วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Best Movie Download Services

We have all the movies and have rented our fair share of videos at our corner Blockbuster. Many of us have known rented movies from Netflix to get our DVDs by mail. But how many of us actually download our movies directly to our computers? Services for downloading videos is revolutionizing the way we receive and enjoy our favorite movies. Service's decision to film on these basic points to unload:

Selection - OtherYou pay, you can substitute a Web site that you go to access the largest possible number of securities. CinemaNow shows all film genres, action and Indian Affairs and alive.
Download Platform - Go with a movie download service that simplifies the download process. Video files are huge, and websites such as Total Vid, you can transfer data directly from their website. Others, like Movielink, special software to facilitate the download.
How much? - PopulariTunes music service and download the video you can download movies on an individual basis, while total Vid allows members to download unlimited movies from their library of films for one low monthly fee.
Quality - As with any download, select a service that provides high-resolution images of the film. The last thing we want is to decipher the image. Total Vid iTunes, and both need the RAM and display resolutions to high-tech video display to ensureExperience.

Although the practice, services for downloading movies certainly still gain in popularity and importance. A feature of the services of many is the ability to burn, video files to MP3 player or a DVD available. Not only downloadable movies provide a backup in case your copy of The Shining is scratched or lost, are cheaper in the long run.

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend Review

Man's best friend was about a dog named Max who was genetically crossed in a experimental lab with chameleons, jaguars, and other things. The scientist basically took a dog, mapped out his flaws, and then got rid of them by putting genes of other animals in there. He was trying to make a super watchdog but this dog was also a little too powerful for his own good.

The movie opened up with a scene with a scientist getting killed as soon as it started which is always a good thing getting right into it. The story was good, the scientist who made him chases Max down while the police chase him down a few times. Max is loose and finds refuge with a reporter named Lori who was trying to blow the lab right open and shut it down. She gets his seemingly harmless dog and takes him with her. The dog has a surprise in store for them though. He's super powerful, can turn invisible, climb up walls and trees, run extremely fast, and withstand alot of punishment.

The kills in the movie are justified as its mainly people trying to kill him, so it isnt just some psycho dog that needs to be shot to death because he kills random people. Its just like any other big dog, if you try to attack them or kill them they'll kill you. So its justified to me.

The acting is not bad at all, it has a few lil dead points I guess but I cant name any out of the top of my head. It blends the idea of a normal housedog but with killer tendencies. There are alot of scenes worth noting like the cat, the "Puppy Love" scene, and way too many to name.

The ending is absolutely epic, you will be in such suspense that it can rank up with any other horror film probably more. Most horror movies i've seen (and i've seen all the jason, michael, freddy, and ripoffs along with every other film under the sun) you always just sit there and are like how are they going to kill him? Not really epic or suspensful you just want to know how he is going to die. Not with this movie.

The dog has duality also which is a definite plus. He has his sweet loving side if you treat him good and dont provoke him. And he has his killer side if you attack or try to hurt him. It isnt like most movies where you just see a hack and slash (even though that is good).

The dog is a genius he is smart as a human so dont think "oh god a dog killer movie thats so stupid... Who would watch that?" NO! This dog is smarter then any human you will ever see. He is a hunter, tracks you down, opens doors, cuts on and off lights, flushs toilets, and can analyze things. He knows over 350 spoken commands in English and Spanish according to the scientist.

I wont give away the ending. I'll just say its extremely sad and even a tough guy would cry if he loves dogs. It has a cliffhanger though, so that definitely gives you a sense of wanting to see a second movie of this.

Overall, its a great movie. Its full of action, some comedy, suspense, and is both funny, scary, and charming. This movie is one of the best i've seen in a long time. I am not a kid, i'm 20 years old and have seen this movie many times. I can watch this movie over and over and never get bored. Unless I watch it around 100 times but still. It's an amazing movie. Buy it now!!

