วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About the film industry in Hollywood

The film industry in Hollywood is an amalgam of institutions, technological and commercial cinema. Is usually film production companies, film studios, cinematography, film production, script writing, pre-production, post production, film festivals, actors, directors and employees of the film.

Today the Hollywood film industry in the world is positioned. In the 21 Century are the most important commercial centers of the film in the United States, India and focusedChina. Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles, California, which is north west of downtown Los Angeles. Because of its fame and cultural individuality of movie studios and movie stars, Hollywood is the word often used as a connotation for the cinema of the United States, which is known as the Hollywood film industry.

The story of the film industry in Hollywood, started probably in the hands of DW Griffith when the Biograph Company sent him and his crew. They beganFilming on a vacant lot in downtown Los Angeles in 1910, at the beginning. Soon, the company decided to explore new territories to find that the region was very friendly and pleasant to shoot.

Therefore, Griffith filmed the first movie filmed in Hollywood. The title of the film "In Old California". The production company then stayed there for a few months to shoot their films and return to New York.

Since 1913, this wonderful place in the spotlight came when General Managerbegan to move westward. The first film made in Hollywood, "The Squaw Man" This was the birth of the Hollywood film industry led.

Nestor Studio, founded in 1911, the first film studio in Hollywood. Fifteen small studios in Hollywood. Gradually, Hollywood came to be associated so closely with the film industry that this term began to be used as a synonym for the entire industry.

During the First World War, Hollywoodis the world capital of cinema. Mention was pockets of Hollywood studio Digital Laboratory. Until 1950, music recording studios and offices moved to Hollywood, but most of the film industry were there.

The famous Hollywood Walk of Fame was built in 1958 and the first star was placed 1960th The Walk of Fame "was as a tribute to artists who are established in the entertainment industry. It with more than 2,000 integratedFive stars is the names of celebrities and fictional characters.

Cash flow from Hollywood Historic Trust maintains this Walk of Fame. The first star to receive this award was Joanne Woodward. The artist received a star on her career and success in film, theater, radio, television and music.

The famous Hollywood sign to read Hollywoodland, originally, was built in 1923 as an announcement of a new caseDevelopment. The signal was further deteriorated until repaired in 1949, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and remove the last four letters.

The sign is located on Mount Lee, is now a brand can not exist without the authorization of the Chamber of Commerce to be used.

The Hollywood film industry may be called the Mecca of the film industry. Although geographically located in Hollywood, located in the heart of millions of viewers and film is associated with signs. Hollywoodis and remains a king without a scepter.

วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Very Best Lifetime Movies

Have you ever wondered what were the titles in the list of best films of life? Well, no need to wait any longer and to ask themselves. Here are the links that the fans tweet life, rejoice, are mocking laugh and cry caused.

Touching Wild Horses

When you're alone in the mood for a true "3 Hanky" Tear-Fest, then you should with this story of a boy, relax horses, and an island. In this film the life of a 12-year-old girl loses her father and her sister in a car accident.His mother was in a coma and left to support life. It was decided that the child needs to communicate with his only other relative, an aunt, who live on an island with a population of 2 amazing life. The story revolves around the boys and the relationship that developed between him and the horses.

I Me Me

Well, maybe the title is not grammatically correct, but the chicken strips is more than enough to prompt the viewer to compensate for errors in syntax. One can not help but love is aFilm with a plot like this. The main character is plain and simply can not find Prince Charming, and decides to commit itself to "get" a way of dealing with his friends and disrupt personal frustrations. Of course you can imagine that in the midst of these plans, only the marriage, he meets the girl of his dreams. What a woman can expect that in this situation do?

The Carolyn Warmous Story

A great story based on true events. Carolyn Warmous is the spoiled child whosehis rich father granted every request. This femme fatale is clearly disturbed, but that is controlled for years, and became a teacher. A case of bad luck, led a murder, but if history is to blame for the lover's fascinating Carolyn remains highly questionable. Carolyn's grip, a master manipulator, the murder of his wife? We recommend that you see more than once.

To Be Fat Like Me

This is an interesting probe the feelings and reactionsOf human prejudices about people who are overweight. A young high school graduates to use a feature of "Grease training a reality" to a documentary about the problems and disputes in obese adolescents.

Mother Trucker: The Diana Kilmury Story

A loud, mother, who is hard to handle dual-clutch gearbox, tied Big Rigs Mafia and the Union of the truck with one hand behind his back.

A fee Remember

This is not a film that people like it, but if you wantHave fun, without understanding the plot, it is observed that. Malcolm-Jamal Warner shows a taxi driver who must credibly and operation of a business woman from Seattle, Washington to Los Angeles. Who could imagine that these two poles in his love?

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Brain Machine (1977) / Astral Factor (1976)

Brain Machine (1977) / Astral Factor (1976) Review

Brain Machine (1977) / Astral Factor (1976) Overview

Studio: Gotham (dba Alpha) Release Date: 07/24/2007

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 28, 2009 20:00:24

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dark Tales of Japan

Dark Tales of Japan Review

A friend gave this to me as a gift due to the fact that I am a huge fan of Ju-On (The Grudge), and the director of that movie, Shimizu, directed one of the shorts on this DVD. That is what it is composed of: a handful of shorts. Some of them are very good. The rest of them are not so good. However, I even found two out of three of the less-than-stellar shorts to be good for one simple reason: they were hilarious. It's a "so bad it's good" situation here.

Let's start out with the ones I felt were good in the ways that they intended to be. Crevices, in my opinion, is the very best short on the DVD. It's about a man who has to go to an old friend's apartment due to the fact that the friend has not paid rent in three months. When the manager shows him the apartment, the man is shocked to discover that the room is covered in red tape. He takes the tape down and looks around for clues to his friend's disappearance, but it's not long before strange things begin to happen.

Crevices is all about the horror and the fantasy present in the mundane. Zombies and elaborate curses certainly have their place, but what could be scarier than danger attributed to something that is all around you, something you don't even give a second thought on a normal basis? The way the camera is handled really adds to the creepy factor. There are several wonderful shots that really add to the mood. The filming method is simplistic and not at all flashy, which adds to the feeling that there is much to be feared in normalcy. There is at least one moment that WILL make you jump. I promise. The only thing about this film is that you will ask yourself several times, "Why doesn't he just leave?!" The simple answer, my friends, is that then we would have no film.

The other short I really enjoyed was Presentiment. This one is about a man with a plot to steal some sort of sensitive, confidential data from his work and run away. His family is awaiting him to join them on vacation, and someone else is waiting for him too... his frantic, suicide-threatening mistress, whom we gather he is planning to run off with. He gets into the elevator to exit his office building. Inside the elevator are three people: an elderly couple and a young woman. They look a little strange, especially to be in an office building elevator, but at first this does not particularly worry the man. He has quite a bit on his mind already. The elevator seems to take forever, though, and soon enough the tension begins to mount. His ride is far from over, however, and things are only going down from here.

Some people complain about Presentiment's slow pace, but I think the film is very suited to it. It allows the tension to gradually rise and for the viewer to get more and more suspicious about the three passengers right along with the man. It also gives the viewer a sense of what the man must feel- that time in the elevator is stretching out and running in slow motion when he needs desperately to be on the fast track. I also really enjoyed the acting. The three passengers made this short shine, for me.

Now onto the bad. First I'll talk about Blonde Kwaidan, because there isn't really a lot to say. Ironically, the Shimizu film that prompted my friend to purchase for me is the one that stands out as the worst. I didn't even manage to find much humor in this one, aside from one or two lines. It's about a Japanese man on a business trip to America; he is to stay in the house of an executive director from his work because the executive director is on vacation. The man has a great obsession with blondes, and is beside himself with jealousy to see a photo of a beautiful blonde girl he assumes to be the executive director's girlfriend. Soon enough, though, he starts to see things out of the corner of his eye and get the feeling of being touched. I won't spoil the ending for you, but it isn't much of an ending.

Another short is called The Spiderwoman. I loved it. This one isn't good because it's good, but because it tries so very, very hard to be good (and falls flat on its face). Something to keep in mind about the Japanese is that they have many urban legends and creature tales; it's simply a part of the culture. Several traditional urban legends are mentioned, such as the "man-dog", a dog with the face of a man. No, they really didn't make that part up just for the film.

The main focus in this story is, obviously, the spiderwoman. They say there was once a woman who hated spiders despite their helpful nature. One day she was cursed by all the spiders she killed and turned into a hideous spider creature herself. By day she appears to be a normal human, but by night, she turns into the spiderwoman and hunts her victims. The story surrounds the employees of a magazine called Mademoiselle that begins to run stories on the spiderwoman. Response to their stories is tremendous, so they continue to try to find more out about the spiderwoman. Most of the letters reporting sitings seem to come from one area, so they conclude that this is where the spiderwoman must be. One of the reporters goes to investigate, but he disappears. Another reporter goes to search for him.

This could have actually been a pretty creepy story, but it just isn't. The plot jumps all over the place and there are random scenes just to bring up the spiderwoman in different situations, such as how she is said to eat-and-run in a restaurant, and an "example" of how the spiderwoman hunts her prey and how to get rid of her (featuring a random night janitor you've never seen before, and will never see again). Things make very little sense plot-wise and logic-wise, most of the plot twists are pretty predictable, and the reactions people have to the spiderwoman's existence are so exaggerated and unlikely. The effects are on the lower end of alright, but they couldn't hope to save this film. What saves it is that all of this adds up to one HILARIOUS equation. I was laughing non-stop at how overdramatic it was. By the time it was over, my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. It's even better the second time around, because you realize even more strongly just how ridiculous the entire thing is. If you can embrace that, it's great.

