วันจันทร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Nostalgia: Black and White Halloween Horror Hits


When he to the movies with my father in the small towns of Western Illinois
Carthage and Warsaw, I was a little kid, that more than cooking with your promotional ideas on how to brainwash local low-budget horror films that are played you.

The Theater of Warsaw, was a building prefab hut on the main street in a city with two thousand people, overlooking the Mississippi River in 1950 and early 1960, is only open for dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday andSometimes he played a different picture every night. The Woodbine Theater in Carthage, about twenty miles east of the river and with a larger population, has tried to stay open all night, but rarely played until one film a week. The Theater of Warsaw, my father often walked the function room - old movies and new spending, the color of the load with minimum qualification requirements for Category western black and white "bottom" of the film. Sometimes when he answered my prayers, he would run in horror movies, and thiswere the films that I came out of my way encouraged. It was a very small town, so that our limited resources on my left hand a few ways to be creative, sometimes creating views lobby showcase board displays, posters and telephone - all made of cardboard and ink.

Some horror movies of the time, but was equipped with its own advertising - the particular by the director and producer William Castle schlock created. His gimmick was the first time in 1958, aPromo with Lloyd's of London Police, which includes watching the movie bosses in the unlikely event that he or she is scared to death, the macabre.

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Macabre is a low budget but well-paced thriller in black and white with a few shots to the shock of the value of the hand: A bloody corpse from falling into a mausoleum, a model of a corpse with a skull represented a small coffin during a funeral in the evening, his hand on the shoulder of a sudden the doctor whoSearch a cemetery for his daughter to be buried alive. The final solution is perhaps the biggest surprise of all, perhaps because it is entirely plausible. Greedy people, like in the movie House on Haunted Castle Hill, the horrors are real, not supernatural beings. However, the shocks are still in force - at least for the public that) no gore (as in the remake of the film with the same name. Until now, only two films have been remade CastleUpdated with Gore: The House on Haunted Hill and Ghosts thirteen. The young audience of today, tame, at least in America probably find the original versions of movies at pretty .*

Reason ally, if the artist in the Theater in Warsaw, I ordered an extra 8 x 10 stills from the movie National Screen Service and decorated the window of a local pharmacy with a cardboard cut - off from the cemetery. Shooting my tombstone, but delayed the means, when I wrote the names of localGraves. I designed it as a joke, but the black humor (the humor of the disease) is not a.

* In the same year, Hammer Films released their version of the story of Dracula with the title, the United States, Horror of Dracula. In 1958, it was surprisingly tame for some public and others. When I showed the film in 1990 for a class of college in Atlanta, found that slow pace in places and not very scary and disturbing. However, when I showed the film to a group of English literature in China2004 College Girls were invited to class to be returned. They were afraid, and I was shocked by her reaction.

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In spite of my art board, but the film has attracted only a small portion of our population. We have previously football competition.

For a Halloween night show a year, two horror father played ice hockey for young people: I Was a Teenage Frankenstein and THE RETURN OF DRACULA. ForThis double-bill the end of 1950, I built a cardboard castle on an exit for the inside of the screen and ran a wire from the projection booth. I hung some of the white sheet attached to a crutch and a chain attached to the hall. While a highlight of this film, I was out and pulled the rope in the hope that the spirit in the upper part of the audience to make. The mind is stuck out the window projection booth for the signal, but the hanger in half way. I tear the boxString and breaks, so that my deus ex machina that is more than the public before the end of the projection, if in the auditorium, my attempt revealed trick.

More success has been my huge spider by Plain White made the son that I draped over the doors and a single sheet and 14 x 36 frames in the lobby.

Both ERO and Frankenstien A rapid return of Dracula in accordance with their own internal affairs - the use of color in the otherwise black and white film. A recall in May, as soonColor segment was in the 1940 film The Picture of Dorian Gray and his portrait of Jenny, used in any case, was only shown a portrait of the title character with the color in sharp contrast to the rest of the film. Both plans are included in the price is very effective. Less can be said that the use of color in these visits Halloween. In the movie Frankenstein, is the color only at the end when the monster is used even destroyed by shock therapy. The scene is not shocking, so surprising (as inWhy?).

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The film Dracula, a film much more frightening (because of the skillful direction and editing, no fireworks inside) the use of color to the end where the vampire hunters to participate through the heart of the journey for woman vampire. Color white from a wound in the heart of this film is in black and be more effective than a shocking contrast to the sudden jolt of color in The Tingler Castle used match, shows a bathtub full of blood and a human arm to reach womenThis is the fear of death at the sight of blood.

