วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Very Best Lifetime Movies

Have you ever wondered what were the titles in the list of best films of life? Well, no need to wait any longer and to ask themselves. Here are the links that the fans tweet life, rejoice, are mocking laugh and cry caused.

Touching Wild Horses

When you're alone in the mood for a true "3 Hanky" Tear-Fest, then you should with this story of a boy, relax horses, and an island. In this film the life of a 12-year-old girl loses her father and her sister in a car accident.His mother was in a coma and left to support life. It was decided that the child needs to communicate with his only other relative, an aunt, who live on an island with a population of 2 amazing life. The story revolves around the boys and the relationship that developed between him and the horses.

I Me Me

Well, maybe the title is not grammatically correct, but the chicken strips is more than enough to prompt the viewer to compensate for errors in syntax. One can not help but love is aFilm with a plot like this. The main character is plain and simply can not find Prince Charming, and decides to commit itself to "get" a way of dealing with his friends and disrupt personal frustrations. Of course you can imagine that in the midst of these plans, only the marriage, he meets the girl of his dreams. What a woman can expect that in this situation do?

The Carolyn Warmous Story

A great story based on true events. Carolyn Warmous is the spoiled child whosehis rich father granted every request. This femme fatale is clearly disturbed, but that is controlled for years, and became a teacher. A case of bad luck, led a murder, but if history is to blame for the lover's fascinating Carolyn remains highly questionable. Carolyn's grip, a master manipulator, the murder of his wife? We recommend that you see more than once.

To Be Fat Like Me

This is an interesting probe the feelings and reactionsOf human prejudices about people who are overweight. A young high school graduates to use a feature of "Grease training a reality" to a documentary about the problems and disputes in obese adolescents.

Mother Trucker: The Diana Kilmury Story

A loud, mother, who is hard to handle dual-clutch gearbox, tied Big Rigs Mafia and the Union of the truck with one hand behind his back.

A fee Remember

This is not a film that people like it, but if you wantHave fun, without understanding the plot, it is observed that. Malcolm-Jamal Warner shows a taxi driver who must credibly and operation of a business woman from Seattle, Washington to Los Angeles. Who could imagine that these two poles in his love?