The last film is called Sacrifice. It's kind of mediocre, halfway between decent and hilariously bad. This is about a woman who is asked out by a co-worker. She declines him, but finds out that another girl also turned him down and what he told that girl was this: "I'll put a curse on you." Interestingly, the "cursed" girl quit a short time after that. The protagonist starts to find mutilated bugs on her desk and one night arrives home to see a shape in blood (and the fake blood they used was a terrible quality- bright lipstick red) outside her door. Soon after this her mother falls ill and so the protagonist returns home to visit her. She is reminded of the time her grandmother died, at which time she saw a frightening apparition in the room with the shrine to her ancestors.

The story's plot isn't too bad, and the special effects aren't terrible, but it just drags on and in the end hasn't much substance to it. The apparition was really very unecessary and just seemed to be added for extra "scare" value (though I really didn't find it scary... just ugly). The funniest thing about this one is Fukuda, the man who puts the curse on the girl (whose name, you probably have gathered, I have forgotten). He's probably the creepiest guy I've ever seen. If I turned around in the light of day on a crowded street and saw him behind me I'd probably still scream. He almost looks like he would be very mild-mannered, yet he is so obviously a stalker, and obsessed with curses to boot.

So, there's my long-winded review on this not-so-long DVD. Basically, if you're looking for something to scare the pants off of you, to dazzle you with beautiful effects, or to keep you on the edge of your seat with a suspense-filled plot, you might want to keep looking. If you're looking for simple entertainment and want to spend less than ten bucks, I recommend this.

Dark Tales of Japan Overview

Five of Japan's best horror directors race to reach the outer limits of fear! Five horrifying episodes on one disc: The Spiderwoman Crevices The Sacrifice Blond Kwaldan and Presentiment System Requirements:Running Time 94 Mins.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: NR UPC: 796019777292 Manufacturer No: 77729

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 27, 2009 19:46:05

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Alfred Hitchcock Collection: The Best of Hitchcock, Vol. 2 (Vertigo / The Birds / The Trouble with Harry / Frenzy / Marnie / Saboteur / Torn Curtain / Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 3)

The Alfred Hitchcock Collection: The Best of Hitchcock, Vol. 2 (Vertigo / The Birds / The Trouble with Harry / Frenzy / Marnie / Saboteur / Torn Curtain / Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 3) Review

Sir Alfred Hitchcock was trying to make a statement that we as moviegoers are voyeurs and are just as fanatically obsessed by the images on the screen as "Scottie" Ferguson is with Madeleine in VERTIGO. VERTIGO is in effect a movie about people who love the cinema and are captivated by it. Those people who do not like VERTIGO state that it is not realistic and too improbable. That is just the point. VERTIGO is about an artificial world and the fascination of that world. Those who like VERTIGO are drawn to it over and over because it is about something that is inside each of us that is ever so fleeting and will always remain unobtainable. Bernard Herrmann, the film's composer seems to have understood the essence of this film as he captured the erotic passion and ultimate hopelessness of its characters with his haunting score. Herrmann had always expressed his desire to be a symphony conductor, yet the lure of the cinema was more than just a means of collecting a paycheck for him. I think he had a great understanding of the cinema and its power over human emotions, yet it seems to have remained an enigma even for him.
THE BIRDS metaphorically plays out the frailties of the human heart as befuddled humans' fears are visually juxtaposed against hoards of birds gone on a destructive rampage. Humans rebel against nature and each other as the birds represent nature in harmony turned against human progenitors who stand to disrupt harmony. Rod Taylor's solid performance, as the steadfast Mitch Brenner who gradually realizes (but cannot fathom why) that things are beyond even his control, is pivotal to the progression of the story. The importance of Taylor's performance has been long overlooked. This film is a masterpiece full of vivid histrionics running the gamut of human emotions.
"She's wearing my necktie." That's what Alfred Hitchcock said in the trailer for FRENZY as he returned to the United Kingdom to film this movie. Again the wrong man is accused for crimes he did not commit. And so it goes. Barry Foster's mesmerizing performance is both disturbing yet charismatic far overshadowing would be hero Jon Finch. Also Alec McCowen as Chief Inspector Oxford has never been better. The opening shot of London accompanied by Ron Goodwin's score is an instant classic.
MARNIE is one of Hitchcock's masterpieces. It has been highly underrated and misunderstood by viewers and many critics alike. It is not a straightforward narrative as it deals with the compulsive and obsessive nature of its two main characters (Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery). The viewer has to become absorbed and drawn into the film's sights and sounds. The viewer has to elicit from what is seen and heard to fathom the motivations of the film's two main characters. Some of its images are just unforgettable and disturbingly haunting. Sound too plays an important part in the viewer's experience. In accompaniment is Bernard Herrmann's low-key score. I watched this film again several times over. Herrmann's score is always present, yet never intrusive. I used to think this score was somewhat repetitive, but it is quite diverse. It complements the images in such a way that it almost evokes some hidden and suppressed experience from the viewer that creates an emotional bond with the main title character of the film. I found the DVD print to be of exceptional quality and most pleasing in the wide-screen presentation (a prerequisite in this format).
TORN CURTAIN was Alfred Hithcock's 50th motion picture. This film marked a departure from his most recent bulk of films at that time, not in directorial style, but in the absence of many of his close-knit artistic-technical company he had been utilizing. Distinctively missing is collaborator-composer Bernard Herrmann. However, John Addison does a commendable job in Herrmann's absence, as his score seems to fit this film very well with the passage of time. This was a cold war drama set behind the Iron Curtain. The hero of the story as portrayed by Paul Newman is motivated less by personal staunchness for democratic idealism, but rather by his inner confrontation coming to grips with his own failure as a scientist. This very suspenseful film is really about his own redemption for his perceived failure. This film is has been highly underrated.
The Autumnal colors of New England seen in THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY are a beautiful backdrop to this dark comedy enhanced by Bernard Herrmann's reflective score. As life comes full circle the quirkily eccentricities of the human heart take on new meaning as an artist (John Forsythe) somehow, perhaps unwittingly, makes it all come into perspective. THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY is one of my favorite Hitchcock films.
SABOTEUR certainly looks like a forerunner of his NORTH BY NORTHWEST. This WWII espionage tale planted on American soil is an impressive bit of filmmaking from Alfred Hitchcock. He uses his familiar theme of the wrong man on the run from the law and implicated by those who are in fact guilty, our hero Barry Kane (Robert Cummings) must uncover the culprits before they carry out their next act of terror and destruction before he himself is apprehended. Simultaneously Kane must clear himself of the initial crime with the aid of Patricia Martin (Priscilla Lane). Set against the backdrop of that familiar icon of freedom, The Statue of Liberty, our hero must undergo a death struggle both metaphorically and realistically demonstrating that we as Americans value our freedoms as well as all human life no matter how malevolent it be because it is in our nature to go the distance for all that is virtuous in the world. Despite the fact that Alfred Hitchcock stated that it would have been more suspenseful to have the hero dangling from The Statue of Liberty rather than the villain Fry (Norman Lloyd), this scene demonstrates the compassion for humanity that we as Americans hold dear and goes straight to the ideals of the fiber of our inner fortitude to preserve that way of life as Kane struggles to save Fry's life. Otto Kruger's performance as Charles Tobin is very stylistic and on the surface he seems more sophisticated than our earthy hero Kane but Tobin's eloquence is superficial in every sense of the word. Jack Otterson's Art Direction and Joseph A. Valentine's Cinematography are standouts. John P. Fulton's un-credited Special Effects are impressive.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 26, 2009 18:03:25

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Goosebumps: Perfect School/My Best Friend Is Invisible

Goosebumps: Perfect School/My Best Friend Is Invisible Review

Goosebumps: Perfect School/My Best Friend Is Invisible Overview

Studio: Tcfhe Release Date: 09/16/2008 Run time: 86 minutes Rating: Nr

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 25, 2009 16:59:02

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Splatter Movie: The Director's Cut

Splatter Movie: The Director's Cut Review

Splatter Movie: The Director's Cut Overview

An independent film crew arrives at a haunted attraction to shoot a low-budget slasher movie, unaware that they are being stalked and murdered by a killer masquerading as one of the crew. This latest production from Happy Cloud Pictures, simultaneously an homage and a deconstruction of the horror genre, is a mind-bending, gut-wrenching slasher pic where the line between film and reality blurs-then disappears entirely!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 24, 2009 16:37:51

วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Books, which, conversely, on successful movies and vice!

Who does not love a good movie? These days films are probably the most popular think to say as a form of entertainment that reading, I (probably because I still believe that the world will decide the first reading!). At least we have book-lovers can be sure that the stories are really good, that we can not give birth, are often turned into movies, how great! For example, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells is writing charming, funny, andhonest about alcoholism and its devastating consequences on the life of the child until adulthood. Sidd Vevey and turbulent relationship can easily imagine, and easier to root for a happy ending. This is reading a book and read it yet) the title of the same department (Little Altars Everywhere and Ya-Yas in Bloom.

