วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Movie Trailers

Movie trailers are short film advertisements of new movies not yet in theaters. You are preview of the film, that clues to the plot and introduce the actors and the scenery.

Followers are so named because in the early years of cinema, were shown the advertisements for one film after another movie. Supporters are now shown at the beginning of movies so that people do not miss it.

Followers are often the best shots from the Selectedfunny or exciting moments of the film. Some trailers carry special footage-scenes shot only for advertisement and left out of the film. For example, in a trailer for the classic Casablanca, the character Rick Blaine says, "Okay, we did not ask! "Prior to Major Strasser, a scene not included in the final film shoots.

Trailers are highly compressed and polished show. Some common elements of all the followers of a green or red ribbon graphic at the beginning of the traileran indication of the certification by the Motion Picture Association of America. Then come the logos of the studio, production and sales companies. The music maybe specially composed or it may exist already popular themes. A throw is performed also showed that publicizing the stars of the film with the director. An attractive voice-over may explain about the plot.

Supporters in the studio, perhaps even made or awarded, perhaps even outside agencies as called trailer homes. Supporterdone with great care for market research and consulting with studio bosses and revisions galore before the final product is made in the market.

Free trailers are available in most Internet entertainment sites. Some websites contain Movie Trailer The Internet Movie Database, Singingfish, Alta Vista, Video Search, Net broadcaster.com, Hollywood.com, and Apple Movie Trailers.

Followers are sometimes criticized for the use of clichéd statements like: "In a world where ..." Somefree trailers contain scenes that are not present in the movie. Some directors are of the view that a trailer must summarize the whole movie but others believe that they must only arouse some interest in the viewer.

With the free trailer revolution on the Internet, movie studios are doing brisk business in ticket sales. Attractive trailers entice people young and old to come in droves to the theatres.