Man's Best Friend Overview

This story centers around a high-tech biotechnology lab. From its confines comes "Max," a genetically engineered killing machine in the guise of a household pet dog.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 16, 2010 09:05:05

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2 Review

The Best of TromaDance Film Festival, Vol. 2 Overview

The Tromadance film festival is the first festival of independent cinema of the people, for the people and by the people! Tromadance has no entry fee, admission fee or VIPs! This exclusive DVD release showcases some of the brightest and best talent working in independent cinema by featuring OVER 3 HOURS of the best short films from the worlds finest truly independent film festival including…Mondo Ford: Dir. Scott Calonico’s film which purports to solve the assassination of President Kennedy, pointing the finger at President Gerald Ford…as well as bigfoot, Stonehenge, pyramids, and extraterrestrials! In 30 Minutes or Less, director Scott Pearlman’s story follows a pizza delivery boy who encounters a violent red neck couple, 2 over-amped cops, and a transvestite Nazi war criminal planning to take over the world with her secret weapon: Zombie Walt Disney!Also includes Chad Cardin’s Tasty, Gym Jones’ Undisciplined, Conrad Stojak’s Cheese Theatre Live at an Aquacade, Ian Fischer’s Foet, Jeff Bacon’s Arrowhead Beer, and many more short films of the future!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 15, 2010 06:42:15

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

A Feast of Flesh

A Feast of Flesh Review

SPOILER ALERT: This another fun filled film by the folks at Happy Cloud pictures. Their first foray into the vampire genre and without most of the tongue and cheek humor that is in their earlier pictures. The film is ferociously original in the story concept breathing some life into the very tired vampire cliches. First off you have two warring parties stuck in a very uneasy truce. On one side you have a brothel run by a vampire clan feeding off of the unlucky customers. On the other is an apparent off shoot of the Irish Republican Army who are defending the local townspeople. The truce is simple, don't touch the townies and there will be no war. The vampires accidently break the truce and now there will be Hell to pay. Some of the original twists are that it is your belief (or faith) and not holy symbols that ward off the vampires. The leader (played by Mike Watt) is a believer in Christianity so those symbols are weapons in his hands. Another believes in money so his weapon is flashing the green. All in all probably one of the best vampire pictures I have seen in years and well worth buying.

A Feast of Flesh Feature

  • For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it. Format: DVD MOVIE

A Feast of Flesh Overview

For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory’s Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 14, 2010 02:29:25

วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lions for Lambs Movie Review - Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Robert Redford

BOTTOM LINE: analysis of the surprising U.S. war on terrorism, and some great qualities, but almost as a piece of film lives up to its label of "political thriller".

THE GOOD: Probing for the defeat and the parody is on the U.S. war on terrorism, exciting, expressed by the Council missed by key players. Tom Cruise, in particular, provides a yield, expressed as a accomplice of an ambitious Republican Senator Jasper Irving, is Meryl StreepBuy perfect, as the journalist does not hype Irving, and Robert Redford as a teacher trying to motivate one of his students to participate. Even if the issues are in favor of the anti-guerrilla war agenda, suggesting that what happened in the past six years with American foreign policy and how each of us that the company has aa responsibility to do something.

THE BAD: This is a film in the true sense, but it could be mistaken for thinkingIt "was filmed during the game (with the exception of the ancestral line) tackle the history of aviation. Two of the three scenarios are talking about two players sit at a table. Granted, what they contribute speak, but could not a better way to have found to do? The film was a barren spell of 92 minutes, but felt like 3 hours on end. exercise of his pupil, Professor Story is not very good for the first third of the film (to the point where you wonder why isMovie?) Until it seems more connected to the stories of others. And the war zone, although relevant, feels like an attempt at the film about the sit-in talky scenes that do not sit still well, as the film slows down when it comes to talky scenes expand.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare Review

This movie is not for everyone but a very artistic achievment a visual nightmare almost totally created by one man

Frankenstein's Bloody Nightmare Overview

Studio: Anthem Pictures Release Date: 05/22/2007

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 11, 2010 22:52:15

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Veil

The Veil Review

I can't say I was ever much of an outspoken Karloff fan, but will say that this series was an excellent chance for him to show some range in his acting. The Veil has actually made me a Karloff fan and feel it's a shame he was not in more visible dramatic film roles later in life.