The film is just as good. Of course, like every true Harry Potter fans say, it is not possible, all the good parts of the book in the film.The best thing we can hope for is an interpretation of our beloved history. Well, the Ya-Ya movie just creating his mother! Sandra Bullock is perfectly cast as Sidd, the daughter of tired but happy. And it has never been better than Live Ashley Judd (young woman) and Ellen Burstyn. Both actresses look flawless live in a beautiful, terrible mother, who celebrated until the end. Finally, the film without sweet portrait of James Garner's Shep would be completeWalker.

So you see, you can. General Ledger can turn into big movies! Of course there are times where there is a large book totally massacred (A Series of Unfortunate Events, anyone?), But is a conversation for another time.

Check out some great book reviews and book combo and fantastic film, you see me


วันจันทร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Nostalgia: Black and White Halloween Horror Hits


When he to the movies with my father in the small towns of Western Illinois
Carthage and Warsaw, I was a little kid, that more than cooking with your promotional ideas on how to brainwash local low-budget horror films that are played you.

The Theater of Warsaw, was a building prefab hut on the main street in a city with two thousand people, overlooking the Mississippi River in 1950 and early 1960, is only open for dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday andSometimes he played a different picture every night. The Woodbine Theater in Carthage, about twenty miles east of the river and with a larger population, has tried to stay open all night, but rarely played until one film a week. The Theater of Warsaw, my father often walked the function room - old movies and new spending, the color of the load with minimum qualification requirements for Category western black and white "bottom" of the film. Sometimes when he answered my prayers, he would run in horror movies, and thiswere the films that I came out of my way encouraged. It was a very small town, so that our limited resources on my left hand a few ways to be creative, sometimes creating views lobby showcase board displays, posters and telephone - all made of cardboard and ink.

Some horror movies of the time, but was equipped with its own advertising - the particular by the director and producer William Castle schlock created. His gimmick was the first time in 1958, aPromo with Lloyd's of London Police, which includes watching the movie bosses in the unlikely event that he or she is scared to death, the macabre.

Garard - 2

Macabre is a low budget but well-paced thriller in black and white with a few shots to the shock of the value of the hand: A bloody corpse from falling into a mausoleum, a model of a corpse with a skull represented a small coffin during a funeral in the evening, his hand on the shoulder of a sudden the doctor whoSearch a cemetery for his daughter to be buried alive. The final solution is perhaps the biggest surprise of all, perhaps because it is entirely plausible. Greedy people, like in the movie House on Haunted Castle Hill, the horrors are real, not supernatural beings. However, the shocks are still in force - at least for the public that) no gore (as in the remake of the film with the same name. Until now, only two films have been remade CastleUpdated with Gore: The House on Haunted Hill and Ghosts thirteen. The young audience of today, tame, at least in America probably find the original versions of movies at pretty .*

Reason ally, if the artist in the Theater in Warsaw, I ordered an extra 8 x 10 stills from the movie National Screen Service and decorated the window of a local pharmacy with a cardboard cut - off from the cemetery. Shooting my tombstone, but delayed the means, when I wrote the names of localGraves. I designed it as a joke, but the black humor (the humor of the disease) is not a.

* In the same year, Hammer Films released their version of the story of Dracula with the title, the United States, Horror of Dracula. In 1958, it was surprisingly tame for some public and others. When I showed the film in 1990 for a class of college in Atlanta, found that slow pace in places and not very scary and disturbing. However, when I showed the film to a group of English literature in China2004 College Girls were invited to class to be returned. They were afraid, and I was shocked by her reaction.

Garard -3

In spite of my art board, but the film has attracted only a small portion of our population. We have previously football competition.

For a Halloween night show a year, two horror father played ice hockey for young people: I Was a Teenage Frankenstein and THE RETURN OF DRACULA. ForThis double-bill the end of 1950, I built a cardboard castle on an exit for the inside of the screen and ran a wire from the projection booth. I hung some of the white sheet attached to a crutch and a chain attached to the hall. While a highlight of this film, I was out and pulled the rope in the hope that the spirit in the upper part of the audience to make. The mind is stuck out the window projection booth for the signal, but the hanger in half way. I tear the boxString and breaks, so that my deus ex machina that is more than the public before the end of the projection, if in the auditorium, my attempt revealed trick.

More success has been my huge spider by Plain White made the son that I draped over the doors and a single sheet and 14 x 36 frames in the lobby.

Both ERO and Frankenstien A rapid return of Dracula in accordance with their own internal affairs - the use of color in the otherwise black and white film. A recall in May, as soonColor segment was in the 1940 film The Picture of Dorian Gray and his portrait of Jenny, used in any case, was only shown a portrait of the title character with the color in sharp contrast to the rest of the film. Both plans are included in the price is very effective. Less can be said that the use of color in these visits Halloween. In the movie Frankenstein, is the color only at the end when the monster is used even destroyed by shock therapy. The scene is not shocking, so surprising (as inWhy?).

Garard - 4

The film Dracula, a film much more frightening (because of the skillful direction and editing, no fireworks inside) the use of color to the end where the vampire hunters to participate through the heart of the journey for woman vampire. Color white from a wound in the heart of this film is in black and be more effective than a shocking contrast to the sudden jolt of color in The Tingler Castle used match, shows a bathtub full of blood and a human arm to reach womenThis is the fear of death at the sight of blood.

In 1960, the news of Nicolas Gogala "The Vij" has developed into one of the Italian horror-film shock for shock-director Mario Bava. The film has been in the United States as "Black Sunday" released (and the mask of Satan in Europe). Black Sunday was then as the title of a film by John Frankenheimer, with the attempt to pre-9-11 terrorist offers that are decimating football a stadium full of fans. The first was published by Black Sunday "American-International Pictures, a company to produce their own household is known, but highly recommended quickies like I was a teenage Frankenstein.

1960 Black Sunday, however, other formulas Flicks for children of different At the Drive-In. Clever, if self-conscious camera work slowly with a variety of strokes and focusing our attention on the field of discrete wiring, life in Gothic black and white, some scenes Stark accurate picture as somethingshown in Antonioni's L'Avventura, while others use blur to create a nightmare world. It's almost a textbook example of the Gothic style: black Kaputzenkutte implementation witches, manned by a peak form before the titles are not as yet known, paintings and change the rotation on secret passages, trap doors open to show the long spines, garage below, lanterns floating in the air, found his body hanging in the hallways, and large bats flying around theCrypt.

Garard - 5

Barbara Steele, in the nightmare of many Italians (and also found in the films of Fellini's 8 ½ reference) and Roger Corman The Pit and the Pendulum, plays two roles in "Black Sunday", a witch in the sequence before the title and led a beautiful princess look -alike threatened by their ancestors witch who accidentally brought back to life. When is the witch who put the lives of two hundred years after his execution, his handsome face and the face of her vampire lover, itcovered with holes through the points made in the mask. A doctor visited his grave discovered covered his coffin and unwittingly breaking the glass on his mask, the face by an excellent alternative to bat. He cut his hand on broken glass, creating a chain of improbable events: blood dripping from his neatly arranged in the orbit of the Witch-side, the cross was inadvertently destroyed on his coffin, and his coffin was broken open as if dynamite.

The zoom lenses are used effectivelyall - an unprecedented feat in itself, because the temptation is to overuse of the lens is something that the Italians were famous for in later films. When the witch vampire lover, slips into a room, the father of Princess innocently holding a cross. The camera zooms in on the cross, and the vampire was rejected, the camera zooms in on the door closes slowly behind him.

The biggest weakness of the film is the work badly dubbed dialogue, reminiscent of a small town theaterDrive-in audience that can not be the presence of the British Barbara Steele, John Richardson, representative of the Russian characters with long names hide the fact that it is an Italian film. At that time little by little the long series of films in color from stories by Edgar Allen Poe has suspended when would be the distribution of foreign and black and white images have been relatively disappointing. Poe film does not need ballyhooing, but also for Black Sunday, I took the picturesPrinted register and add them on board of large posters with my letters, by hand.

Garard - 6

An American film produced for many years before Black Sunday and backed up by the brainwashing of the habit - the title and the ads have little to do with the content - was the ultra-low-budget Roger Corman film The Undead (1956). For example, the title would not be that there is indeed a kind of time-travel movie, one I showed in a science fiction time travelClass.

Once again, the witches in his hand. Instead of sending Spike occupied masks, however, by a muscle (but still hooded head) Executioner. The readers of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" may be surprised to see Satan to perform in an orgy of dance Walpurgisnacht body and soul-trading. For Satan to accommodate the festivities in his honor to be able to have the severed head of a tavern owner, supplied by the buxom witch Allyson Hayes. She and hergnome-like friend, Billy Barty can be turned into cats and flying bats do blacks who deem it necessary to do so.

Despite the presence of witches in the form of travel, the theme of the film are reincarnation and regression (a form of travel time). Pamela Duncan went through his previous life in medieval England, where he is falsely accused of witchcraft. He faces a choice to run his head on the block with the other witches, and then setTime to live in the future, or escape with her lover, handsome knight, born again and change the future. This phase of implementation, propose only with the sound of the basket beheadings, is well done, especially for a low-budget film.

Garard - 7

Some local stations and some cable networks might sometimes make these movies that were once part of the fee Dusk Till Dawn video player or Special Halloween show, run like my father. If you're lucky, you mightbe able to find the old black and white horror classics in the catalogs of DVDs. Then they may have their own room in the dusk to dawn marathons for those of your friends, the movies that frighten so thin and not as it should with the macabre 13 Nightmare on Elm Street "and be raised Friday" murders. You can even the webs of rope and hang on the couch.


