite that sets his foot hide on your pet. Many animals digest a flea accidentally, because these animals use their mouth for almost everything (for scratching, cleaning themselves, and others). If the flea that ateEggs from an animal, gestation takes place digested, the tapeworm eggs and larvae develops and thrives in the intestinal wall of the animal until it reaches it's adult life. When these viruses reproduce, they will shed segments which the eggs may contain the animal sacrifice of love to spread during the "potty" time.

Tapeworms very adventurous bear embryos. If they have not been consumed by fleas, they divide into nearby water sources and supplies. It is easy to think that when animalsinjection, the worms, they automatically mature into adult worms, Well, think again. The worms stay in the stomach of the host feeding underdeveloped and some are known to slip into the bloodstream. The blood vessels used to transport the highway to relocate to major organs and muscles. Some underdeveloped Tapeworms can tunnel into the liver or in the worst case, the race in the lungs, brain and spinal cord. Creepy!

If this cunning embryo is happy in his new home, she surroundshimself) in a cyst (a fluid-filled sac. It does not come from the cyst until the meat arise (where she lives) is eaten by another animal. That is usually how people or animals at the end with tape worms in the intestine.

Fortunately, this infection is more common in dogs and cats, not humans. You must be careful only to swallow is not a flea. You must also watch undercooked beef, pork or fish. The worm larva of this kind of meat direct use as a host. Since the human way of life isvery "in-line" with the proper hygiene and proper cooking, this makes tapeworm infection rare in the human way of life.

However, this does not mean you can not suffer from one. You will know very easily if you are "heavily" infested with tapeworms. You get painful cramps in the abdomen, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. The common human symptoms include nausea, severe abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss and worm fragments from the chair of the person or clothing(Underwear).

Remember to use the word "severe"? In many cases, people will not even know that a tapeworm is in their system. Tapeworms do not affect a person's health, unless the person is already malnourished. If you notice the symptoms of a tapeworm indigestion, stress or simply a result irritable bowel syndrome. Most people only notice a tapeworm infection, when they spot "proglottids" segments in their feces or clothing. It is understandable thatYou may prefer not to know, but for your own good, you know! To really be safe, it is best to go to your clinic and a "chair" test.

There is no question that the mere thought of tapeworm is the stuff of which horror movies. The fact that they could rotate through the intestines and on our meals enough to prosper is to leave at a frightening picture in our minds. No matter how much you despise, tapeworms are not gone. These worms are everywhere and theyreproduce in a dizzying rate. Your best defense is to know how to clean and prevent these worms, the paradise in your body and your pet's body.

"The raw material"

There is a slim chance you will get the following tapeworm: The pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), the beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata) and the fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum). These worms are common in North America and Europe, cosmopolitan cities.

Of course, avoiding the consumption ofraw meat cuts each case, the risk of these worms. Many speculate that the performance of the part of the fish with Diphyllobothrium larva enough, preventive measure before serving the meat to the customers. Not quite!

The only way to be sure that the meat is very good, or freeze, but not less than 4 days, the larva or worm fragments (implementing kill the eggs cook) that lie in wait. If you eat in a restaurant, it is always best to require that the meat"well-done", especially red meat.

"Pet Boarding Houses"

The best way to get rid of the pet tapeworms is to prevent them from reaching your pet's stomach? How do you do this? The answer is simply "your pet on board." Leave your pets in the care of pet boarding establishments may be convenient for you, but in reality it is impossible) for these people, the animals against fleas (or other infestations before your pet is mixed with another dog or a cat to review.

If you do notchoice but to board your pet, make sure you clear instructions on your pet, we may not be in contact with other pets to leave. This prevents your "flea-free pet from the intake of infected fleas.

