วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Carrie (Decades Collection with CD)

Carrie (Decades Collection with CD) Review

This movie is very creepy. A teenaged girl named Carrie White is always being picked on and made fun by the sexy teenaged girls. (Her psycho God-crazed mom doesn't help.) The girls even threw towels at her while she was crying and having her period. When the gym teacher; Miss Collins sees this happening, she forbids them to go to the prom. Sue Snell, who was throwing towels felt bad and told her boyfriend, Tommy Ross to take Carrie to the prom. Chris Hargensen, one of the girls who hates Carrie plans a terrible revenge that involves pig's blood and asks her boyfriend Billy Nolan to help her. Prom night; Carrie and Tommy are having a wonderful time and (for some reason) win prom King and Queen. After they celebrate, the blood is dropped on Carrie, and the bucket drops on Tommy's head and kills him. Soon, everybody laughs. What Chris and Billy didn't know was that Carrie had telekinesis and uses her powers to kill just about everyone in the gym. Later, Carrie's mom tries to kill her, but Carrie kills her mom and their house falls in and kills Carrie also. The very end with Sue putting the flowers on Carrie's grave and a bloody hand pops up is awesome. Hell, the whole movie is awesome. I would love to take Carrie to the prom. If you love horror, revenge, and proms, you'll love CARRIE!!!

Carrie (Decades Collection with CD) Feature

Carrie (Decades Collection with CD) Overview

Studio: Tcfhe/mgm Release Date: 09/23/2008 Run time: 98 minutes Rating: R

Carrie (Decades Collection with CD) Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 30, 2009 22:00:05

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 1

Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 1 Review




Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 1 Feature

Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 1 Overview

Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 1 Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 29, 2009 11:32:13

วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Killer Cult Classics

Killer Cult Classics Review

I feel like I was swindled because I bought this box set at my video store for 25 bucks....now I see it here for ! But this box set was still worth it, the movies are great choices and the cover art is very nicely done. If anyone knows of another similar or better box set, let me know, trying to make a huge collection. :)

Killer Cult Classics Feature

Killer Cult Classics Overview

KILLER CULT CLASSICS FOUR-PACK The Brain That Wouldn't Die This lurid, low-budget shocker is a true giant among cult movies, in which Jan Compton (Virginia Leith) literally loses her head in a fiery car crash, and awakens as a monstrosity. Approximately 83 minutes Black and White The Killer Shrews Best known as Deputy Festus Haggen on Gunsmoke, Ken Curtis produced and co-stars in this schlock classic about giant shrews that consume their body weight every eight hours. Approximately 69 minutes Black and White Teenagers from Outer Space Aliens plan to use Earth as grazing land for lobster-like critters, but Derek (David Love) rebels and must evade a pursuer armed with a disintegrator ray that turns people to bones. Approximately 86 minutes Black and White The Wasp Woman An eccentric scientist develops an enzyme extract from royal wasp jelly that rejuvenates Janice Starlin (Susan Cabot), with one tiny little side effect: it turns her into a monster! Approximately 72 minutes Black and White

Killer Cult Classics Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 28, 2009 11:15:05

วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Misunderstandings of Downloading Movies

If you think downloading movies is illegal and difficult and only for teenagers, think again. While there are still many illegal downloading, there are many services that allow you to download movies, either free or for a small fee, with the permission of the major film companies.

It took a while, but finally the big film companies to build high quality movie services. They realized that movie lovers would not want their filmDownload custom. The wave was only growing by the moment.

Downloading movies is still a little complicated, but like everything, once you've done it a few times, you will have no trouble at all.

You need a high speed connection. If you are still on dial-up, it is not recommended that you try to download movies, because the file size is so large. Most films will be 600 MB or more. You need a high-speed cable or ADSLConnection.

Movie Download Sites

Pay attention to the online research service for the right film to suit you best. There are movie services, which you can see movies for unlimited monthly fee and charge per download fee. Browse the selection to determine whether the site is worth the money. The size of the selection of movies can choose from dozens of millions. The quality sites usually give you a free look before you commit to.

Almost all the movie sites Including some additional advantages, such as: additional scenes, commentaries, interviews and more. They live in hard times find these benefits to movie rental store.

There are a variety of movie download sites are, so make sure to take the time to find just the right thing for you. Prices range from a one-time download fee of $ 14.00 to $ 4.00 per movie.

But look on the bright side, are more and more movie selection on a weekly basis. This will ensure that you had enoughTo see> movie on your spare time.

The legitimate services generally offer excellent customer service. When you download new movies are, this is of crucial importance. Customer support staff will you about anything and everything on foot.

Almost all the services you receive movie download software you are looking for, download and watch favorite films.

Below are some frequently asked questions for the downloading of movies:

1) Isn't download steal?NO. The movie studios have agreed to allow downloads, so if you download a copy of the film belongs to, are you.

2) What is the quality of the movies? This all depends on the source of movie downloads. Some of us believe that nothing less than DVD quality movies. Then there are others who have a range of quality with various formats.

3) Is file sharing legal? Yes, but it is illegal to download copyright films. So, you might want to join only sites, a freemonthly fee to stay in the safe side.

4) Can I movies on my iPod? Yes, some sites are offering iPod with video converter software.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cemetery Man

Cemetery Man Review

Everything you have read about this film is spot on but I haven't heard anyone mention that there is no Italian audio. You do get the Italian trailer and I want the option to listen to the film in Italian. that's all. Good movie still, do not let this miniscule complaint detour you from purchasing and experiencing this film.