Copyright - All rights reserved.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Horror Movie - Hollywood Classics and Modern Updates

The horror film: Either love or hate. For a horror movie fans heart palpitations, ie edge-of-your-seat excitement, while non-fans equate a horror movie with his hands over his eyes and a "do not wait for this thing to more" feeling. One thing is certain: You want to not only watch a horror movie.

The Classics

The horror genre is the classic full, but these are our favorites for horror movies that never get old:

1.Frankenstein - The 1931 classic with Boris Karloff as the monster and Colin Clive as the obsessed scientist Dr. Henry Frankenstein will always be cited as the best film of all time fear. Best line of the movie? Bones of Frankenstein tingling cry: "Behold, He is running .... It's alive. She is alive, alive, alive alive!"

2. Dracula - Another classic horror film released in 1931, played Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula in the movie "Dracula". This is Bela Lugosi'sCooling, as the title character that is timeless in this film. Best line of the movie? "I am Dracula. I welcome you."

3. Psycho - The shower scene with Janet Leigh is forever in the minds of those who in this 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic etched look. Even today, Anthony Perkins Norman Bates and Vera Miles as Lila Crane makes the goose bumps. Best line of the movie? Scream Janet Leigh, of course. Second best line? "Said Norman Bates"Mom ... What's the word?" It's not really her today. "

4. Peter Cushing films tell - some that Peter Cushing has seen the best player in the horror genre has ever. Published in almost 60 horror movies, his successful films as "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors," "The Evil of Frankenstein," flows "Scream and Scream Again" and "The House of the blood.

5. Christopher Lee movies - with more than 90 scary movies of his claimfor some people, Christopher Lee defined the genre. From "The Curse of Frankenstein" and "Dracula" to "The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll" and "Theater of Death", Christopher Lee scared generations of viewers.

The next generation

The next generation of lines of scary movies, blood in the cruel nail-biting tension to this malaise in the lower stomach, like, screaming at the screen: "Do not open this gate!" Some of our favorites:

1.Halloween - Hair never feels safe after this classic John Carpenter. Guided by some as the best slasher of all time, "Halloween" has the debut of Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode marked. Best line of the movie? "Two roadblocks and an all-points bulletin would not stop for about five years."

Film 2 Books by Stephen King - Stephen King's sometimes so much fear that you can not bear (to turn the tide but you can not bear not!). FilmAdaptations of his books bring the horror to life. When Sissy Spacek as Carrie White get the ultimate revenge PROM or Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes, stalking James Caan as Paul Sheldon in "Misery", horror film based on Stephen King books, and heart-in-your-throat terribly. And some, like "The Shining", an exciting story with the skill of director Stanley KUBRIC combined may produce the terrifying films of all time.

3. Friday 13 - GoodSome dispute the quality of the film - and certainly its consequences, "Friday the 13th" remains a classic. Published in 1980, this horror film set the bar for slasher films. Best line of the movie? Betsy Palmer: Pamela Voorhees, said: "She dropped him. Have you ever taken out. Look at what you've done for him. You see what you have done for him." Horror Movie Cinema - scary or in general - are very popular. From the early classic "The Amityville Horror"and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", the genre really is something for everyone. Or at least someone loves, the roller coaster ride that adrenaline has a great horror film.

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Horror Classics Triple Feature, Vol. 8 (Killer Shrews / The Giant Gila Monster / Human Gorilla)

Horror Classics Triple Feature, Vol. 8 (Killer Shrews / The Giant Gila Monster / Human Gorilla) Review

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 19, 2009 10:33:02

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best Horror Movie List

No matter what we fear, we keep coming back for more. Attendance for more than a century, have become increasingly demanding, and the filmmakers have never stopped to stretch the boundaries of visual entertainment. There are two reasons why the screen is so big, "said a film critic. A: Because there are many people that it can be seen. Secondly, it is in the movie itself, as if with glasses of virtual reality, and he was inRole. Imagine if this technology were applied to the horror.

Ask to be faced with in the main role of these horror films known for their creative plot twists and turns. Survival is the virtual space of terror?

In 2007, a film adaptation of comic book mini-series "30 Days of Night (IDW Publishing, 2002) inspired the upper and lower spine admissions in the United States. The favorite American Idol Josh Hartnett and actress AustraliaMelissa George. The story begins in the northern town of Barrow, Alaska, known for his 67 days in the winter darkness. A tribe of vampires aboard a marine oil in the middle of the ice, often stuck in the quiet town of stumbling and using the extra dark, devastated and feed on its residents. A handful of survivors in the Huddle Barrow caught and ran for the detection of hiding in the attic of an abandoned house to escape. What makes this film is not very excitingVampires, but the difficult situation that compels the human spirit to preserve and protect their own insurmountable bleached supernatural. The International Senator Columbia Pictures film was directed by David Slade and Sam Raimi, the director, who has worked on "Spiderman" actor Tobey McGuire and Horror pictures classics as The Evil Dead "trilogy," The Grudge. "

In 2006 the film "Silent Hill" (Tristar Pictures), ask a mother in despairSearch for her missing son. It Skulk a mysterious town, which we thought was empty, but when night falls, he pulls out of the evil creatures that are only imposed for sadistic torture. The dark, in contrast to the normal world that rules the night, just so unpredictable intervals, light after a few hours. Although the film is simply sweet success at the box office, critics have praised for its stunning images and visual effects. But its most impressive feature is the transcriptionabove. While we have always seen hell described in the chaotic fire and brimstone, "Silent Hill", which he mastered as a vindictive, an abandoned mining town of more toxic fumes of an evil spirit.

While the primary evil spirits and evil, vindictive, how long will it last in a house in the woods with a contaminated? In the movie Evil Dead (New Line Cinema, 1981), screenwriter, director and Sam Raimi, produced only five friends on a Michigan State University led to believe,Life. As a result, Evil Dead II (Rosebud Pictures, 1987), ash, survived in its predecessor, Starring Bruce Campbell, not fast.

"It really is a Blair Witch? It is also collected each time continue to involve the movie" The Blair Witch Project (Artisan Entertainment, 1999) is talks. The story was presented as a documentary leaves the viewer to guess what has happened and to their creators shocked. The film was an innovator of success: from aBudget of $ 500,000 to 700,000 U.S. dollars in the world of $ 248,639,099 to the Fund increased with an international reputation. This video shows more than ever the audience in the scene, perhaps the most advanced visual effects, and can make images. The style of The Blair Witch Project "can be with the radio classic 1938 Orson Welles' War of the Worlds brought together," the United States, the country's most powerful nation sent mass hysteria.

Imagine a trip to the Yorkshire MoorsEngland and attacked by a werewolf. It is wonderful to survive. But that survival is more important to live the rest of your life under the curse of the werewolf every full moon, he undergoes a transformation that aims to feed the flesh of humanity. How can a life irrevocably damned, the powerless power of the flesh of those who loved and at the same time, as prey to their condition as the unfortunate victims and you have never eaten? In 1981, legendary directorJohn Landis came in with the classic "An American Werewolf in London" (Universal Pictures / PolyGram Filmed Entertainment) won the Saturn Award for Best Horror Film and an Academy Award for his outstanding achievement in makeup.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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วันพุธที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Miss Universe

1952: Long Beach, California. Miss Finland was the first Miss Hawaii Universe.Miss was 1 runner-up.

1953: Long Beach, California. Christiane Martell became the first Miss France to win the title of Miss Universe.

1954: Miriam Stevenson became the first American to win the Miss Universe competition.

1955: Long Beach, California. Miss Sweden was crowned Miss Universe. Miss El Salvador, Maribel Arrieta, was the great favorite.Miss El Salvador has been compared with Marilyn MonroeAmerican journalists.

1956: Miss USA, Carol Morris, was crowned Miss Universe.

1957: Long Beach (California). Miss Peru, Gladys Zender Urbina was elected Miss Universe. E 'was the first Latin American woman to win the Miss Universe election.

1958: Long Beach, California.Marina Luz Zuloaga became the first British woman to win the title of Miss Universe. Miss Brazil was 1st Runner-Up.

1959: Long Beach, California. Miss Italy, Maria Grazia Buccella, was the favorite ... butnot used for day semifinals.Next qualify, Italian newspapers criticized Akiko Kojima. Miss Universe Japan ....

1960: Lynda Bennett, Miss USA and Miss Utah, became the third American to win the title of Miss Universe ...

1961: Long Beach, California.Marlene Schmidt was the first German to win the title of Miss Universe.

1962: Miss Argentina, Norma Nolan, won the title of Miss Universe. Miss Haiti, Evelyn Miot, was the first black woman to be a semi-final of MissUniverse.

1963: Miss Brazil, Ieda Maria Vargas, won the title of Miss Universe. He became the first Brazilian to win the Miss Universe competition.

1964: Long Beach, California. TSOP Corina was the first person from Greece to win the Miss Universe election.

1965: was Miss Thailand, Aspara Hongsakul, for Miss Universe.

1966: Miss Sweden, Margaret Arvidsson, won the Miss Universe contest.

1967: Miss USA Sylvia Hitchcock (20 / 1.71 / 91-61-94m) was to MissUniverse.

1968: Miami Beach, Florida.Martha Vasconcelos became the second Brazilians won the title of Miss Universe.

1969: Miami Beach, Florida. Miss Philippines, Gloria Diaz became the third Miss Universe from Asia.

1970: Miami Beach, Florida, Miss Puerto Rico, Marisol Malaret won the Miss Universe contest.

1971: Miami Beach, Florida. Miss Lebanon, Georgina Rizk became the fourth Miss Universe from Asia.