The Veil itself as mentioned on other reviews is indeed a lot like ONE STEP BEYOND, though the production values seem a bit higher and had better directing. Each episode of The Veil has a feel more akin to a mini-movie due to its directing, cinematography and fine acting.

Each episode, due to these high caliber production values, is very enjoyable to watch. Each story moves along at a fine pace and the music punctuates in just the right places, creating a enjoyably creepy atmosphere. There are very few special effects and the ones present are pretty simple. I think this demonstrates how the power of suggestion can be far superior to getting hit over the head with special effects in order to put everything didactically on screen. Perfect examples of ruining or completely destroying a truly supernatural mood would be movies like THE HAUNTING (1999)and to a lesser extent the new movie 1408.

I'd like to reiterate what others have said, that the prints are pristine. I don't know how or why they are in such good shape (maybe the sitting in a vault with no usage for years theory?) but they are.

The Veil Overview

Two years before thriller boris karloff hosted this never before broadcast ten episode pilot of a tv horror anthology. Karloff stars in 9 of the 10 episodes making this a rare treat for boris karloff fans. Studio: Image Entertainment Release Date: 09/30/2008 Starring: Boris Karloff Run time: 311 minutes Director: Various

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 10, 2010 22:33:40

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

5 reasons why you should download full length DVD movies from the Internet

Why download full length when you can buy DVD movies, the actual DVD Stores? That is the question that some people still wonder. You see the growing number of viewers downloading the choice in purchasing and starting to ask what benefits can be obtained by downloading movies from the Internet.

If you are a new online download, you may think, why the whole length of DVD movies is better than shopping download. Well, here are the most importantGrounds

1. Low Cost

Moneywise, downloads are much cheaper than DVD. Of course, how you can save depends on your choice of a site to download movies. Some charge per film, whilst others allow unlimited downloads for a certain price. Such a choice can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars are spent in a store DVDs.

2. No physical storage space

Okay, VCDs and DVDs are very compact in comparison to videotapesthe past. But if a lot of movies, you know how many DVDs use the space seem to have little May. Compare this with the downloaded movies - that can only remain in your computer if you want - and you will see a further advantage of downloading it.

3. No additional care

You can download full length DVD movies to see and delete them if you want. You do not need to protect them, there are no worries, scratches, not the effects of time and improper storage.In other words, the downloaded movies ever, in contrast to the DVD playable delicate and damage-prone.

4. Large selection at your fingertips

You need not go into a store and the DVD movie you need every time you wanted to see something. Download large selection (which is superior to all DVD store), are available in a few mouse clicks - anytime, anywhere.

5. You can burn a DVD

If you prevent downloadsbecause you have movies on your regular DVD player and TV set, here goes: You can full-length movies onto a CD and see how you like them download. The quality is no different from the purchase of a DVD shop.

As you can see, download movies from the Internet easy and beneficial. It is very easy, too - even a person with basic computer skills will be very able to understand how it work in a few minutes.

MyBlog is news and analysis of the best resources on the Internet where you can be dedicated to movies at the lowest price.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Find in the movie rental blockbuster online

One of my biggest problems is to watch a movie on Blockbuster Online. Who voted on, with more than 65,000 titles is not a problem to be? Well, not all films have the problem, the film on the website. I think she tries to help, but I still have trouble finding movies. Here are some tips that should help you find the films are much faster and easier.

The search for a rent based onBlockbuster website is fine, I look for the old movies or do I see the new versions. Top right a small search box will be empty if you do not the title of the movie you can remember an actor put / actress name in the search and the most popular songs with him / her how

Navigate through the categories of films, the three white boxes) (see a movie that can be frustrating. But how do you know whatseems to be to be a breeze. The trick with these fields is to be as detailed as possible. Fill the three boxes to find movies. Think about it, save as a file on your computer. You've got the folder you want to save.