Cemetery Man Feature

Cemetery Man Overview

Studio: Starz/sphe Release Date: 06/13/2006 Run time: 99 minutes Rating: Nr

Cemetery Man Specifications

If you think you hate your job, think again. Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett), the titular Cemetery Man, lives a lonely life with a dead-end career. He works and resides in a cemetery that holds a dark, hidden secret. You see, those who are buried in Dellamorte's cemetery have the tendency to rise from the dead. Francesco's job is to make sure the dead remain dead. When they rise, he must hunt them down and ensure they get their eternal rest. Since his strange career takes up most of his time, there is no room in his life for romance or friendship. His sole companion is his mute, Igor-like assistant Gnaghi (François Hadji-Lazaro). Not surprisingly, Francesco has grown weary of the dull drum and repetitive routine his job and life have become. It is not until he meets the girl of his dreams (Anna Falchi), who happens to be a widow attending her husband's funeral, that Francesco realizes that there may be more to life than this. Sound a bit odd? Well, it is. But fans of the zombie and the "twentysomething disgruntled worker" genres will feel right at home with this Michele Soavi cult favorite. At its center, Cemetery Man is a black comedy/existential mediation on loneliness and career disappointment. But where Fight Club is entrenched in an action/buddy-flick setting and Office Space is a strict black comedy, Cemetery Man is staged deep in the Italian zombie genre, giving it extra points for originality. --Rob Bracco

Stills from Cemetary Man (Click for larger image)

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 25, 2009 23:04:06

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movie Review of the Black Knight

"Holy Oscars Batman!" The Dark Knight is definitely not too short on action or Oscar-winning performance. It makes you literally pop out of your seat with terror, and it is full of surprises, guess you do not expect or full.

The imagery of the film is simply breathtaking. I have not seen the IMAX version of the film can say is that it has the multiplex-screen version of "wow factor determined. Every scene is artistically done. What has this enriching experience are the scenes shot in IMAX. Shootingin IMAX is definitely a challenge. The IMAX cameras weigh about 60 pounds. It was not an easy task to drag these monsters up to the rooftops. I understand that the cameras have to be reloaded after three minutes of recording. These have incredible patience on the part of the director and the crew is required. The film is so engaging that you think you are more than just spectators. Perhaps one of their own citizens Gotham City's Enduring chaos.

It has a lot of press about Ledger's health wasRole as the Joker. For me there is no doubt that Ledger an Oscar winning performance provided. Ledger takes the voice of the Joker with his own creative pitch, timbre and rhythm. Ledger even more clearly defining the Joker's joke. There is not even throughout the entire film in which Ledger seems out of character. His portrayal of the Joker is just criminal!

Each actor awards. I loved Michael Cain, Alfred. Cain's Alfred is so highly developed and focused the whole time. You canFeel the royalty and the warmth of nature. Morgan Freeman's Lucius Fox, creates wonderful gadgets for Batman. It is reminiscent of "Q" in James Bond's 007th Gary Oldman's Jim Gordan, is very exciting and not boring. Aaron Eckhart's DA character was to be very emotionally moving.

The Dark Knight definitely lives up to the hype and then some. It is definitely a MUST SEE!

Subscribe to my free newsletter at: lorrainemessina.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Get Unlimited Download of Movies

There are loads of websites offer online movie download but you must be careful when downloading movies. If you do not know how to choose the best site, you cheated, and your PC may be infected by malicious viruses and spyware. You should receive a secure service for unlimited downloads of movies.

One way to download movies is by on-line store of the film, where you for every movie you want to pay. If you love to observe and collectFilms that could be used for any movie with very expensive in the long run. You will save more if you use a download service, which you can find unlimited downloads of movies.

If you use the Internet search on unlimited download of movies, or you will be a lot of web sites or P2P file sharing networks to obtain. Most of these websites are sharing copyrighted movies illegally, you could get in trouble for violating copyright law if you cling toSites like these and download movies. You might also be harmful viruses and spyware to break into your computer's security, could jeopardize personal and other important data.

In your search, you can also find membership sites offering unlimited downloads of movies. Membership sites are the best choice for movie downloads. You have to pay for the membership and is acquired by the membership, you get unlimited access to the membersArea to receive unlimited downloads of movies, music, TV shows, games and much more. No hidden fees or recurring, one-time payment, and all downloads are free for you anytime. Membership sites are scanned and virus free all files backed up.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dark Forces

Dark Forces Review

Known in the rest of the world as HARLEQUIN, this modern mystical "Svengali" story with a twist has never had a decent home video release. Shot in expressive widescreen Panavision it doesn't translate well to indifferent pan & scan jobs, like the OOP VHS and U.K. cheapie DVD. Elite has issued a very nice looking 16X9 enhanced scope version with Director and Producer commentary, a nice and informative touch.

David Hemmings, a political hotshot, has a terminally ill son who seems to magically improve under the (seemingly) benign influence of a modern "court jester", (Robert Powell) who appears at his son's birthday party as a clown and ends up insinuating his way into a position of influence with his wife and child. If this sounds very Rasputin-like it is, but the story has a few surprises along the way.

If you've never seen this gem and like subtle and tense supernatural / suspense stories give it a try.

Dark Forces Feature

Dark Forces Overview

Dark Forces Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 22, 2009 07:49:10

วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Do Indonesian Filmmakers Love to Make Horror Movies?

Be released as I know, about 20 or 41% of Indonesian films in 2007, was horrified. The trend will continue in 2008, where about 18% (production of 77 films) horror. This is a big decrease. But in terms of history, which since the 1940s, there is the horror genre in Indonesia. The market has never really satisfied.

Indonesian industrial film (and television, actually), until now considered later this genre as a great talisman for distribution. TheTalisman has been worth recently, yes. There was also a bonus to your favorite filmmakers: Chances of terror is always cheaper than, say, the drama. One of the reasons to this genre does not require a huge star. Simply amazing, and the newcomer to the tickets not yet sold out.

In addition, the Department of Culture and Tourism in Indonesia had opened state for the sale of Indonesian films at international film festivals such as Cannes every year since 2007. Some of these filmsare horrified. Surprisingly, it sold well, some dealers in the horrors Europe.How come to consider the "left brain" people, I do not know.

But in Indonesia are horror movies never die, because they enjoyed here as spectators. We would love to fear from. There is nothing wrong with that. A bystander saw action film to be surprised and felt like wheezing, watching comedy for more great laugh. And horror observed whatBe afraid!

But things have excessive side-effect of it myself, right? While other people have never problems with walking everywhere he / she loves and works overtime until midnight, we, the Indonesian? Under a foot step away, we are worried. Beginning to feel as if in the corner of a "thing" might suddenly appear. So many supernatural beings that Indonesian citizens should be afraid!

Yes, there are these supernatural beings, if you ask me. Do not you think? Come to Indonesiaand ask the natives. Every region and culture has its own supernatural beings. Only, I wonder why some Indonesian is willing to not believe its time for something to be human, that companies such as waste.