1972: Dorado, Puerto Rico. Miss Australia, Anne Kery WellsMiss Universe elected.

1973: Athens, Greece.Miss Philippines, Margarita Moran was crowned Miss Universe.

1974: Editor's Romualdez Imelda Marcos, First Lady of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines capital, has hosted Miss Universe. Miss Spain, Amparo Muñoz became Miss Universe.

1975: San Salvador (El Salvador). The winner was Anne Pohtamo Miss Finland.She as Grace Kelly, a U.S. actress and Princess of Monaco (a small countryEurope). During his reign, came to the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic and other countries World.She third was crowned in El Salvador, the birthplace of Maribel Arrieta, one of the best representatives in the chronology of MU. Jackeline Gammarra, Miss Bolivia, was big favorite in San Salvador.Ironically was eliminated in the semifinals. Miss Bolivia 1975, was one of the best South American delegates in the history of Miss Universe.

1976: VictoryCity, Hong Kong.Miss Israel, Rina Messinger, was crowned Miss Universe. I was the first time Miss USA, Barbara Peterson, did not qualify for the semifinals.

1978: Acapulco, Mexico. Miss South Africa won the title.The favorites were: 1-El Salvador, Peru-2, 3-USA, 4-South Africa, Israel-5, 6-Sweden, 7 and Wales, 8 Costa Rica. The big surprise was Mrs. Muller Chile.Marianne fluent in three languages: English, French and German) ... Miss Peru, Olga Roxana Zumarán Burga was a hugeFavorite Miss Universe, but they do not speak English. Another was eliminated Miss El Salvador, Iris Yvette Mazorra, one of the best Latin American delegates in Miss Universe.

1979: Perth (Australia). Miss Brazil was a big favorite until the last minute. Maritza Sayalero Miss Venezuela won the title of Miss Universe.

1981: New York City. Editor's Osmel Sousa, president of the organization Miss Venezuela, Venezuela, was final Irene Saez Miss Universe.TheRank :1-Venezuela, Canada 2, 3-Sweden-Brazil 4, 5-Belgium. After we worked for the Miss Universe, Miss Brazil, Adriana Alves de Oliveira as a professional model in Paris.In 1984 had moved to London, United Kingdom, where he was preferred by the international journalism and better houses. He had a perfect body and European profile .. . But it will be from 7 semifinalists.She the best representative of Brazil by Magdalena Sbairini, the other favorite was Miss World1977 ...

1982: Lima, Peru. The favorites were: 1-Miss Chile, 2-Miss South Africa, 3-Miss Brazil, 4 Miss Finland 5-6-Miss Austria Miss Italy Greece 7-8-Miss Wales 9-Miss Italy 10 - Miss Italy. Miss South Africa, Odette Octavia Scrooby (18, 173m, blue eyes and 54 k), was born in Skeerpoort. Drawing was a professional model in Johannesburg, a city recreation SA.Her were and painting. His dream was to become a model international. She did not win, because their landwas the cradle of apartheid ... However, Miss Italy won the title. Karen Baldwin was a graduate student Canada.Her dream was to businesswoman.Her a hobby are water sports, tennis, squash and racquetball. Like Gladys Zender, one of the judges was Karen athlete. "My idol is the Mother Teresa of Calcutta, said in an interview with Mario Vargas Llosa) (judges. Karen had) the support of Rod Duguay (judge, his countryman and a famous hockey playerBoard ...

1984: Miami, Florida. Miss South Africa, Leticia Snyman, was a favorite, but she did not win Miss Universe. After 1984, was not to accept Miss Universe companies that applicants from South Africa until 1995, when Namibia hosted the Miss Universe.

1985: Miami, Florida. The final ranking was: 1-PR ,2-Spain ,3-Zaire ,4-Venezuela ,5-Uruguay. Miss Zaire, Benita Murek was the first black African finalist in Miss Universe. Miss Zaire has its own style and very beautiful. Miss Puerto Rico, avery often, girls, Miss Universe ... very strange result.

1986: Panama City. Miss Venezuela, Barbara Palacios Teyde, became Miss Universe. Venezuela has had several judges in Miss Universe since 1984: Carolina Herrera (1984 and 1997), Irene Saez (1983 and 1995), Maria Consuelo Alonso Bustillo (1993 and 1998), Lupita Ferrer (1986), Barbara Palacios Teyde (1988) and Jose Luis Rodriguez (1991). Different from Venezuela, Jamaica is not a judge in the history of the Miss Universe ... asBolivia, Paraguay, Portugal, Austria, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Namibia, Curacao, Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland ...

1987: Singapoore City. Miss Chile, Cecilia Bolocco was Miss Universe. He had a sensational interview with judges. Miss Colombia, Patricia Lopez, did not qualify for semifinals.She won both titles: South America, Miss Universe and Miss Photogenic. Patricia Lopez became the big favorite to win the Miss Universe contest, but theyspeaks very good English. Good bye Colombia.

1989: Cancun, Mexico. Andrea Stelzer was Miss South Africa 1985, but on his arrival at Miami Airport Immigration did not accept his entry Miami.Reasons: Radical protests by American Anti-Apartheid South Africa activists.Like many, became a German citizen. In 1989 he won the title of Miss Germany. He went to Cancun and was semifinalist at the Miss Universe contest.

1990: Venezuela was the dominant force in the Miss Universe competition in1990th

1991: Las Vegas, USA. Lupita Jones became the first Mexican to win the title of Miss Universe.

1992: Bangkok, Thailand. Miss Namibia, Michelle MacLean elected, was Miss Universe.

1993: Mexico. Maria Consuelo Alonso, international judge, did not support Miss Venezuela, Milka Chulin Miss Universe competition. In Caracas, has been sharply criticized a lot Consuelo.She Mary was born in Cuba

1994: Manila, Philippines. Classification finalwas: 1-Miss France, Miss 2 --British ,3-Miss Venezuela. Many people think that the English never win Miss Universe ... especially for girls were spectacular narcotrafic.Colombia Aura Maria Mojica and Paloma Turbay Ayala ...

1995: Windhoek, Namibia (Africa). Miss Italy and Miss Texas, Chelsy Smith, was crowned Miss Universe.

1996: Las Vegas, Nevada. Miss Venezuela won the Miss Universe Alicia Machado Pageant.She has always been controversial and charismatic ...

1998: Honolulu, Hawaii.Wendy Fitzwilliam wasAfrican second Trinidad to win the title of Miss Universe.

1999: Trinidad and Tobago. Miss Botswana, Mpule Kwelagobe was Miss Universe. Since 1999 it is an anti-AIDS activists in the Third World.

2000: Nicosia, Cyprus, the birthplace of Aphrodite.Miss India, Lara Dutta, was crowned Miss Universe. Miss France, Sonia Rolland, the French, English and Spanish speaking, is another bi-racial beauty. She has a Rwandan mother and a French father. Sonia was a child who has lived at the time,the war in Rwanda.

2001: Bayamon, Puerto Rico.Miss Puerto Rico Denise Quiñones was crowned Miss Universe. She became the first person to win the Miss Universe contest in his country ...

2002: San Juan de Puerto Rico. Miss Russia, Oxana Federova was Miss Universe. The People's Republic of China made its debut in Miss Universe. Miss Universe Oxana Federova was Organization.In New York City, Miss Panama, Justine Paseak, dethroned became Miss Universe. E 'Condition 1Runner-Up.

2003: Panama City.Miss Dominican Republic, Amelia Vega, won the Miss Universe contest.

2004: Quito, Ecuador. Miss Italy, Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins was.

2005: Bangkok, Thailand. Miss Canada, Natalie Glebova, was crowned Miss Universe.

2006: Los Angeles, California. Miss Puerto Rico, Zuleyka Rivera Miss Universe has been ... Did you know ... Puerto Rico has several judges in the Miss Universe History: Mapy Cortes (had actress/1972);Marisol Malaret (former Miss Universe: 1977 and 2002), Deborah Carthy-Deu (ex-Miss Universe: 1987 and 2003), Dayanara Torres (2001), Marc Anthony (2001) and Maria Celeste Arraras (journalist/2003 and 2006). However, Chile has two judges: Cecilia Bolocco (1996) and Christian de la Fuente (was 20,001).

2007: Welcome to Mexico ... Miss Universe 2007

วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movies Miami Style: The Magic City

Miami might not like Los Angeles or New York, cities where movies are continuously switched on every corner. Miami, but has certainly had its fair share of the recording. Perhaps it is chosen for the plot, and was probably chosen because of its location (it is difficult to shoot a beach scene in Nebraska). Whatever the reason for the occurrence of Miami in Florida shy to approach other cities, cinema links and ask for an autograph. What follows is a brief list of MiamiBorn moments of the film:

From Justin to Kelly: How Miami offer than any other city in America for the rites of the film is beyond me. Joking aside, the tender for this war, it must be with bids for the Olympic Games or the Super Bowl was. Film with the first winner of American Idol runner-up, From Justin to Kelly was enough to go to someone from nausea, vomiting. Yes, he was seriously ill. I have a long discussion about the plot, but it was not true.Suffice it to say that throughout history there have been only sing and clap their legs to the same choreographed routine .... When dancing in a scene with towels. That, in short, it was magical.

