วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

A Feast of Flesh

A Feast of Flesh Review

SPOILER ALERT: This another fun filled film by the folks at Happy Cloud pictures. Their first foray into the vampire genre and without most of the tongue and cheek humor that is in their earlier pictures. The film is ferociously original in the story concept breathing some life into the very tired vampire cliches. First off you have two warring parties stuck in a very uneasy truce. On one side you have a brothel run by a vampire clan feeding off of the unlucky customers. On the other is an apparent off shoot of the Irish Republican Army who are defending the local townspeople. The truce is simple, don't touch the townies and there will be no war. The vampires accidently break the truce and now there will be Hell to pay. Some of the original twists are that it is your belief (or faith) and not holy symbols that ward off the vampires. The leader (played by Mike Watt) is a believer in Christianity so those symbols are weapons in his hands. Another believes in money so his weapon is flashing the green. All in all probably one of the best vampire pictures I have seen in years and well worth buying.

A Feast of Flesh Feature

  • For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it. Format: DVD MOVIE

A Feast of Flesh Overview

For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory’s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 14, 2010 02:29:25