Take a look in more detail here, "lottery fortune teller still in demand, we also believe it yet, Tarot, Oracle Service via short message service, etc. Even some of the boys who represented the modern generation logic depends on astrology, living their lives. If not, why they keepto expected horoscope column in the youth and cosmopolitan media?

Some said that our society is spiritually closer to believe: too much. This is a question of culture. As Indonesian films is sterile from horror genre?

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 3 (The Atomic Brain / The Sidehackers / The Unearthly / Shorts, Vol. 2)

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 3 (The Atomic Brain / The Sidehackers / The Unearthly / Shorts, Vol. 2) Review

Any review of Mystery Science Theater 3000 written by me is boilerplate. MST3K was one of the funniest and most intelligent TV series ever to inhabit the ether. I am proud to possess a copy of every episode (except the missing K0-K3 titles, and you Misties know of what I speak).

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 3 (The Atomic Brain / The Sidehackers / The Unearthly / Shorts, Vol. 2) Feature

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 3 (The Atomic Brain / The Sidehackers / The Unearthly / Shorts, Vol. 2) Overview

Studio: Wea-des Moines Video Release Date: 04/08/2003 Run time: 372 minutes Rating: Nr

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 3 (The Atomic Brain / The Sidehackers / The Unearthly / Shorts, Vol. 2) Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 19, 2009 02:29:06

วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Silent Hill (Widescreen Edition)

Silent Hill (Widescreen Edition) Review

An elaborate review is probably best for this film. But it is also an experience to behold. I will say the widescreen transfer is clean and sharp. If you are a fan of the game series or have an open mind then allow your senses to be assaulted. It is very well done and is abstract in every sense. One of the most original and frightening movies I have ever seen.

Silent Hill (Widescreen Edition) Feature

Silent Hill (Widescreen Edition) Overview

A lot of movies can be described as "dripping with atmosphere," but in the case of Silent Hill it's literally true. Faithfully adapted from the Konami video games by French director Christophe Gans and Pulp Fiction cowriter Roger Avary (both self-confessed video game addicts), this dark and grisly horror-fest is nothing if not a triumph of cinematography and production design, consisting of a minimal and mostly incoherent plot propped up by a mysterious maze of sets that literally seep, drip, and ooze with the atmospheric evil of past misdeeds. Welcome to the abandoned and perpetually foggy ghost town of Silent Hill, where grey ash falls like snow, a devastating coal-mine fire still burns in a hellish underground, and demons of various shapes and sizes make your worst nightmares seem like a walk in the park. It's here that distressed mother Rose (played by Pitch Black heroine Radha Mitchell) has taken her daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) in hopes of discovering the source of Sharon's sleepwalking nightmares. What they find instead is a burned-out legacy of unspeakable evil, as Silent Hill's dark secrets are revealed. As opposing denizens of Silent Hill's meta-morphing underworld, Canadian actresses Alice Krige and Deborah Kara Unger seem to be the only ones who recognize this morbid mess as campy comedy; Gans (who established his visual flair with The Brotherhood of the Wolf) and Avary take it far too seriously, and the entire movie is utterly devoid of any emotional hooks or plot logic that would make us care about anything that happens. In crafting a loyal big-screen rendition of Silent Hill and its Playstation sequels, they've forgotten that movies play by a different and more demanding set of rules. As a result, they've made an impressive-looking but ultimately hollow horror film that only Silent Hill game-players can truly appreciate. --Jeff Shannon

Silent Hill (Widescreen Edition) Specifications

Based on the best-selling horror action game Silent Hill stars Radha Mitchell (Man on Fire) as Rose a desperate mother who takes her adopted daughter Sharon to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car crash Sharon disappears and Rose begins her desperate search to get her back. She descends into a fog of smoldering ash and into the center of the twisted reality of a town's terrible secret. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and a townspeople stuck in permanent purgatory Rose begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town 30 years back. Dare to step inside the horrific town of Silent Hill where darkness preys on every soul and Hell's creations await around every corner. But know that once you enter...there is no turning back.System Requirements:Running Time: 125 MinutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: R UPC: 043396138841 Manufacturer No: 13884

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 17, 2009 11:20:11

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

B Horror Movie Night

When life throws you a concrete block, instead of feeling a strawberry flavored snowball, not bad.
A good low-rated B-movie will give you warm and fuzzy all over. In the days when
Money was tight, I always new I could go in the middle of the island and choose a Blockbuster
Winner. Now it's your turn!

Over the years, B-movies a bad rap from critics and the butt-end of jokes received
at college parties. Two young men get drunk and then the great ideaLooking through
their film collections. They raise a good as Wild Things? No! Select a movie
called, "Attack of the Crab Monsters!" You definitely have to be three sheets to the wind;
to observe and enjoy a cheesy crab movie. Ed Wood's classic B-movie, "Glen or Glenda"
can easily be used for a cup of coffee or your favorite roller coaster new dartboard.

Thanks to acquire a site called Stupid, you can see the worst B-movies on the planet. Vincent Price was a
greatActor, but he does not always have its fair share of good film roles. What is exciting, the "Stupid" site has even shocked plastic B-movie victim, you can next to your bathroom's soap dish. After a B-horror movie night, it's good for one last cry as brushing your teeth. While flossing teeth, you can stare at the small figures so stupid, you'll cry like a baby for milk.

The "Stupid" website allows you to such wonderful films as A purchaseBucket Of Blood and
Attack of the Giant Leeches. Stupid me what the side, the bad movie night kit.
You do not just buy a kit with a low-budget films, but you get microwave popcorn and a barf
Pocket. The barf bag is what sealed the deal for me! I new if I ever saw Paris Hilton to act again
I need a lot of barf bags! Put Paris Hilton in a movie and you have a run of the mill,
low price-low-budget B-movie would make your dog fun.