There's Something About Mary One of the funniest movies: always hit on the screen, the movie offers Cameron Diaz as Mary, a young girl that men were ready to go up to impress. These great lengths stalking, spying, represented wearing a fakeBritish accent. Ben Stiller plays Ted, a clumsy but a nice man, a lover of Mary, a man who wants to impress, but it seems a bit "less psychotic than the rest of his comrades. A definitive sleeper hit, this film has unforgettable moments moments of laughter. It also makes us look different, for a good hair gel.

Scarface: Sometime in 1980, almost all boys in adolescence had a poster of the film on the walls of the room. It is a story of Tony Montanawith Al Pacino, who comes to Florida as a Cuban refugee. After a gangster, because the cocaine boom of 1980, rising to the surface world of organized crime in Miami before it. Originally published little fanfare, Scarface has since become a cult favorite and one of the most popular film of all time, has never left the cinema amateur spirit of her friends.

Bad Boyz: The movie that we all ask, what is left "gonna do when they come to you, "Bad Boyz features Martin Lawrence and Will Smith as two Miami police detectives. were stolen by 120 million in drugs, two detectives were able to receive medication back or lose their jobs. They fight and quarrel among themselves, But their love is real, what are the pair compared to those of the Lethal Weapon and Starsky and Hutch. Even if the movie is based hair - like police dramas are often - andfun, fast, and the effect is difficult to pass. This video has a sequel, which was filmed in Miami.

Any Given Sunday: One of the most action-packed films of calcium, Any Given Sunday features a stellar cast of actors and professional athletes. With a part of the movie filmed in Miami was the Orange Bowl stadium disguised as a game at home for a fictional football team, the Miami Sharks. Al Pacino has an intense workout while Cameron Diaz is the owner,and not very much in agreement. Football film is very different from those reassuring as Rudy and The Replacements. Instead, show the inner workings and politics involved in managing a team of professionals.

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Learn how to download movies on the iPod Touch

The iPod Touch is the latest entertainment gadget on the market, having published only in September 2007. According to the capacity of the iPod touch 1,750 songs, 10,000 photos or 10 hours video for the 8 GB can store up to 7,000 songs, 25,000 photos or 40 hours video 32GB, with 16GB in the average range. With the large capacity of data storage, all iPod touch iPod owners to download movies on your Touch to learn. TheRecreation opportunities are endless, which is in a society that discourages boredom important. So if you're the type who wants to explore all the possibilities for fun are, you have to learn how to download iPod movies on your Touch. But first a few words of caution before you get to download movies on the iPod Touch.

First, avoid to download for free, because they can have viruses and parasites, freeloaders too. It is better Subscribe to legitimate download sites online. Second, some questions about the site, the files will download faster because you do not want to wait several days to finish downloading a movie, you should draw attention to reputable sites. Third, the site should be free and user friendly software. This is important because the applications actually need to be to transfer movies to iPod Touch. Fourth, technical assistance and training must be available for you to download properlyMovies> also the first attempt, and provides after-sales support.

These are a few tips before you get to download movies on your iPod Touch, but a little common sense is also a good fool. You can relax in the online shop for your movie downloads. First, make sure that the selected films to your iPod Touch or MP4 or M4V formats are compatible. There are programs to help you transfer video filesof these formats. You can then use the movie you want in your personal computer to your iTunes library. Connect your computer to your iPod Touch with the USB drive, like a normal file transfer and then drag the files from your iTunes library onto your iPod Touch. If you specialize in the transfer of data from the hard disk on a removable drive, you quickly learn how to download movies on your iPod Touch.

You can then view the film, the selection"Video" and then "Movies" on your iPod. There are also sites that offer a wide range of video offerings. These include sites such as the downloading of movies. With this software can deliver Web pages to find the DVD-quality movies and television. If you have problems while you learn to download movies on the iPod Touch, then that is where the line should be support for the download of your chosen supplier of great help. Usually the line isTechnical support is operated on a 24 / 7 so that members use the service at any time, anywhere. You can become so again at the site of the tutorial like this in the rule for a step-by-step. In fact, even if you learn to download movies on the iPod Touch, you understand the functionality of your iPod touch and explore the many ways to entertain you.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

20 films to watch out for the year 2006

Now that 2005 is over and all have shown), their list of the ten best (or at least a preliminary version, it is time to prepare for what we see in the theaters this year. There are many films to come and help you on your way, here is my year only (the second time coming but still) Top 20 coolest movies!

20. X-Men 3

Seconds, the X-Men movie is still one of the best films of the super heroes of all timebut it was an ingredient missing: Bryan Singer. What I heard so far on ideas for the franchise to Brett Ratner has not made me really excited, but the first teaser trailer was pretty cool. We keep our fingers crossed, hoping that Ratner will surprise us, after all.

19. Click

Adam Sandler movies are a bit hit and miss, but has a few things for him. First: Kate Beckinsale is in it. Second: And so Christopher Walken.And third: the story is pretty cool because he is a man who finds a remote that allows him to zoom in and out of the moments of his life. This is a great show, starts up the remote control, a certain life of their own. Adam Sandler and the concept of high normal works quite well, so this could be really fun.

18. The Return of Zoom

Last year, the successful teen Superhero Movie "Sky High" came, and this year sees another superhero movie adolescents. Tim Allen plays a superhero who had consumedcalled into action to a group of superheroes at a private academy kid form. Yes, it sounds very familiar, but Sky High had a great time then we will perhaps again luck with that.

17. Mission Impossible 3

Is the annoying person of 2005 (from viewers around the world selected) back in his high-profile action franchise. But it's a hat trick from Tom Cruise? The first was very good, the second dissapointing, it directly by Lost JJAbrams could make a return.

16. Marie Antoinette

The director of my favorite film of 2004, Lost in Translation turns on the big screen with this stylized account of the life of Marie Antoinette, a simple girl from Vienna who became queen of France in 1774. A story of Rags to Riches? Yes, but it's a shame that she became queen a few years ago all the beheaded French were real ... Sophie Coppola directs Kirsten Dunst and Jason Schwartzman inthis.

15. Benchwarmers

The film, actor Jon Heder and Jon Lovitz, tells the story of a trio of friends catching up, trying to work with missed opportunities in childhood, when their own baseball team and playing against Little League teams to form. It could be this year Dodgeball.

14. Happy Feet

They are a host of charges CGI animated films go this year, but that seems to be one of the most fun. Just as it is funny: It's About Penguins!A group of singing penguins to be exact. Our hero is a penguin can not sing, which is a problem, because that is how the penguins woo women. Fortunately, however, can not sing in the situation, but better than any other Tapdance!

13. Miami Vice

Accurately read those words, is not this classic TV show stick in your head for the rest of the day (thank me for air.) This might actually a better TV remake for the most part, however, as Michael MannLife Cycle (also directed many episodes of the welfare of the original series).

12. Eragon

Where the fear that there will be a fantastic show ended this year, major (The Lord of the Rings and the next Narnia only coming this year) ensure the quietness. The next big thing comes as Eragon, another movie based on a book where a man connected with a dragon and ends in the middle of a battle between the old dragon.
Dragons. Cool!


Typically, Pixar is a guarantee of quality, but this time I am a bit "more cautious than usual. The trailer was not so hot, and going by the fact that the film has been delayed by Pixar this year, not even good to know. Although Pixar that the extra time was well spent. I would not be surprised if in the end take place is in a 5 star after all.

10. My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Luke Wilson must be one of the unfortunate man in the world. His girlfriend is a super --Heroine (cool!), But he does not know (booo!), Until they split up and she starts with her super powers to get revenge on him. Yes, I would not hurt either. Uma Thurman stars as a girl.

9. Black Dahlia

Brian De Palma gives this thriller Black Stars Scarlett Johansson. Oh, you want to know more? To hunt Well, try it's all about two cops, the killer of a young actress. In addition to Johansson, we also see, Hilary Swank, Josh Hartnett and AaronEckhart. Sounds like fun.

8. The Da Vinci Code

They were sick and tired of all the Da Vinci hype when the book came two years ago? Prepare to be sick again, when you begin the hype for the film version! If you're like me loved the book, but I think you must initiate Thrillride as Ron Howard Tom Hanks and Audrey "Amelie Tatou.

7. Casino Royale

The return of James Bond, but do not know how! The new Bond back tothe early days of the loan and most of the elements that the Bond films are so successful withdrawn mainly from. We hope that you do not strip too much, unless the stripping of the new James Bond Girl heard!

6. Pirates of the Caribbean 2

The first "Pirates of the Caribbean movie is brilliant, and everything in this second part as gratifying. Are all, plus there are cool new characters into the mix. And if you do notenough of Captain Jack Sparrow and his friends: This was filmed back to back with the third film, which next year will be published.

5. A Scanner Darkly

Richard Linklater returned to his passion for animation, this film is a combination of real life acting and animation. Not in the sense, though, because they are all actors in the film Linklater track by animators, giving the film an interesting visual effect.

4. Nacho Libre

The DirectorNapoleon Dynamite is with this film about a Mexican priest (Jack Black) and at night wear the mantle Lucha Libre wrestler to raise money for the delay. I do not know why, but this film, as it may sound like the funniest thing on ... Well ... Napoleon Dynamite!

3. Lady in the Water

M. Night Shyamalan gives us a little "more than his own brand of video editing with Lady in the Water, actors Paul Giamatti and Bryce Dallas Howard. Giamatti is a landlordone days is a mysterious young woman in the pool after its construction. We do not know much about the film yet, but with a Shyamalan picture that you do not know in advance anyway. Seems very interesting!