Has never been waiting to come for a movie and when you queue it is stated that there was a long wait for a movie. This could, by a rough estimate of when the film might be available to be solved. Butis not that serious problem to see that I could always go to rent online for the film, I have been waiting for the exchange.

Another thing is before you, the local Blockbuster to rent on-line to borrow, which usually takes some time before they book on the net I managed to exchange my tails. This is not really a problem, why do you continue with the next film on my list for the next day. And "only for some reason it takes a little time to getTail.

Despite these small problems Blockbuster Online is still in a superb location, on-line service. But there is always room for improvement. Setting this question, I think the customers a better user experience.

วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

1960 Batman TV Series

One of the best Batman movie of all time, from cartoons, TV series, and also on the big screen. Many people, especially children really love this movie. This film has a lot of money. Some of them are:

Batman Awards:


1989 Best Art Direction Anton Furst

1989 Best Art Direction Peter Young

Golden Globe

1989 Best Actor - Comedy Jack Nicholson


Best Film of the Year 1989 (inDrama)

more ..

The Batman TV series from 1960 focuses on Bruce Wayne, a multi-billionaire in the capital crime of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne, Batman is a superhero who uses his great spirit and makes a few gadgets and vehicles to combat criminals and bring to justice. When Bruce was a child, his parents were killed in front of him that Bruce Allen to be hard enough to fight the criminals and criminals. Along with Bruce is Dick GraysonWas circus acrobat, the Batman's sidekick Robin, has bigtime criminals of Gotham as The Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, the Riddler and Catwoman.

Batman (1960 TV series)

The series began on 12 January 1966 and was characterized by its high and continues to release many associate with the character of Batman, although it may be less representative of the many versions.

Despite the horrors of the TV series of the fans of Batman 1970through our days, the transfer of live-action TV was very popular at the height of his popularity, it was only television in prime time twice in a week as part of its regular broadcast schedule on Wednesday and Thursday.

The hippie counterculture of the 1960s was the fact that although in the end would win and bring the bad guys in jail, Batman and Robin portrayed the forces of "public order" as an urgent sense of humor, "place" and ignoring becausethat the world is laughing at them.

The series was produced in the United States of America and has 7:30, Wednesday, 12 Started in January, 1966 ABC-TV at a time when other popular TV shows like The Andy Griffith Show and The Wild Wild West. The Batman series set a standard that identifies a product as of 1960. He was known for his humor silly high camp and continue to associate the version number with the character of Batman, even if it less reflectivethe mythology of Batman, where she is today. (The series has been very thoughtful about the character, as shown in the comic in 1950 and 1960.)

วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Dancing With The Stars - All Glamor, front and center

There is something that the art of dance that can stop and every sigh. Soon you will see that, with Dancing with the Stars tickets you will find the best places to come in the house! The visit program is based on the Hit That Star couples like you, with professional dancers.

There is simply no way to lose this round, if you are a fan of the TV call show Dancing with the Stars. The tour is everything you want to show, live, and so closeOne could almost touch the dancers! If you are a fan of dance or just enjoy an excellent staging of any kind, you can find some tickets for Dancing with the Stars the way you see will change the dance forever.

The TV Show

The tour takes participants to the critically acclaimed television with the same name. Every week in this show, couples, professional dancers, ballroom, and celebrities live a composed songwhich is then judged by a jury. Public participation is encouraged and you can vote for your favorites that are on the phone or type in some cases, on-line.

The couple filed after the dance and the vote is the lowest number of points along which both judges and the public, will be disqualified. Slowly, during the period of observation, when only two or three pairs is left, the competition is intense enough, and be decoratedsome of the trendiest nightclubs on television.

Dancing with the Stars: A History

The spectacle of the United States: Dancing With the Stars was originally inspired by the successful British TV, Strictly Come Dancing. Dancing With the Stars is currently in its seventh season, and appear to have no signs of this resounding success to an end soon. The judges are Len Goodman, Carrie Ann Inaba and Bruno Tonioli. Goodman and Tonioli are also judges of the show for the UK, which means thatRoute between Los Angeles and London each week!