ArmyDarkness is one of the best B-horror movies of all time! Great shooting and knee-slapping lines make this strip B a keeper. Who is The Blob (password 1958), and who wants to remember! How about the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, now here is a movie you can see some ripe tomatoes flew,
while leaving them in a can! Here is a list of my favorites is Blood Freak, Bloodsucking Freaks,
Body Melt, A Boy and His Dog, The Brain, Brain Damage, Attack of the Super Monsters,and
Bad Taste. These are real movies that are really bad, and is a bad taste of raw unfiltered leave
Horseradish juice into his mouth. Watch the movies is like drinking moonshine with a laxative mixed cocktail.

In the movie "The Brain" a hideous creature takes the human brain, mental abilities through the television.
Let's think about this once and for one minute. OK, I'm done. If your really bored and do not want to mow
Your garden, then check theFilm blades. Blades is a movie where people are terrorized by a
Killer Lawn Mower. What comes next snowblower a killer! Wait, wait ... How about a killer food mixer.
This title is a beauty, "juicer Terrorizes City, where people act like vegetables and
These girls are fruity. "Well, it's time for me to step away from the keyboard before I go fruit
Loops (large grain).

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Arabic TV Channels Available in the USA

Arab TV channels now available in the United States can enhance the viewing pleasure of many Arab Americans. Keeping up with events in their homeland is as easy as turning on the TV screen. There are a multitude of channels now available from DirecTV and Dish Network. So for those who would not be aware of them, I list the Arabic channels here.

Dish Network

Abu Dhabi is a 24-hour-a-day Arabic-language general entertainment channel, is considered aof the most prestigious canals in the Middle East. Abu Dhabi offers the Arab-Americans an exciting lineup of various programming languages such as news, programs, current events, film, fashion, sports and much more.

Al Arabiya is a top 24-hour-a-day Pan Arab news channel catering to the Arab audience worldwide. Al Arabiya's news programming includes politics, economics, current events, financial updates and sports highlights.

AL JAZEERA24-hour-a-day and offers exclusively through DISH Network, is the beginning of Al-Jazeera Arabic news channel in the Middle East, the news from around the world. Al Jazeera has a wide selection of documentaries and uncensored political talk shows.

Al Zikr a family-oriented radio stations 24 hours of cultural programming with a focus on history, language, customs and religion. The programming includes live talk shows includes a variety of topics and events and Al Zikrvaluable cultural Arab events from many places in the Arab world linking the Arab and Muslim immigrants with their homeland.

ART AMERICA a unique blend of Arabic and multi-language programming consisting of mini-series, dramas, movies, sports (live and recorded soccer events directly offers from the Middle East) and talk shows.

ART MOVIES features Arabic-language programming from Egypt, Lebanon and in different regions of theMiddle East. ART Movies offers newly released and classical movies, mini-series, dramas and talk shows such as "Sahraa."

ART MUSIC radio channel consists of modern and classical Arabic music, talk shows and interviews with new and established artists in the Arab music industry.

Dandana TV is a 24-hour-a-day Arabic music video channel broadcast from the United States with its hip shows, music videos and coverage of majorArab-American events, Dandana TV is the pop culture view of the DISH Network Arabic bouquet.

DUBAI Satellite Channel offers variety television entertainment from the United Arab Emirates to top sporting events, provides the latest news, movies, documentaries and TV series.

DUBAI SPORTS is a 24 / 7 sports channel broadcasting from Dubai. One of the leading sports channels in the Arab world because of its distinguished sports programmingincluding highlights of various major soccer leagues from different continents, International speed boat racing, horse racing and much more.

ESC-1 live from Egypt, ESC-1 features a variety of television entertainment including the Egyptian Soccer League, "Good Morning Egypt", variety shows, movies, talk shows, children programs and much more.

Future TV offers top-rated Lebanese TV series, live news, game shows, cartoons, variety shows,Family Entertainment, football games and more 24-hour-a-day

Iqraa broadcast 24-hour-a-day in Egypt, is the first Arabic-language channel that offers religious, media, social and economic programs that are tailored to Muslim audiences. Iqraa programming includes documentaries, live talk shows, dramas, cultural and educational programs.

LBC, the Lebanese Broadcast Channel, fill your days with movies, sports, talk and mini-seriesShows such as "Ya Liel Ya laity."

MBC Middle East Broadcasting Center is a leading pan-Arab news and entertainment channel. The channel program offerings include general entertainment programs such as "Aalam," comedies such as "CBM, shows" talk, including "Kalam," game shows, in-depth news, social programs and children's programs.

Melody Arabia shipment from Egypt, is the highest so far 24-hour-a-day Arabic music video channel in theMiddle East and North Africa. Melody Arabia offers a variety of music programming including video clips from the 80's, 90's, as well as modern versions, many of which premiere on Melody Arabia and are exclusively for the channel. Melody Arabia is an important addition to the overall entertainment for Arab Americans in the U.S.

NBN The National Broadcasting Network, is considered the first 24-hour-a-day specialized news and thematic TV station in Lebanon. NBN proudon a wide variety of programming with in depth news shows including "Al Masa'iya" which has a very loyal fan base throughout the Arab world, superior documentaries such as "Ahzab Lubnan," provocative talk shows and on the latest sports and business programs.

NEW TV broadcast a 24-hour-a-day Arabic-language station from Lebanon, offers a wide range of general entertainment programs including dramas, musicals, news, documentaries, culture, education,special events and general entertainment programs for all generations and age groups.

Nile Drama is your choice for Egyptian current and classic films, TV series and family programming for all ages.

NourSat the first and only Christian channel from Lebanon and the entire Middle East. NourSat programming includes talk shows, documentaries, history, classical music recitals and social and spiritual programs.

DirecTVORBIT al-Yawm is a contemporary Arabic entertainment and variety channel, and delivers more than 35 hours of live Orbit productions per week. Al-Yawm offers the smartest fashion tips, inner beauty, care advice, the best recipes and zany comedy. Orbit Al-Yawm top programs include Oyoun Beirut and Al-Qahira Al-Yawm.

ORBIT Seen (the Series Channel) is the first 24-hour Arabic thematic channel of its kind in the region, with theBest Arabic TV series from the Middle East. The Series Channel delivers a variety of TV productions from drama and comedy melodrama from the historical biography. Orbit Seen features outstanding dramas like Kkaled by Bin Alwaleed and Sikkat Alhilali.

