วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Best Movie Download Services

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Although the practice, services for downloading movies certainly still gain in popularity and importance. A feature of the services of many is the ability to burn, video files to MP3 player or a DVD available. Not only downloadable movies provide a backup in case your copy of The Shining is scratched or lost, are cheaper in the long run.

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend Review

Man's best friend was about a dog named Max who was genetically crossed in a experimental lab with chameleons, jaguars, and other things. The scientist basically took a dog, mapped out his flaws, and then got rid of them by putting genes of other animals in there. He was trying to make a super watchdog but this dog was also a little too powerful for his own good.

The movie opened up with a scene with a scientist getting killed as soon as it started which is always a good thing getting right into it. The story was good, the scientist who made him chases Max down while the police chase him down a few times. Max is loose and finds refuge with a reporter named Lori who was trying to blow the lab right open and shut it down. She gets his seemingly harmless dog and takes him with her. The dog has a surprise in store for them though. He's super powerful, can turn invisible, climb up walls and trees, run extremely fast, and withstand alot of punishment.

The kills in the movie are justified as its mainly people trying to kill him, so it isnt just some psycho dog that needs to be shot to death because he kills random people. Its just like any other big dog, if you try to attack them or kill them they'll kill you. So its justified to me.

The acting is not bad at all, it has a few lil dead points I guess but I cant name any out of the top of my head. It blends the idea of a normal housedog but with killer tendencies. There are alot of scenes worth noting like the cat, the "Puppy Love" scene, and way too many to name.

The ending is absolutely epic, you will be in such suspense that it can rank up with any other horror film probably more. Most horror movies i've seen (and i've seen all the jason, michael, freddy, and ripoffs along with every other film under the sun) you always just sit there and are like how are they going to kill him? Not really epic or suspensful you just want to know how he is going to die. Not with this movie.

The dog has duality also which is a definite plus. He has his sweet loving side if you treat him good and dont provoke him. And he has his killer side if you attack or try to hurt him. It isnt like most movies where you just see a hack and slash (even though that is good).

The dog is a genius he is smart as a human so dont think "oh god a dog killer movie thats so stupid... Who would watch that?" NO! This dog is smarter then any human you will ever see. He is a hunter, tracks you down, opens doors, cuts on and off lights, flushs toilets, and can analyze things. He knows over 350 spoken commands in English and Spanish according to the scientist.

I wont give away the ending. I'll just say its extremely sad and even a tough guy would cry if he loves dogs. It has a cliffhanger though, so that definitely gives you a sense of wanting to see a second movie of this.

Overall, its a great movie. Its full of action, some comedy, suspense, and is both funny, scary, and charming. This movie is one of the best i've seen in a long time. I am not a kid, i'm 20 years old and have seen this movie many times. I can watch this movie over and over and never get bored. Unless I watch it around 100 times but still. It's an amazing movie. Buy it now!!

Man's Best Friend Overview

This story centers around a high-tech biotechnology lab. From its confines comes "Max," a genetically engineered killing machine in the guise of a household pet dog.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 16, 2010 09:05:05

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2 Review

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2 Overview

The Tromadance film festival is the first festival of independent cinema of the people, for the people and by the people! Tromadance has no entry fee, admission fee or VIPs! This exclusive DVD release showcases some of the brightest and best talent working in independent cinema by featuring OVER 3 HOURS of the best short films from the worlds finest truly independent film festival including…Mondo Ford: Dir. Scott Calonico’s film which purports to solve the assassination of President Kennedy, pointing the finger at President Gerald Ford…as well as bigfoot, Stonehenge, pyramids, and extraterrestrials! In 30 Minutes or Less, director Scott Pearlman’s story follows a pizza delivery boy who encounters a violent red neck couple, 2 over-amped cops, and a transvestite Nazi war criminal planning to take over the world with her secret weapon: Zombie Walt Disney!Also includes Chad Cardin’s Tasty, Gym Jones’ Undisciplined, Conrad Stojak’s Cheese Theatre Live at an Aquacade, Ian Fischer’s Foet, Jeff Bacon’s Arrowhead Beer, and many more short films of the future!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 15, 2010 06:42:15