Dancing with the Stars, Up Close and Personal: On Tour!

Now in its fourth version, Dancing With the Stars Tour has its top 17 December 2008 had. The tour includes an impressive calendar of entertainment thirty-seven cities before its end in February, and if you want this crop of stars, which is moving winding it time for you to start your search for Dancing With The Stars tickets. So that on this routeand what can you expect?

San Diego Sports Arena 17th December saw the first show this season, Dancing with the Stars tour. The Tour this season, you will see the amazing Toni Braxton, the Billboard chart-topping singer and actress. You'll also see, Lance Bass, who began his career with the boy band NSYNC small groups. Entertainment will be Olympic champion Maurice Greene, the Oscar-winning actress Marlee Matlin.

There is no better time than now toreceive tickets to Dancing with the stars. Take a look around to see who the majority enjoy the show, and surprise us with a pair of tickets, so you can see the action up close and personal look too far!

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Best Zombie Movies: Revolt of the Zombies DVD (1936) Starring Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger, Roy D'Arcy, Robert Noland, and George Cleveland.

Best Zombie Movies: Revolt of the Zombies DVD (1936) Starring Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger, Roy D'Arcy, Robert Noland, and George Cleveland. Review

Best Zombie Movies: Revolt of the Zombies DVD (1936) Starring Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger, Roy D'Arcy, Robert Noland, and George Cleveland. Feature

  • Year: 1936
  • Run time: 1:02:07
  • Director: Victor Halperin
  • Starring: Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger, Roy DArcy, Robert Noland, George Cleveland

Best Zombie Movies: Revolt of the Zombies DVD (1936) Starring Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger, Roy D'Arcy, Robert Noland, and George Cleveland. Overview

Revolt of the Zombies is a fast paced and freaky horror adventure. The sequel to the horror classic White Zombie, this film ratchets up the gore and mayhem that had rarely been seen in the nineteen thirties. A shaman deep in Cambodia has obtained the knowledge necessary to reanimate the dead and form an army of zombie slaves. An expedition is sent out to stop them, but one member of the crew has plans of his own. Upon finding the zombie chief, Armand (Dean Jagger) steals the formula to create his own army of the living dead! The jungle scenes are properly nasty and cumbersome, while all the secret temples and doorways feel like the precursors to Indiana Jones. Revolt of the Zombies teems with fright, power, and imagination that are not to be missed!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 04, 2010 07:42:29

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

New French government Shock Horror

The core of the horror film has always been one of change and innovation. Masterpieces in black and white Hitchcock, Psycho, more modern pieces such as the Scream franchise, North America (read: Hollywood) was collected always at the forefront of the horror field.

However, in recent years, the independent horror film has been washed, regardless of the coasts of the United States and offers the audience a new and very scary, and French,Specifically, are now considered to the forefront with their new favorite horror style.

The new wave of French horror has been classified as "splatter cinema", or better known in the forums of the internet movie as "torture porn" because of its incredibly graphic and violent content, which also manages the public numb shock. These movies are all kinds of chaos and carnage is full, tried to push the boundaries of the action in a filmgo.

Some of the most popular French splatter film.

(1) High Voltage, 2003 (High Voltage)
The first line of the modern slasher film, high voltage, directed by Alexandre Aja, the public will be shocked by the graphic, because the two female protagonists of a serial killer driven with a single program. Also Switchblade Romance in the UK ", and this film has been heavily modified, in order to avoid the NC-17 rating in the U.S..

(2) Borders, 2007(Borders)
Borders film by Xavier Gens, is a chaotic and disturbing experience than themself three young thieves try to hide in an abandoned building only to find that by a sadistic gang of neo-Nazi followers was inhabited. This film is not for the faint of heart.

(3) Inside, 2007 (interior)
Inside Alexandre Bustillo is a claustrophobic and menacing film, which was much praised for her so much to do with so little. Contain only two main characters anda handful of extras, this film was one of the best in the genre of slasher films. N. Scenario can be given without revealing spoilers, unfortunately.