Rotana Cinema Channel is the leading movie service in the Middle East. It is based on the largest and richest library of Arabic movies in the world, and cinema news and entertainment programs,including "The Hala Show," hosted by Dr. Hala Sarhan.

ROTANA MOOSSIKA Channel is an Arabic Variety / Entertainment Channel, which is dedicated to music, videos, programs, concerts and festivals. Rotana Moossika has compiled the largest Arabic music library in the world, and exclusively features some of the top acts from the Arab world, including Amr Diab, Nagwa Karam, George Wassouf, Alissa and Kazem.

ROTANA ZAMAN channel offers state-of-the-artdigitally restored classic Arabic movies to millions of viewers around the world. Enjoy the legendary stars and singers - Om Kalthoum, Halim and Fairouz, as well as the popular program "Kashf el Mastour."

So you have it. 25 different channels. Entertainment for the whole family, young and old alike. Instead of seeing only five minutes clip of news from the Middle East, the clock in-depth coverage of the same event. It's like you put your home in your living room.

วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

HDTV Introduction

Are you looking to buy an HDTV? Take a look at our guide to find out what is going on HDTV.

1. What does HDTV stand for?

High Definition Television

2. What is HTDV?

There is a new technology and the type of shooting that has a higher color resolution, and gives you a sense or realism while watching the program. Sport is one of the leading industries in high-definition programming. To film in HDTV requires a special camera.

3. How can I tell if my TV is HDTV?

Itit should say right on the field or with the model number. HDTV is not HDTV! There is another side issue, most people overlooked due to pricing schemes and that pixel depth. The cheaper plasma and LCD have lower clarity, or pixels. Therefore, buying a large HDTV, you need to look for higher pixel resolutions.

4. Why Should I Buy One?

Because you never go back, it's like night and day. A true HDTV and HD-TV programs are ten times better than the razor-sharp imageCinemas. HDTV also many additional features that come standard old TV not. They usually have ports for connecting to your computer as a computer monitor, split screen, act more aspect ratios for the image in various formats. Since the cameras have been improved to record HD programs, they also went before and improved the sound system and you have to go even better sound quality, together with the improved image.

HDTV for a few years becameand therefore there are fewer errors and resolution screens. In addition, the price has drastically fallen, for around $ 2000, you can buy an excellent 32-42 ¡± high-resolution screen and all the additional options.

5. Is there anything else I should know when buying a HDTV screen?

Yes you can, the cables are very expensive. HDMI Cable, RGB, and others to maximize picture and sound quality (which are necessary) may be between $ 35 - $ 50 per cost center and you need several. It is not necessary to buy nameBranded cables, so you go to places like Radio Shack and buy the off brand for half the price. You will also find research on whether you should buy an LCD or plasma screen, for you and room arrangements you need one or the other.

วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Download Full DVD Movies For Free?

It seems that everyone wants to know how to get full DVD movies for free. The question is not whether you can find them, because it probably millions upon millions of download sites that you can do. Just do a simple search at the major search engines for a term like "download full DVD movies for free" and I'm pretty sure you will find throngs of those sites. So the question is whether they are truly free.

The websites you with free DVD movieDownloads are not using too large. You see, there are countless people like you and I, on the infiltration of unwanted software applications, complained on their computers. It is not uncommon for computer viruses, adware and spyware to be downloaded along with the movie files.

So, even if you do not pay a single cent to have full DVD movies, with the fact that your computer would suffer a slow, which would fight in performance and programsare affected and your surfing speed is greatly reduced. In some cases, the adware and spyware may flash you with unwanted commercial advertisements each time you surf or work with your computer. This is all part of this so-called free shows. Some of the downloads are also corrupted and damaged and non-working so can be a complete waste of your time.

There are no free downloads, really. But if you want full DVD movies, without having to download a bomb, there is anotherreliable option. Dozens of services an online presence offers movie downloads for a one-time membership either for a year founded, two years or for life. The prices do not change so much the most for lifetime membership to go. With membership, you get to download unlimited movies. There is no limit to how many movies are downloaded or if you are downloading.

Other advantages to download full DVD movies on these pages, membership is that the download speedsThey are fast and set up your computer from viruses, adware, spyware and so on.

Many movie enthusiasts are hopping on these download sites in droves to. It is much easier and cheaper to do instead of buying a DVD at the local mall. If you are interested to learn more about these sites to download full DVD movies, check out my movie blog.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Download Street Kings Full Movie

Do you want to download the entire movie Street Kings Online. Well, there are a lot of sites offers the character of Tom Ludlov detective film. But you have a few options before you consider the movie download site.

Some sites charge per download, while the others have a one-time fee and offer unlimited downloads. It is better that you for the one-time payment option, since you download unlimited movies, will not only allow one, you can use to have to go your ownCollection of your favorite movies.

Some sites like warez can be downloaded for free if you opt for porn sites, but they must be avoided because they are illegal. The one-time setup fee pages look, but each has its own set of functions.

Some of them you can only download to your computer while the others that you download to your iTunes downloads, and they are also compatible with the latest portable devices. There are also pages that are burning and DVDConversion to MP3 format. The design of this is similar, but there is a difference in the functions they offer.

Clarity is also an important thing when you are downloading. You do not want to be your download Street Kings of poor quality. Few of these offer clear DVD downloads. Speed is another thing that you need to make sure. Some sites have poor download speeds, while the other high speed downloads offer. If the speed is really low then you will never successfully downloaded StreetKings in your computer.

You must also offered with the titles of our website. Some sites offer around one million, while the others have around 80 million titles. It is better to consider the 80 million one, as you can have your own library of your favorite movies. You must also consider whether the site spyware, adware and virus protection offers.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Silent Night, Deadly Night

Silent Night, Deadly Night Review

Decent acting. Decent story line. Gratuitus boob shots (but that is it). Gore is not as "gory" as advertised though. Ms. Quigley is in top form. The movie is taken seriously...but, not TOO serious. Nice transfer and the sound is decent also. 80s shines through on this one!

Silent Night, Deadly Night Feature

Silent Night, Deadly Night Overview

Traumatized by his parents Christmas Eve rape and
murder, little Billy Chapman is brutalized by sadistic orphanage nuns. When a grown-up Billy is forced to dress as jolly St. Nick, he goes on a yuletide rampage to punish the naughty. Santa Claus is coming to
town...and this time he's got an axe! Robert Brian
Wilson and Linnea Quigley star in this jaw-dropping horror hit that a nation of angry mothers still can t stop!