In 1960, the news of Nicolas Gogala "The Vij" has developed into one of the Italian horror-film shock for shock-director Mario Bava. The film has been in the United States as "Black Sunday" released (and the mask of Satan in Europe). Black Sunday was then as the title of a film by John Frankenheimer, with the attempt to pre-9-11 terrorist offers that are decimating football a stadium full of fans. The first was published by Black Sunday "American-International Pictures, a company to produce their own household is known, but highly recommended quickies like I was a teenage Frankenstein.

1960 Black Sunday, however, other formulas Flicks for children of different At the Drive-In. Clever, if self-conscious camera work slowly with a variety of strokes and focusing our attention on the field of discrete wiring, life in Gothic black and white, some scenes Stark accurate picture as somethingshown in Antonioni's L'Avventura, while others use blur to create a nightmare world. It's almost a textbook example of the Gothic style: black Kaputzenkutte implementation witches, manned by a peak form before the titles are not as yet known, paintings and change the rotation on secret passages, trap doors open to show the long spines, garage below, lanterns floating in the air, found his body hanging in the hallways, and large bats flying around theCrypt.

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Barbara Steele, in the nightmare of many Italians (and also found in the films of Fellini's 8 ½ reference) and Roger Corman The Pit and the Pendulum, plays two roles in "Black Sunday", a witch in the sequence before the title and led a beautiful princess look -alike threatened by their ancestors witch who accidentally brought back to life. When is the witch who put the lives of two hundred years after his execution, his handsome face and the face of her vampire lover, itcovered with holes through the points made in the mask. A doctor visited his grave discovered covered his coffin and unwittingly breaking the glass on his mask, the face by an excellent alternative to bat. He cut his hand on broken glass, creating a chain of improbable events: blood dripping from his neatly arranged in the orbit of the Witch-side, the cross was inadvertently destroyed on his coffin, and his coffin was broken open as if dynamite.

The zoom lenses are used effectivelyall - an unprecedented feat in itself, because the temptation is to overuse of the lens is something that the Italians were famous for in later films. When the witch vampire lover, slips into a room, the father of Princess innocently holding a cross. The camera zooms in on the cross, and the vampire was rejected, the camera zooms in on the door closes slowly behind him.

The biggest weakness of the film is the work badly dubbed dialogue, reminiscent of a small town theaterDrive-in audience that can not be the presence of the British Barbara Steele, John Richardson, representative of the Russian characters with long names hide the fact that it is an Italian film. At that time little by little the long series of films in color from stories by Edgar Allen Poe has suspended when would be the distribution of foreign and black and white images have been relatively disappointing. Poe film does not need ballyhooing, but also for Black Sunday, I took the picturesPrinted register and add them on board of large posters with my letters, by hand.

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An American film produced for many years before Black Sunday and backed up by the brainwashing of the habit - the title and the ads have little to do with the content - was the ultra-low-budget Roger Corman film The Undead (1956). For example, the title would not be that there is indeed a kind of time-travel movie, one I showed in a science fiction time travelClass.

Once again, the witches in his hand. Instead of sending Spike occupied masks, however, by a muscle (but still hooded head) Executioner. The readers of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" may be surprised to see Satan to perform in an orgy of dance Walpurgisnacht body and soul-trading. For Satan to accommodate the festivities in his honor to be able to have the severed head of a tavern owner, supplied by the buxom witch Allyson Hayes. She and hergnome-like friend, Billy Barty can be turned into cats and flying bats do blacks who deem it necessary to do so.

Despite the presence of witches in the form of travel, the theme of the film are reincarnation and regression (a form of travel time). Pamela Duncan went through his previous life in medieval England, where he is falsely accused of witchcraft. He faces a choice to run his head on the block with the other witches, and then setTime to live in the future, or escape with her lover, handsome knight, born again and change the future. This phase of implementation, propose only with the sound of the basket beheadings, is well done, especially for a low-budget film.

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Some local stations and some cable networks might sometimes make these movies that were once part of the fee Dusk Till Dawn video player or Special Halloween show, run like my father. If you're lucky, you mightbe able to find the old black and white horror classics in the catalogs of DVDs. Then they may have their own room in the dusk to dawn marathons for those of your friends, the movies that frighten so thin and not as it should with the macabre 13 Nightmare on Elm Street "and be raised Friday" murders. You can even the webs of rope and hang on the couch.


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