(4) Martyrs, 2008
The last line of the horrors of the French Nouvelle Vague's Martyrs by Pascal Laugier. Since its launch in Cannes, was critically acclaimed and successful to attract a new audience to this new genre. Not to be warned, however, this film is incredibly disturbing to see,with scenes of violence that are unforgettable. You have been warned.

French horror film, this new kind of "transgressive" is certainly making waves internationally. Some wonder whether the violent nature of the film Super is too much for American audiences, while others argue that these films new doors for the creation of thought and innovation opens in a genre a little "stressful. In both cases, But surely something completely unique, and only after they(Or all of them) from movies, you get a real appreciation of how a film can go, and how the public can be pushed.

วันเสาร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Horror movie cliches

Footage of the film are a little "inevitable, especially in an environment where ideas are always in the hope of raking in more money to be recycled. Perhaps the biggest culprit is the kind of horror. Most of the pictures, an original movie, the one large following scene, the filmmakers felt obliged to copy, had to be pursued, for example, we have to thank Psycho shower scene without end. Let us look more closely at some classic horrorClichés.


The main culprit in this category is the slasher film, which is almost always a distribution of food particularly nasty teen and involve a number of characters that are not likely to spend time together in real life. It is the silent Jockey Stoner angry, the cheerleaders, the bitch, the boy token minority, the type of fat or geeky, and, of course, the virginal heroine. Separate groups will always find a reason, so that they can be taken, one by one andbad-group will generally be redeemed by an act of self-sacrifice. It's fun to see your friends brutally murdered, is often a turning point for the big boys at times and killed as unsuitable for a fast number, which inevitably gets them to stop. The cops are always incompetent, do not believe that the victims and help you turn too late, or simply time to get stabbed in the back too.

For the implementation of supernatural horror is usually a person from returning to her hometownafter an absence of years. This often has contact with the boys and girls, usually a policeman and a doctor in the past had a relationship and are now forced to work together, of course, know that I'm in love again "until the end of the film. Children , pets and the elderly can still a demon, but nobody gives them any attention. If the character is a priest, then it is always a crisis of faith.

In the movie monster, the hero is often a policeman, a journalist orScience. If there is a mad scientist character or a bad government is always the monsters start studying for it, or use, but his plan is always counterproductive, and after a rule is twice the rest of the group that embraces a place where you can ' ll immediately run into the monster and be eaten.

If the main character has already been killed in any kind of terror, should reduce awakening from a nightmare.


The killers are theirSet of rules. The slasher film is a ridiculous amount of damage, without taking pains to have it, often a complex mother and can not fulfill. I'm always the old Pepe Le Pew cartoons, where, no matter how fast the cat jumps on the left recalls the skunk only slowly catching up with ease. Assassins seem to spend a lot of time trying to move to places and show them to frighten their victims yet. Do not stand under a tree or a drop of blood inevitablyDraw the top view of the body to fall perfectly to you.

One of the most commonly used scenes of the killer or a monster that seems to be dead and then suddenly to life. This is even more irritating by the fact that the hero or heroine can often move or fall on the boys 'bad' and then when the end of the poor, their weapons and instead, they lead to mixing.

Another easy trick, especially in the movies and the supernaturalan insight into the mind in a mirror, running on the shoulder of the protagonist, the last in the background, of course, is suddenly turned on when someone is the torch. Ghosts who try to convey a message to talk more, the person they are trying to fear.

Fake Scares

False alarms are, unfortunately, predictable and irritating. For example, because cats with horror hidden in cabinets and jumping on people, they open? Sound effects suddenlyGrowth is a good way to get to the audience without having done something terrible will directly happening on the screen. Sometimes the fear is false, as the boy cried, the wolf, then a male is used to scare a girl uncomfortable, and then later when he was the real killer, she's still thinking that the Joker Group .

How to Survive

Arm and remain armed, are victims of horror movies ever escaped depositing their arms or they ignore the weapons on the ground, collect all theTo find weapons and keep your finger on it.