2. Superman Returns

Bryan Singer has done great things with the X-Men franchise, and if he was the greatest hero of all available, what can go wrong? (We hope to pursue these words do not come back to me ...)

1. Fountain

Darren is AranofskyThis year, hopefully the release of his latest book, which means love of travel and time and stars Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. A man discovers the love of his life is dying, and he begins a journey into the source of life to save his life ...

Originally published in http://www.scribbleking.com

Microsoft Movie Maker

The first installment of Microsoft Movie Maker, Windows Me received flak from critics because of its small feature compared to Apple's iMovie on the Macintosh product was introduced.

One year after version 1.1 in Windows XP, which has supported the establishment of DV-AVI and WMV 8, was recorded. November 2002 appeared the new and improved version 2.0. Later, the Windows XP Service Pack 2, the updated version included, and no less 2.1.A newMicrosoft version 2.5, was introduced by Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, with more features for burning DVDs. Some versions of Windows "Longhorn" (now Windows Vista), a version of WPF, but then disappear from the reorganization of the development.

Vista and Windows Movie Maker

Windows update has been updated to version 6 of assimilation with the operating system to Windows Vista. E ', but, as the version 3.0 SDK. Except for Windows VistaStarter, is included in all editions. Home Premium and Ultimate editions of Windows Vista includes an upgrade to high definition from Microsoft.

The impact of a new partition, a few innovative transitions and a DVR-MS file format supports included in the version of Windows Vista. Windows Media Center uses this format to record TV programs. HDV camcorders are the HD version in Premium and Ultimate editions of Windows Vista is not supported. The DVR-MS files created are types of HDV footageCapture Wizard. However, this new version of Windows Movie Maker can not import video from an analog source such as a VCR or a webcam.

Pixel shader hardware support is needed by all versions of Windows Vista. This new version is not supported by some systems. Microsoft has addressed this problem by publishing a new, updated version of the old resolved 2.6 for Windows Vista on the Microsoft Download Center. This version allows the use of Windows Vista, not only but alsoSystems, in which it is not the version of Windows Vista to run.

Windows Movie Maker 2.1

Windows Movie Maker 2.1 is a different ball game with a total of options to create, customize and movies on your PC business. You can make your own film, editing and poor plans that can refine accept only the best. The film will then be shared through the media. You can upload your potential Oscar-winning movie on a DVD with otherApplications. There is also software available to be transferred to the film on video in the camera for easy playback on TV or in the camera allow. Movie Maker 2.1 is a large state of the art special effects, music and narrative techniques that are flexible and add something to your movie.

All viewers of all ages explored the transformation of the Windows Movie Maker, Windows Movie Maker in the new and improved 2.1 hours, which we need to know everythingis necessary for the realization of their dreams in film direction!

วันศุกร์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Vintage Vampire Film: The Vampire Bat (1933) Classic Scary Horror Movie with Fay Wray, Dwight Frye & Lionel Atwill

Vintage Vampire Film: The Vampire Bat (1933) Classic Scary Horror Movie with Fay Wray, Dwight Frye & Lionel Atwill Review

Vintage Vampire Film: The Vampire Bat (1933) Classic Scary Horror Movie with Fay Wray, Dwight Frye & Lionel Atwill Feature

  • Year: 1933
  • Run time: 59:42
  • Director: Frank R. Strayer
  • Starring: Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, Melvyn Douglas, Maude Eburne, George E. Stone

Vintage Vampire Film: The Vampire Bat (1933) Classic Scary Horror Movie with Fay Wray, Dwight Frye & Lionel Atwill Overview

One of the best early 20th century horror films, The Vampire Bat is pure frightful fun. There's a problem in the small town of Kleinschloss: people are being murdered, found drained entirely of their blood! The town folk suspect a resurgence of vampires. The police inspector doesn't want to believe what the rest of the village fears, and in his denial suspicion falls on the poor simpleton Herman Gleib (Dwight Frye). However, once Gleib has been taken care of, the murders continue. Though standards for gore have changed, The Vampire Bat continues to be worth viewing because of its fine production and superb cast. Fans of this genre will not want to miss one of the best vampire films ever produced.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 11, 2009 07:56:10

31 of the best horror movies for Halloween

October is time again. And change "Family tension in the air, the leaves change their color and light is much shorter. It is a beautiful time of year, but also a dark and gloomy this year. Everyone has different ways to celebrate and refers to October 31 from many different names, the most common is Halloween. One way to celebrate the vision of the film is scary. For thirty-core horror films (in no particular order) for HalloweenVisualization.

Night Of The Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
City Of The Living Dead
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Evil Dead
Black Christmas
Dead and buried
The Omen
From Beyond
The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue
Black Sunday
The Howling
An American Werewolf in London
The Creature from the BlackLaguna
Friday 13
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Sleepy Hollow
The Living Dead Girl
Witch Hunters
Night of the Creeps

Of course, this is a very short list because there are thousands of horror films, more than worthy for display on Halloween or any time of year. I always try to see a horror movie about one days the entire month of October, so I hope that will be thirty and suggestions useful. If you do notAccount and rent movies, not the money to buy a lot of DVDs, there are some networks run daily horror movies be sure to check your listings. I hope you have as much pleasure from these films, which I do. Stay scared!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Fog (Widescreen Unrated Edition)

The Fog (Widescreen Unrated Edition) Review

Despite what critics and fans have said about "The Fog", this film is a great remake of a classic horror film. It isn't Oscar material, but what scary movie is. It is meant to be fun and campy and I actually enoyed it. I will also admit I am a huge fan of Tom Welling, and there is a great scene in the film where he takes his shirt off: that is worth the price of the movie.
The film basically follows the same plot as the original in which a huge fog bank descends upon Antonio Bay and all hell breaks loose. Lots of surprise elements are included, and there were many times I jumped while watching it.
The DVD has some great bonuses, including commentary by the director, deleted scenes, and a great documentary on remaking a classic.
When the new version of "The Fog" came out in 2006 it debut at #1 at the boxoffice, eventually accumulating a gross of over 26 million dollars: someone liked it!
Sit back, make some popcorn and enjoy a great, scary film.

The Fog (Widescreen Unrated Edition) Overview


Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 10, 2009 07:52:06

วันพุธที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movie Review - Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity, a fake documentary horror movie, written and directed by Oren Peli, Screamfest premiere at the film festival in the United States, October 14, 2007, and the Slamdance Film Festival January 18, 2008 headed. The film received a limited edition Cities in the United States, 9 October 2009 and had a National Press Release October 16, 2009.

The fascinating story of ghosts, paranormal activity is not new to the scene of the film. Katie and Micah are a young couple, jumping into the water to movetogether. It does not take long before they begin to experience some paranormal activity in their home country. The lighting and the fountain itself on or off and slamming of doors without any explanation. Katie then throw some "light prosecuted to the situation that was brought by a spirit, since his 8 years. The couple seeks the advice of a psychic and terror begins to develop.

This arrangement does not differ substantially from the spirit of the hunt for the drama that you could flip to midnightSci-Fi Channel, but the brilliant direction, is one of the best horror hit of all time, the benefits of our inner fears about the reality, not the possibility of ghosts. Paranormal activity triggers fear with the fear of a report that the panic of a major change in life takes a wrong direction, and this sounds familiar or unexplained cracks everyone tries to ignore it.

As in the famous The Blair Witch Project, is the startingthe authentic atmosphere, Paranormal Activity shown. The ghosts and fears are not above the lines, but they are anything but trivial o. And in the end, damn you Christmas is the end of this world. You can go home suspected leaky faucet, every closet door, you go left to open, and all the flickering light is the work of your personal obsession.

See the movie on the big screen, my little poltergeist INTERWEB. And, if possible, sits between two of the sweetest men gaythe world when it comes. I did. And I had the time of my life.

วันอังคารที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Top Scariest Movies to Watch

When Halloween approaches, there is nothing better than watching a horror movie in the cinema or DVD-pop horror movie in the comfort of home. Horror movies have lately taken a turn for the dark side and rough, and gives a Warning better than the old one. Let's review some of the best-looking, and again, especially in this season of fear.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Both the original and the remake of this are awesome> Film. Very dark and very scary, and it is serious or not. What is even more frightening is that this is based on a true story. The suspension and tension throughout the film. An invitation to a very good at any time of day. More fun when you see a few friends to bring together.

The Sixth Sense

This is a film very interesting. The film was not promoted as a horror movie, but was not looking, you can kind of tension. Spooks is that "Bruce Willis" wasall dead. And "certainly a surprise. A very good attempt and a fascinating history, thanks to the script.

Nightmare on Elm Street

"Remember, no running in the hallway." This was one of the finest horror films that are really crazy. A good historical film, but it's nice to see her again. You will feel comfortable also afraid that at this time.


Often I Know What You Did Last Summer Scream is in comparison to another film that gives an extra dimension of tensionFear. The film shocks you start thinking, "Who did this?"


A film, very old, a legend of horror films, which has been classified as one of the worst experiences. As the name suggests, horror can be the subjects of the supernatural and the key ingredient for the super scared. Even now, people still want to see.

The Omen

The remake of Omen strengthens the element of fear that the film is full ofHeart to pump with moments of suspense and horror of the whole trip. It is one of the most frightening stories of all time.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to add a new way to test download Korean film

At last, time has come to download Korean movies without so much hassle that goes with it before. After paying for a one-time registration fee at a very low cost, you are already entitled to choose from the unending list of movies that you can choose from and download. Pay-per-vies charges are no longer a problem because these are totally eliminated.