Silent Night, Deadly Night Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 11, 2009 00:00:07

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Giant Gila Monster / The Killer Shrews

The Giant Gila Monster / The Killer Shrews Review

This DVD brings us a pair of movies from director Ray Kellogg, whose most notable work would be the John Wayne film "The Green Berets." But long before he worked with the Duke, Kellogg made a couple of low budget monster movies that show you what sort of creatures you come up with when you do not have any money. The good news is that one of those two bad B-movies should tickle your fancy and make the double feature worth the viewing.

"The Giant Gila Monster" is one of those films where you take a real animal and having it crawl through miniature sets. The tagline for this film was: "Only Hell could breed such an enormous beast. Only God could destroy it!" But this 1959 film made in north Texas for 8,000, is a lot more low-keyed than those lines would suggest. In fact, what is interesting given when this film is made is the key relationship between Sheriff Jeff (Fred Graham) and young Chase Winstead (Don Sullivan). The kid is working on his hot rod and instead of busting his chops the sheriff really functions as a mentor: he says he is concerned about the kids in town, and you actually believe it. The idea of having a movie in which a teenage hot rodder, who also sings like Pat Boone who is not a juvenile delinquent, or at least treated like one by the cops, is rather refreshing, although admittedly the character is a bit heavy on the saccharine. But Sullivan has a natural charm and the guy wrote his own songs, so give him some credit.

But since we are talking letting a Gila monster wander through miniatures in a film with teenage hot rodders, of course this movie received "MST3K" treatment (Season 4, when Joel turned Crow and Servo into "The Thing With Two Heads" as inspired by the movie of the same name"). My major complaint about this film is that the day for night shooting is so dark I have a hard time figuring out what is happening. Obviously the special effects budget is such that most of the "horror" is suggested by quick cuts rather than actually showing everything. Still, I like the way that everybody is pretty level headed in this film and deal with the giant Gila monster in a relatively intelligent manner without wasting a lot of time and effort. Yes, finding the monster, which is the size of several houses, should not take so long, but then the movie would be shorter and it is only 74 minutes anyway.

For me there is a lot more fun to be had with "The Killer Shrews," a 1959 movie that takes itself seriously despite having Miss Universe 1957, dogs dressed up in shag carpets, rubber heads with big teeth, and an escape plan that you have to see to believe. The only question is why did "MST3K" wait until season four to take on this one? This one has to be on my list of top ten bad monster movies. Thorne Sherman (James Best) delivers supplies to an island just as a hurricane is coming. He wants to wait out the story, but Dr. Milo Craigis (Baruch Lumet) wants Thorne to leave right away and take his daughter Ann (Ingrid Goude, Miss Sweden 1956 and then Miss Universe 1957), with him. The Doctor sounds German while his daughter has a very interesting Swedish accent, but that is not the biggest mystery on the island.

Dr. Craigis is concerned with over population and apparently his idea is was to shrink people to make food go farther. To this end he experiments with the DNA of shrews who (a) grow to the size of dogs wearing shag carpeting, (b) have all of their worst traits becoming dominant, and (c) develop poison saliva. You would think that any one of those three could cause problems when there are 300 shrews running around on an island, but no, all three happen. The number of humans starts dwindling as the shrews need desert after eating all of the livestock on the island, so everybody starts drinking more (think about it: do you really want DRUNK giant vicious shrews with poison saliva?). Jerry Farrell (Ken Curtis) decides that Ann sparking to Thorne is worse than having giant shrews attacking them, but soon sees the error of his ways and decides that going up on the roof would be a good idea. That is also because he thinks that the idea that Thorne comes up with to escape to the boat is stupid, but I have to say, in terms of 1950s black & white monster movies this plan actually makes sense.

Special mention must be made of Gordon McLendon who plays Dr. Radford Baines, the dedicated assistant to Dr. Craigis and who remains the consummate scientist even once he has been bitten. His death sets up what is probably the funniest line of the movie until we get to the end where the last exchange of dialogue provides a pretty funny punch line to the entire experience of pure terror trying to get away from the giant vicious shrews with poison saliva. There is just too much to enjoy in this movie, from listening to Goude's accent (you know it has to be Swedish but it does not sound Swedish and trying to figure out what it does sound like will drive you crazy), to watching the dogs covered in carpet frolick around the silly humans rolling on the ground, and waiting for one of the teeth on the rubber shrew heads to get caught on something and break off. "The Killer Shrews" is my kind of bad movie.

The Giant Gila Monster / The Killer Shrews Feature

The Giant Gila Monster / The Killer Shrews Overview

The Giant Gila Monster / The Killer Shrews Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 09, 2009 22:15:05

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

I Will Dance On Your Grave- Cannibal Hookers

I Will Dance On Your Grave- Cannibal Hookers Review

the fact that it was wirtten for los angeles and filmed in whittier is reason enough to love this piece of trash! i mean c'mon what do you expect from a film called cannibal hookers? shindler's list it ain't. if it were any better i wounldn't love it. it's a triquel for christ's sake! just eat some funnal cake, crack open a pabs, slip on your g-sting and enjoy!

I Will Dance On Your Grave- Cannibal Hookers Feature

I Will Dance On Your Grave- Cannibal Hookers Overview

I Will Dance On Your Grave- Cannibal Hookers Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 08, 2009 21:05:09

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Death Mask

Death Mask Review

This is one of my favorite kung fu movies and it ranks up there with Swordsman 2 in my eyes. The dubbing is really cheesy and adds a lot to the fun. This movie is about two brothers separated at birth to protect them from the evil Ninth Prince who killed their father to steal the throne. One brother grows up under the thumb of the Ninth Prince and secretly learns kung fu, but his skills are not enough to defeath the Ninth Prince. The other brother, who is presumed dead, was dropped off at a small courtyard inhabited by the three Holy Fools. They are being punished for hurting too many people with their kung fu and are not allowed to leave the compound. They agree to raise Tou Heng. They end up teaching him their powerful form of martial arts without him even knowing it. This movie has some of the most best fight choreography I have seen in any movie! This is a MUST SEE for any kung fu fan. In fact, buy two in case one wears out.

