วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Movies that change lives - 21 Quotes from Peaceful Warrior

I'm not sure what Ebert and Roeper had to say about this movie, but I'm here to tell you that it is one that should not be missed. I think the secret was a source of inspiration for the documentary The Peaceful Warrior will do for the dramas of inspiration.

This film was actually released in very limited vision that some time ago, but never in one place in my area. So I waited, because in reality the hope of having the DVD when it see published. So for my month later, surprise, I had the good fortune toan Internet connection for free tickets for opening weekend, now a much larger version which accepted my position. I tell you the law of attraction is always in action.

I take my fourteen years, and we are out. Let's just say I was already feeling good because I did not do my wallet whip. I have no words to convey what this film has inspired me feel. I followed the career of Nick Nolte here and there, I have this film some of his best work ever. I loved thethat was not perfectly made, and cuddly, his scratchy voice, his trademark. Yes, you can use a little "cheese in places to be found, but are much lower if you are in a position at the big picture in mind.

After the movie, my fourteen years, and I talked and recited quotes the movie at home. If this is not strange to find so you do not know my son. This young man did not waste his words and if I get one or two sentences, one days of it, I have luck. WeBoth feel good left motivated and inspired. Maybe these quotes from the movie and book by Dan Millman Way of the Warrior quiet when the movie is based will inspire you to give food for the mind and make you feel at home.

1. There are no ordinary moments.

2. This moment is the only one that counts.

3. Wake up! If you knew for sure that an incurable disease ... If you have little time to live ... lose little. Well, I tell you ... youhave a terminal illness: It's called birth. They have no more than a few years ago. Nobody does! So be happy now, without reason ... or not at all.

4. The first realization of a warrior is not known.

5. Each action has its pleasure and its price.

6. You have not yet opened your heart full of life, every time. Peaceful Warrior's way is not about invulnerability, but absolute vulnerability ... to sense the world, life and presence. AllI have shown by example that the life of a warrior, not imagined perfection or victory, it is love. Love is the sword of a warrior, no matter where you cut, there is life, not death.

7. Love will find what you are doing.

8. Everything has an end. It is up to you to find.

9. If you do not get what you want, pain, if you do not get what you want, suffering, even if you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because they do not last eternally on them. Your mind isYour situation. Will resistant to change. Without pain, without the obligations of life and death. But change is the law and no amount of credit will change this reality.

10. Some people live their whole lives without ever waking up the fight.

11. Knowledge is not the same wisdom.

12. Moderation? E 'mediocrity, fear and confusion in disguise. E 'The dilemma of the devil. He has not. This is the compromise that will not be happy not to waver. Moderation isBland, apologetic for the attention of the world, afraid to take a position. For those who are afraid to laugh or cry, for those who are afraid to live or die. Moderate ... lukewarm tea is the drink of the devil.

13. I consider myself a warrior of peace ... because the real battles we fight are inside.

14. Here you'll find answers from within.

15. Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon, that the suffering of our psychological resistance to what is happening. Events can cause physical painbut not enough to create distress. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what ... the only problem in your life is the strength of spirit to your life as it occurs.

16. Those who are hardest to love, those who need it most.

17. Take everything that should lead to that date.

18. Where are you? Here. What time is it? Now. What are you? Moment.

19. There is nothing happening.

20. Three principlesChange reality: Paradox, Humor and.

21. It is only the journey.

I gladly pay this time to see the film again and will certainly add to my DVD collection next to the Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know. I take these courses and used on the agenda of the school of my son, a type of notebook his school to track homework assignments and parental communication. So instead of signing my name all night, I write a quote or a positive Kudo for my son to read forthe same school the next day.

If you think you have time for this weekend, check out this movie?