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

A Feast of Flesh

A Feast of Flesh Review

SPOILER ALERT: This another fun filled film by the folks at Happy Cloud pictures. Their first foray into the vampire genre and without most of the tongue and cheek humor that is in their earlier pictures. The film is ferociously original in the story concept breathing some life into the very tired vampire cliches. First off you have two warring parties stuck in a very uneasy truce. On one side you have a brothel run by a vampire clan feeding off of the unlucky customers. On the other is an apparent off shoot of the Irish Republican Army who are defending the local townspeople. The truce is simple, don't touch the townies and there will be no war. The vampires accidently break the truce and now there will be Hell to pay. Some of the original twists are that it is your belief (or faith) and not holy symbols that ward off the vampires. The leader (played by Mike Watt) is a believer in Christianity so those symbols are weapons in his hands. Another believes in money so his weapon is flashing the green. All in all probably one of the best vampire pictures I have seen in years and well worth buying.

A Feast of Flesh Feature

  • For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it. Format: DVD MOVIE

A Feast of Flesh Overview

For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory’s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 14, 2010 02:29:25

วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lions for Lambs Movie Review - Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Robert Redford

BOTTOM LINE: analysis of the surprising U.S. war on terrorism, and some great qualities, but almost as a piece of film lives up to its label of "political thriller".

THE GOOD: Probing for the defeat and the parody is on the U.S. war on terrorism, exciting, expressed by the Council missed by key players. Tom Cruise, in particular, provides a yield, expressed as a accomplice of an ambitious Republican Senator Jasper Irving, is Meryl StreepBuy perfect, as the journalist does not hype Irving, and Robert Redford as a teacher trying to motivate one of his students to participate. Even if the issues are in favor of the anti-guerrilla war agenda, suggesting that what happened in the past six years with American foreign policy and how each of us that the company has aa responsibility to do something.

THE BAD: This is a film in the true sense, but it could be mistaken for thinkingIt "was filmed during the game (with the exception of the ancestral line) tackle the history of aviation. Two of the three scenarios are talking about two players sit at a table. Granted, what they contribute speak, but could not a better way to have found to do? The film was a barren spell of 92 minutes, but felt like 3 hours on end. exercise of his pupil, Professor Story is not very good for the first third of the film (to the point where you wonder why isMovie?) Until it seems more connected to the stories of others. And the war zone, although relevant, feels like an attempt at the film about the sit-in talky scenes that do not sit still well, as the film slows down when it comes to talky scenes expand.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare Review

This movie is not for everyone but a very artistic achievment a visual nightmare almost totally created by one man

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare Overview

Studio: Anthem Pictures Release Date: 05/22/2007

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 11, 2010 22:52:15

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Veil

The Veil Review

I can't say I was ever much of an outspoken Karloff fan, but will say that this series was an excellent chance for him to show some range in his acting. The Veil has actually made me a Karloff fan and feel it's a shame he was not in more visible dramatic film roles later in life.

The Veil itself as mentioned on other reviews is indeed a lot like ONE STEP BEYOND, though the production values seem a bit higher and had better directing. Each episode of The Veil has a feel more akin to a mini-movie due to its directing, cinematography and fine acting.

Each episode, due to these high caliber production values, is very enjoyable to watch. Each story moves along at a fine pace and the music punctuates in just the right places, creating a enjoyably creepy atmosphere. There are very few special effects and the ones present are pretty simple. I think this demonstrates how the power of suggestion can be far superior to getting hit over the head with special effects in order to put everything didactically on screen. Perfect examples of ruining or completely destroying a truly supernatural mood would be movies like THE HAUNTING (1999)and to a lesser extent the new movie 1408.

I'd like to reiterate what others have said, that the prints are pristine. I don't know how or why they are in such good shape (maybe the sitting in a vault with no usage for years theory?) but they are.

The Veil Overview

Two years before thriller boris karloff hosted this never before broadcast ten episode pilot of a tv horror anthology. Karloff stars in 9 of the 10 episodes making this a rare treat for boris karloff fans. Studio: Image Entertainment Release Date: 09/30/2008 Starring: Boris Karloff Run time: 311 minutes Director: Various

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 10, 2010 22:33:40