Death Mask Feature

Death Mask Overview

Death Mask Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 07, 2009 13:27:06

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Movie Trailers

Movie trailers are short film advertisements of new movies not yet in theaters. You are preview of the film, that clues to the plot and introduce the actors and the scenery.

Followers are so named because in the early years of cinema, were shown the advertisements for one film after another movie. Supporters are now shown at the beginning of movies so that people do not miss it.

Followers are often the best shots from the Selectedfunny or exciting moments of the film. Some trailers carry special footage-scenes shot only for advertisement and left out of the film. For example, in a trailer for the classic Casablanca, the character Rick Blaine says, "Okay, we did not ask! "Prior to Major Strasser, a scene not included in the final film shoots.

Trailers are highly compressed and polished show. Some common elements of all the followers of a green or red ribbon graphic at the beginning of the traileran indication of the certification by the Motion Picture Association of America. Then come the logos of the studio, production and sales companies. The music maybe specially composed or it may exist already popular themes. A throw is performed also showed that publicizing the stars of the film with the director. An attractive voice-over may explain about the plot.

Supporters in the studio, perhaps even made or awarded, perhaps even outside agencies as called trailer homes. Supporterdone with great care for market research and consulting with studio bosses and revisions galore before the final product is made in the market.

Free trailers are available in most Internet entertainment sites. Some websites contain Movie Trailer The Internet Movie Database, Singingfish, Alta Vista, Video Search, Net broadcaster.com, Hollywood.com, and Apple Movie Trailers.

Followers are sometimes criticized for the use of clichéd statements like: "In a world where ..." Somefree trailers contain scenes that are not present in the movie. Some directors are of the view that a trailer must summarize the whole movie but others believe that they must only arouse some interest in the viewer.

With the free trailer revolution on the Internet, movie studios are doing brisk business in ticket sales. Attractive trailers entice people young and old to come in droves to the theatres.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Oprah - Baby Boomers Best

Oprah ... if not the most visible and famous boomer is damn close! Did she have much luck, or it was just hard work and is the right place at the right time? The reality is that you can have the best chance and be great, but unless you never reach your target audience you enter the huge success Peaks connection. For example, there are a host of great singers there, and few make it to the top ... and even fewer remain there!That is another question ... Today, the fifteen minutes of fame can be cut off at any time. Movie stars, celebrities and musicians are only as good as their last film or last song ... You can forget very quickly. The headlines today for negative things is very fashionable, and brings a wave of attention. But like everything it has become yesterday.

What has kept this famous baby boomer on so long? It is entirely possible that their reign of fabulous couldto go on indefinitely ... Where there is a fascinating subject, it has the most interesting and popular guest. In my humble opinion, she Interviewing skills far surpass any other talk show hosts. Your generosity is unapproachable.

She has brought fame and fortune to many with only one reference to their names or titles. I have sweet dreams at night always thought my book on the Oprah Winfrey show mentioned. Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz have fame that many physicians and psychologists could onlyDream away, pointing to her.

So, what is the downside ... She has the perfect life, as we look through the mirror. Their only problem seems to be their weight, which fluctuated more than her show ratings rise from it. She has a trainer, special chef to cook her healthy and low calorie diet, and yet we have all seen it go up and down the size ladder for many years. Food issues can in some ways more serious than alcohol addiction. It is mainly because we have to eatto stay alive. Nothing stimulates the taste buds like eating ... You can give up alcoholic drinks and not even deal with them, but food is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid. We have to eat to stay alive. Just walking down the street and passing a bakery can ruin any well planned diet. So you have a fried egg on dry toast, you are not only hungry and not satisfied, but you may crave something sweet.

And Oprah goes, many functions and parties, and underto healthy food choices from gourmet dinners to dissect takes more willpower than you may have. All the dishes served out in restaurants and at parties is to the good taste, and you know what that means in terms of calories and fat content.

Each author or cause the person with their particular would sell their first born, to show her to be ... And if her book club choices are ... We are all waiting with bated breath .... It is difficult to fathom how many books could be sold to only one call fromOprah.

She certainly has enough money to retire ... and perhaps play straight, but she continues. She has done to help so many good things in their lives of people with her angel network, her special gifts, her voice and much more.

So I raise my glass with diet soda, they go to for a long time!

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of Tapeworm

Many have tapeworm parasitism as one of the most common reasons why people identify a pet, an animal doctor. If you broke your pet through the intestines tapeworms, they will experience diarrhea with excessive mucus, a rumbling stomach and worm segments, which are present in her chair.

The cat or dog tapeworm infection is called Dipylidium caninum. This worm life cycle starts in the anus of the infected cat or dog. If the animal takes a pot, a small segment of the worm goes withthe chair, with some tapeworm eggs. These eggs will lay dormant in soil for several months until they accidentally (of a flea immediate host) are consumed. You can already imagine how the whole system works.

The flea, the tapeworm egg is eaten, another parasite that sets his foot hide on your pet. Many animals digest a flea accidentally, because these animals use their mouth for almost everything (for scratching, cleaning themselves, and others). If the flea that ateEggs from an animal, gestation takes place digested, the tapeworm eggs and larvae develops and thrives in the intestinal wall of the animal until it reaches it's adult life. When these viruses reproduce, they will shed segments which the eggs may contain the animal sacrifice of love to spread during the "potty" time.

Tapeworms very adventurous bear embryos. If they have not been consumed by fleas, they divide into nearby water sources and supplies. It is easy to think that when animalsinjection, the worms, they automatically mature into adult worms, Well, think again. The worms stay in the stomach of the host feeding underdeveloped and some are known to slip into the bloodstream. The blood vessels used to transport the highway to relocate to major organs and muscles. Some underdeveloped Tapeworms can tunnel into the liver or in the worst case, the race in the lungs, brain and spinal cord. Creepy!

If this cunning embryo is happy in his new home, she surroundshimself) in a cyst (a fluid-filled sac. It does not come from the cyst until the meat arise (where she lives) is eaten by another animal. That is usually how people or animals at the end with tape worms in the intestine.