You should be aware that the technology is not always a horror movie. The phone will be able to go get a signal and if the authorities consider it a joke or the phone when you're dead, give the edge, their views. The cars are a waste of time when it breaks at the most inconvenient, and if you run into a tree five meters on the street anyway.

IfYou try, someone who already partially eaten or stabbed to death in the end losing more and more people to save for trying.

Deviations are a good way to lose people and to work only rarely. Usually someone heroic victims get an explosion or a race for the car keys and the rest of the group are still stuck in the same situation, but a person down.

If you hear a mysterious sound like a growl, not in the dark wearing a tight top and panties to goto investigate. If you are not forced to have escaped in a silly Place to Work, for example, on the stairs to the basement or Creepy Killer's Lair, where you fall into a pit of corpses. If you run from a psycho, why they hide somewhere, you will easily be caught, why not just keep running?

Films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre teach us some valuable lessons in survival. Do not pick hitch with. Do not take the shortcut that you have been supplied by a toothlessOld Hillbilly ogle at an abandoned gas station. If it falls, it is inevitable, and what is clearly a serial killer shed or a house, will not find a cell phone.

Pictures are not always a problem, and are actually used, but too often they are lazy in the film set, without any real thought. The positive side is waiting audience experienced administrators can use it to impact with a surprising turn of events.

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The best films of 2009 So Far - Top 10 films of the year countdown

I know that 2009 is far from over yet, but since we are on the summer blockbuster season, I thought it was time for a list of the 10 best films of 2009 at the start there (until now). There are still some major hit releases, like Sherlock Holmes, so that some children, when all is said and done, but overall I am convinced that shake things up. Without further ado, here are my choices for the bestFilm of the year to date:

10 - Man I love you - Paul Rudd and Jason working anchorman of Fame sails of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and TV's How I Met Your Mother team in this classic film a friend of a boy who gets only to find that no friends to defend him on marriage. On the back of her boyfriend Peter Klaven (Rudd) goes on a series of dates, see the people "in the search, a potential friend and best man. After several spectacular failures, wechance meeting with Fife Sidney (Segel), a sincere sorrow, but loyal friend. Although seemingly polar opposites of the two immediately formed, primarily because of the mutual love of the band Rush. But the friend of Peter Zooey (Rashida Jones) is less than impressed with Sidney influence on her husband to be.

The film is intelligent and always entertaining, through and has a great supporting cast, including Jon Favreau, JK Simmons, Jaime Pressley, Andy Sandberg and Jane Curtin. IfShe missed in this theater be sure to take it on DVD, because it is one of the funniest films of the year.

9 - Coraline - One of the best films of the year is also one of the most unique. Acting with the voice of Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Ian McShane, Coraline is an animated film that much from the usual features that you can see various Pixar and DreamWorks. Coraline Jones Fanning voices the main character who discovers a secret doordiscovered in his house, by foot, and an alternate reality in real life. The animation is top notch, with stop-motion stereoscopic 3D, and combined with the voice acting, story and should be the plot of the film an instant classic that for years will be granted for children and adults.

8 - Watchmen - To be honest, when I heard this movie came out, I think it would be much higher at the end of a list of the best filmsYear. That's not to say that I was disappointed - I liked the film immensely - but not as much as I thought.

Unlike typical superhero films like Spiderman and X-Men movie was definitely a dark, rough with the side in the minds of a film like Sin City. The film is not as action-packed as I expected, and tends to wander and / or drag in parts. However notch, the quality is higher and the story of Rorschach (Jackie Earle Hayley) is particularly good.For fans of the comic book movie is something of a disappointment, but it is much better than big-budget movies such as GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

7 - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp is one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood today. Sounds crazy a pirate, a demonic barber, or in this case, the legendary bandit John Dillinger, he's always quite believable. Public Enemies is a film very goodChallenge, but not in Goodfellas or other movies of this caliber, as one of the best gangster films of all time. As a Watchmen film seems to drag in places, but there is enough space to get to keep all Antsy. Christian Bale as FBI agent Melvin Purvis, not as good as Depp, but it is a meaningful work.