The internet presents numerous softwares that you can download to your PC. Once downloaded, there will be no more Other provisions what so ever. Get a high quality downloaded Korean movie it is so, get copies of your favorite films ever popular trend, certainly a new way to download Korean movies.

A download of the Republic of Korea, at least one film per week. This is documented in an investigation. With its super-fast computer, download Korean movies through their file-sharing. The Korean Film Council, such a study, whose results were madethat nearly fifty percent of the respondents have to download their movies directly through their living room.

With this, you have easier to download Korean movies, you just follow a few simple steps and you're on your way to enjoying the movie. Software used to download are substantially similar to, if anything, there are differences, then you can easily find tack.

First, you must be on the site. As with almost all filmscertain information must be accessible. If the software comes with a download manager, you have to do. You should always make sure that the software download is complete and successful. This is very important before you try your first download.

After the successful installation of the software, you can already on the list of movie titles on the site. Some sites offer free stuff. You should also know whether it exists. Thisthe second phase.

The next step is ready for download. This is mainly on how fast your PC can depend on. The download manager is now responsible for most jobs done. Check the appropriate information and wait for the movie to be completely downloaded. The last step is, of course, your enjoyment of the video. When the download is successful, it is now one of your favorite movies Koreans prepared before your eyes. You can also proceed to download Korean moviesYou want.

Enjoy the best Korean films, the recording time for a download site. Your new experience to download the movies in Korea is in close proximity.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Top Horror Movies: Bride of the Gorilla DVD (1951) Starring Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney Jr., Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Felippa Rock, and Moyna MacGill.

Top Horror Movies: Bride of the Gorilla DVD (1951) Starring Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney Jr., Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Felippa Rock, and Moyna MacGill. Review

Top Horror Movies: Bride of the Gorilla DVD (1951) Starring Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney Jr., Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Felippa Rock, and Moyna MacGill. Feature

  • Title: Bride of the Gorilla
  • Year: 1951
  • Length: 66 minutes
  • Director: Curt Siodmak
  • Starring: Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney Jr., Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Felippa Rock, Moyna MacGill

Top Horror Movies: Bride of the Gorilla DVD (1951) Starring Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney Jr., Raymond Burr, Tom Conway, Paul Cavanagh, Gisela Werbisek, Carol Varga, Paul Maxey, Woody Strode, Martin Garralaga, Felippa Rock, and Moyna MacGill. Overview

The rich owner of a rubber plantation is murdered by his steward who has fallen in love with the elderly landowner's beautiful wife, played by Barbara Payton. The steward, played by Burr, soon has married the widow of his victim. One of the trusted servants of the old master, a man who knows the art of voodoo, saw the crime, though, and curses the steward. Because of the curse, the steward turns into a vicious gorilla at night and attacks the local villages. The local policeman, played by Lon Chaney Jr., investigates the attacks.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 06, 2009 07:12:23

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Black Film Academy Awards

Some of the best films of 1940 were the kind of film noir. The classic black and white film shows the dark shadows of the inner eye, and in the alleys of the city.

Hot, cramped New York apartment, lonely, mist docks, nightclubs and cafes with waitresses wisecrackin smoky "black-dominated landscapes.

Most of these films were made with a relatively low budget, especially the RKO, which is veryeccentric gems. The staging, or look and feel of these films has sought to reflect the psychological swamps characters'.

Another feature of film noir has come in writing, which are often full of snappy, brilliant dialogue, full of irony and black humor.

The Academy has recognized that some of these are classic film noir of excellence in one aspect or another, and of course consider worth the price review.

According to the AcademyMotion Picture Arts and Sciences Database, the movie won the Oscar the following year.

In 1944, Joan Crawford won Best Actress for her portrayal of Mildred Pierce in the movie with the same name, "Mildred Pierce".

Billy Wilder won the best director for his work on "The Lost Weekend," which also won the best film (Paramount), Best Screenplay (Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder) and best actor (Ray Milland).

Also this yeargave birth to "Laura" for which Joseph LaShelle won an Oscar for cinematography in black and white.

In 1948, Claire Trevor won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Key Largo won.

"The Naked City" won two Oscars, one for William Daniels, photography and one for the edition of Paul Weatherwax.

In 1950, "Sunset Boulevard" won the Oscar for best score of the music of Franz Waxman made.

The best scenario was "panic in theRoads ", written by Edward and Edna Anhalt.

Robert Krasker incredible pictures in "The Third Man" Have you got him an Oscar this year.

In addition to these winners at the Oscars, which was nominated for most of the noir genre writing. The category includes the best written history of the original film, best screenplay and best original screenplay. Write For those interested in film noir classic, or screenplays to the films arecertainly worth a review.

In 1941, there was "The Maltese Falcon." 1943, "Shadow of a Doubt." In 1944, there was "Double Indemnity" and "Laura". Mildred Pierce "was nominated for writing in 1945. (" Lost Weekend won. ")

In 1946, there were several contenders for the film noir "The Black Mirror," "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers" and "The Stranger", "Blue Dahlia," "Brief Encounter") (Black doubtful, and "The Killers".

In 1947, "Kiss Of Death", "A Double Life" and "Crossfire"have been identified, and in 1948 was "The Naked City," "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and "Johnny Belinda".

In 1950, "Mystery Street" was one of the candidates, and "Panic In The Streets" (the story best film) and "Sunset Boulevard" (best story and screenplay won).

"The Big Carnival" was nominated in 1951, while "The Narrow Margin" nominated in 1952 (loss of "The Bad and the Beautiful").

In 1958, "I Want To Live!" was nominated for Bestwriting.

So head to the nearest video store and see what treasures can be film noir, Oscar, see you!

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Friday the 13th, Part 2 [Blu-ray]

Friday the 13th, Part 2 [Blu-ray] Review

Alright i need to counteract some of the negative reviews on this. The picture quality is PHENOMENAL!!! Whereas the blu-ray of Part 1 is overzoomed-in, this actually shows more of the picture than the previous DVD releases. I think they did a great job on the transfer...the only grain I see is the original film grain from the low-budget cameras they used back then...it looks the way it is meant to look. I absolutely loved it, and found myself saying numerous times during the movie 'this looks SOO AWESOME!!!' And I am as critical as they come, I can assure you.

The special features are decent...aside from the Lost Tales from Camp Blood short film crap--those are all just pitiful and should be destroyed.

Otherwise my only complaint is we need a director's cut of this one...there is some really great footage missing here...I know we've been saying it for years, but man oh man, add that to the awesome quality of this BD, get rid of the Lost Tales crap, and I'll buy it again.

Or even something like what they did with 'Slashed Scenes' feature on the DVD of Part 4...they basically gave you every bit of film that wasn't used surrounding those death scenes as an extra...no audio or color correction or anything, but great quality and it's all there. I was actually able to splice in some extra gore, color correct it (the best I can with what I have), do some audio-looping & editing tricks, and make my own director's cut of it in Windows Movie Maker. I would love to do that with Part 2!!!!

However, I am appreciative for what we got this time...far better than any previous release, and the picture quality makes it worth every penny for me.

Friday the 13th, Part 2 [Blu-ray] Overview

Studio: Paramount Home Video Release Date: 06/16/2009 Run time: 86 minutes Rating: R

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 04, 2009 07:04:33

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

John Carpenter: Master of Fear Collection

John Carpenter: Master of Fear Collection Review

Will the real John Carpenter step forward? Is he the diabolical, masterful horror trailblazer who made Halloween and The Fog, or the sardonic, self-aware b-movie cheese-slinger who made Escape From L.A., Ghosts of Mars, and Body Bags? What makes this collection so good is that it not only represents some of his biggest and best, but you can almost see the transition take place. Carpenter is in top form with The Thing, a gripping, atmospheric feat of pure horror. Prince of Darkness is somewhat of an experimental film, with little in the way of special effects, a relaxed and naturalistic pace, and perhaps even heavier on the atmosphere, complete with a strange, somewhat elliptical tale. While it has its moments, Village of the Damned seems to be a misstep, and while Carpenter seems to handle this movie with a straight face, the subject matter is ultimately too meager and silly to make it a worthwhile watch. Thankfully, Carpenter remedies this disjunction with They Live, helming a far out, 50s pulp era story and giving it both the seriousness it needs for us to connect with it while also ensuring hammy performances and exaggerated visuals as a counterpoint.

The four movies are collected on two DVDs, and thankfully, they're one-sided discs with artwork instead of those abominable flippers. We get The Thing and Prince of Darkness on the first disc, with They Live and Village of the Damned on the second. All four movies are in Widescreen, but that's all you get here. There are no special features of any kind, not even any trailers. In fact, there aren't even chapter selection options on the menu screens, so if you want to get to a certain point in the movies, you have to play them from the beginning and then skip chapters from there.

Thankfully, the packaging makes up for the threadbare content. This four movie set is contained in a standard size, clear 2-DVD case with 2-sided artwork, although the inner artwork is pretty plain. This is topped with a slipcover that has the same cover art but highlighted with iridescent ink that lends some beauty to the horrible images imposed there.

So, is this set worth it? Chances are, if you're a fan of the man, you already own most of these, and the lack of any special features really degrades the value of this set. But, if your Carpenter collection consists of The Thing and Halloween, this inexpensive, compact, varied array of movies housed in a handsome package is too good to pass up.

Thanks for reading.

John Carpenter: Master of Fear Collection Overview

Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 09/15/2009 Rating: R

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 03, 2009 06:39:09