Fortunately, this infection is more common in dogs and cats, not humans. You must be careful only to swallow is not a flea. You must also watch undercooked beef, pork or fish. The worm larva of this kind of meat direct use as a host. Since the human way of life isvery "in-line" with the proper hygiene and proper cooking, this makes tapeworm infection rare in the human way of life.

However, this does not mean you can not suffer from one. You will know very easily if you are "heavily" infested with tapeworms. You get painful cramps in the abdomen, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. The common human symptoms include nausea, severe abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss and worm fragments from the chair of the person or clothing(Underwear).

Remember to use the word "severe"? In many cases, people will not even know that a tapeworm is in their system. Tapeworms do not affect a person's health, unless the person is already malnourished. If you notice the symptoms of a tapeworm indigestion, stress or simply a result irritable bowel syndrome. Most people only notice a tapeworm infection, when they spot "proglottids" segments in their feces or clothing. It is understandable thatYou may prefer not to know, but for your own good, you know! To really be safe, it is best to go to your clinic and a "chair" test.

There is no question that the mere thought of tapeworm is the stuff of which horror movies. The fact that they could rotate through the intestines and on our meals enough to prosper is to leave at a frightening picture in our minds. No matter how much you despise, tapeworms are not gone. These worms are everywhere and theyreproduce in a dizzying rate. Your best defense is to know how to clean and prevent these worms, the paradise in your body and your pet's body.

"The raw material"

There is a slim chance you will get the following tapeworm: The pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), the beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata) and the fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum). These worms are common in North America and Europe, cosmopolitan cities.

Of course, avoiding the consumption ofraw meat cuts each case, the risk of these worms. Many speculate that the performance of the part of the fish with Diphyllobothrium larva enough, preventive measure before serving the meat to the customers. Not quite!

The only way to be sure that the meat is very good, or freeze, but not less than 4 days, the larva or worm fragments (implementing kill the eggs cook) that lie in wait. If you eat in a restaurant, it is always best to require that the meat"well-done", especially red meat.

"Pet Boarding Houses"

The best way to get rid of the pet tapeworms is to prevent them from reaching your pet's stomach? How do you do this? The answer is simply "your pet on board." Leave your pets in the care of pet boarding establishments may be convenient for you, but in reality it is impossible) for these people, the animals against fleas (or other infestations before your pet is mixed with another dog or a cat to review.

If you do notchoice but to board your pet, make sure you clear instructions on your pet, we may not be in contact with other pets to leave. This prevents your "flea-free pet from the intake of infected fleas.

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best HBO Shows

In the last twenty years, HBO has shown high standards for television, so much so that many "heavy weights" Now look at this age the "golden age" of TV shows

You just have a look through the roster HBO recognize that it shows that others have made basic production companies, their play and intelligent green light shows produced. Below is a list of the groundbreaking HBO shows that TV shows have a lot more interesting than movies:

Oz (1997-2003) --This is the first HBO-produced TV show was simply outstanding. It was bold, unique, and yet its venerable audit was on a prison, the community of fellow prisoners was centered. They can be awarded in accordance with claim Oz, is the prison version of The Sopranos because of the insidious, but it's not quite the same level of size

Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000-2007) - as a "work of genius," Larry David the man who co-created "Seinfeld" plays an exaggerated versionhimself in this clever and refreshing brand of humor. While other sitcoms smells funny, this show has a clarity that makes events in the show credibility, and addictive

Deadwood (2004-2006) - although this is shown by the third season after partially canceled due to poor viewing figures, this show is intelligent, with interesting characters that are written by great actors. This is definitely one of the best HBO shows! Actor Ian McShane plays hisBusinessman character Al Swearengen as powerful as James Gandolfini plays Tony Soprano

Sex and the City (1998-2004) & Entourange (2004) - these two exhibitions are in the mass popularity as shown as '24 'and '30 Rock'. Although some of these shows over-view would - and they are definitely find out from the mass American audience - they do not have well-written two shows that HBO-known for his groundbreaking production

The crème de la crème of the HBO shows are withoutDoubt, The Wire (2002-2008) and The Sopranos (1999-2007). These two shows alone, have inspired many writers, directors and actors to consider television as an important platform for stories, and have seen that quality shows like "Tru Blood has been" Damages "and" green light. These shows are already considered one of the best HBO series

HBO has the "small screen" a respected platform, which now will say the same "big screen", some would even find thatTelevision is now more exciting than working in movies. More filmmakers are bucking the trend in Hollywood to work for a satisfying job in television

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

In the Mood for Love

Before in the old days when people had secrets that they share not want

They would climb a mountain and you will find a tree

Carve a hole in the tree, and whispering the secret in the tree,

And cover the hole with mud

In this way, no one would be the secret ...


The two lead characters in this film (Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung), not even kissing. The closest they get is a temporary brush of his fingers. Still "In the Mood for Love" is one of thethe greatest romantic movies of all time ... a timeless classic.

The story is simply told and simply beautiful. It's about two people who meet to find their lives by an irony of fate, fall in love. But they discover that it does not allow the situation closely, they found, they are to stay together. They are bound by the conventions of society and by their own innate decency. The way they fall in love without realizing it is lovingly illustrated bysmall details.

But the plot is irrelevant in a film like this. There is too little dialogue. It is by the great Hong Kong auteur director Wong Kar-Wai. As in all his films, it's all about the atmosphere. The haunting instrumental score, the red-colored images permeate the film seeps into your senses and drown in nostalgia and sadness.

Almost the entire film takes place in the interior. The sequences shot in the rain in narrow by-lanes, the smoke slowly in the directionthe roof, Maggie waiting at a roadside food stall ... transforms even the most mundane of scenes into an indelible image of the awe cinema.

Tony Leung won best actor at Cannes in 2000 for his performance in this film. And he deserves it. By a mere glance, he bares the depths of his heart, how could you never imagined. And Maggie Cheung looks heartbreakingly beautiful.

What happens is inevitable at the climax of this film. It follows thelogical sequence of action. This is one of the movies where you do not hope for a clichéd Hollywood ending, what to do. But then it would not be the film ... A film about love and memories ... that to stay forever, even if love is long gone.

Starring: Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu Wai

Director: Wong Kar Wai