Considered to have value, despite its minor flaws Public Enemies, at least once, and set design and digital imagingFilms are as good as it gets.

6 - The Hurt Locker - is of all the films in this list, perhaps with the exception of Coraline, The Hurt Locker of the most misunderstood. With names like Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, and even Evangeline Lily's Lost TV star, he is a decent, but not received for any reason, the film, the promotion he deserves. As emotional as it is exciting, The Hurt Locker offers the public a vision strongly represented a unit of elite --He (the unenviable task to put it mildly), disarming bombs in the midst of battle. If you are among the many who heard of this film definitely check it out when it hits DVD.

5 - Inglourious Basterds - There were a lot of hype about the film with director Quentin Tarantino and Holly A-list actor Brad Pitt attached to the film is, the expectation is not high is a real shock. Tarantino is back in full after the lukewarm reviews of the death of his last filmThe test with this story of a group of Jewish American soldiers who sow terror in the ranks of the enemy brutally killing Nazis. Pitt stars in the lead role as Lt. Aldo Raine, and although the film will attract more than 2.5 hours, you never check with the search. If you hurry, you can catch in the cinemas. Otherwise, you must wait several months until it sees the light of day on DVD.

4 - Up - Coraline As good as he was, could not replace the 800-pound gorilla Pixarfor the title of best animated film of 2009. Pixar, a little bit "like Johnny Depp, seems not only to make a bad movie, no matter how much praise they heaped on a film, which somehow seem to outperform the others.

Ed Asner, as good as Lou Grant on television there are so many years, but still has not lost its ability to act, to an outstanding performance as the voice of Carl Fredricksen, a grumpy old man, who is incredible adventureMeet twilight of his life, a promise for the life of his wife, died. The film, like blinking all the Pixar movies, lots of humor, but also moments that you have to back tears. If you are a fan of Pixar movies, you've probably seen, but if they are dismissed as a childish movie that you have done a disservice, and should ensure pick up on DVD (or Blu-ray), the date hit the stores.

3 - District 9 - Although there are many whoCalling the film, the greatest science fiction films of all time would not go that far. However, it is an incredible movie and sensational start for director Neil Blomkamp. The film is unusual from the outset for the simple fact of the frame. The story takes place in South Africa, a refreshing departure from other foreign "invasion", a film that always seems to take place on American soil. As you can see that I am the invasion of the word in quotation marks. This is not a typical movie in which the armySoldiers and civilians must be extraordinary to defend the Earth from destruction by alien visitors to this page. Instead, the foreign body is unknown, and they were separated and forced to live in slums, under the watchful eye of armed forces. I will not go into details, but suffice to say that the film is quite unlike any science fiction movie I've ever seen.

2 - The headaches - even if it had not been successful in several criticalOther films in this list is worth the hangover from his seat because it was one of the funniest comedians to accompany films with him over the years to come. Starring Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis hilarious film is about 2 friends (and a bit "on the brother-in-law) who, for their friend Doug to Las Vegas for his bachelor party. How often in Las Vegas ( real life too), things are in a hurry to have lost his hand to wake up after a night out and he finds the crew, sorry their friend. Not remember what happened, we must try to trace her steps from last night, Doug tries to find and take home in time for their wedding.

Remember to keep until the end. The presentation during the opening credits is funny how the main movie.

1 - Star Trek - With so many episodes of the venerable sci-fi classics already seemed unlikely that a new chapter with a number on a list of the top 10 together to> Best Film of 2009. Yet, here. Why, you ask? Quite simply, this is not your father's Star Trek. The series was completely redefined as the way that Batman Begins was a few years ago. E 'darker, more violent and rough, like all previous payments.

This film is actually a prequel to the others, and follows the adventures of a young James Kirk in detail how he came to the Academy, met Spock, Bones, Scotty and the rest of the crew and possiblycame to the captain of the starship Enterprise.

If you're not a fan of the original series and have this film as a result you avoid an error. This film is great, one without the hard Trekkie, and you have not seen it done in November to mark the spot 17 on the calendar, because it is the day they are available on DVD.