วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Beneath Still Waters (Widescreen)

Beneath Still Waters (Widescreen) Review

Beneath Still Waters (Widescreen) Overview


Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 30, 2009 05:58:12

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best of the New Scooby-Doo Movies

The Best of the New Scooby-Doo Movies Review

These Scooby-Doo DVDs were for my 7-year-old granddaughter, and she loves them. As far as I know, they arrived in good shape and without any delay. Thanks.

The Best of the New Scooby-Doo Movies Feature

  • Kids who fell in love with the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? TV series were growing up and could now enjoy more sophisticated plots and characters. So along came the hour-long The New Scooby-Doo Movies, and what sets them delightfully and hilariously apart is the marvelous lineup of celebrity guest stars - The Harlem Globetrotters, Dick Van Dyke, The Three Stooges, Jonathan Winters, Don Knot

The Best of the New Scooby-Doo Movies Overview

Kids who fell in love with the original Scooby-Doo Where Are You? TV series were growing up and could now enjoy more sophisticated plots and characters. So along came the hour-long The New Scooby-Doo Movies and what sets them delightfully and hilariously apart is the marvelous lineup of celebrity guest stars - The Harlem Globetrotters Dick Van Dyke The Three Stooges Jonathan Winters Don Knotts "Mama" Cass Elliot and Laurel and Hardy plus the participation of other animated action heroes like Batman and Robin and Speed Buggy. This 4-Disc Deluxe Set with Stardusted Special Features presents 15 of the best and spookiest capers. It's no mystery that you're in for a classic good time!Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: CHILDREN/FAMILY UPC: 014764264929

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 29, 2009 03:30:09

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Overview

Gundam is one of the souls who have written history. His popularity has soared. Each of his series, the original Gundam for various legacy has raised millions and millions of fans around the world. And who can blame them, in the interest of this series? Gundam is one of the best anime series ever shown. Are signs which is a dynamic field that is full of mysteries and full of intrigue, was well rounded and realistic, is a complete environment with its own history, politics andGeography ... It is gigantic indestructible robot to start! I mean, seriously, what in the world you may be able to resist not robots?

There have been several series of Gundam are all very successful. Sunrise, the makers of Gundam, has announced that Mobile Suit Gundam00 the next phase of the cycle, most recently in June 2007. It is composed of two seasons as a whole. The first season has already begun and the broadcasting of the second season will air in October2008th


Gundam00 is set for the year 2307, a time when fossil fuels have been exhausted on the ground and is already the world on the basis of only three solar generators along the orbit of the earth. The three stations of the Union of Solar Energy and Free-controlled nations (USA and Australia), The Human Reform League (India, China, Russia and ASEAN) and the enlarged European Union (in Europe). They begin to fight each other in the worldEnergy until a force called Celestial Being, a private military organization, emerged. Celestial Being promises to bring peace on earth and is supported by four Gundam. Gundam 00, and that the age-old debate about whether the law causes to fight evil with another evil, it is right to end the war with war.

Gundam00 action is immersed as the other Gundam series were a lot politics and war. And in the true Gundam tradition, the line between goodand wrong, good and evil is so confused that it will be impossible to know who really is his right. There are clear similarities in the world of Gundam00 that our present world, post-9/11. And what is represented and many intriguing enough to compel people to watch.


Gundam00 will be the first Gundam series filmed in high definition. In other words, the animation is bright, fluid, and jaw-droppingly amazing. It is a pleasant change from theawkward angular movement of the robot Gundam previous film. Not only has increased in Gundam00 and assigned to different functions of each robot and suggestions.

Gundam00 manufacturers are not diluted by the horrors of war is. What you see when you are not a true picture of the Gundam cruelty of war - were surprisingly vivid and Technicolor! Imagine all these weapons of the war against the reigningbrightest and most beautiful sunsets ever painted in the history of Gundam.

Indeed Gundam00 is a must-see. The first season is currently underway with 25 episodes all in all. So if you have not started yet just Gundam00, I suggest you download the episodes begin now.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Action Movies - The best way to reduce stress

In today's world, our lives are full of tension and stress. Get emphasize much less time to leave our house. And to the tensile strength of measures, especially for people who prefer to want to watch a movie. Watching movies is a popular pastime for all. How people have a lot of frustration in her head, generally prefer to see in action movies. These movies keep you immersed in their entire history.

Each year more than 100 titles Happenpublished. Most of them come from the home of some big banners and the rest of them are produced by some directors. However, this categorization makes no difference that the lowest budget films are also very high in history.

Action movies are shown with great action scenes, packed wrist, raising scenes, dialogue and mind-blowing. Moreover, these films are good as a preacher. These movies always say that regardless of the condition that they face,If you are your values and choices, then the victory of truth always sell. Some of the most popular films of this kind are names such as Star Wars trilogy, Lawrence of Arabia, Paths of Glory, Kill Bill, The Matrix Trilogy, Gladiator, and between all the trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a group of three consecutive action-packed film. He paints in a miraculous way an unreal world news. The trilogy comes with several fascinating magic Delineation, exciting and frightening scenes, and therefore it is worth while watching the video.

As the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars is also a collection of three films follow the same scenario. This film was very well received by audiences all over the world. With great special effects devices, a review of the characterization is solid and perfect, this film is really the head of all.

There are several websites where you get to the last action> Movies. And then you can take your favorite movies on DVD.

วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Movies that change lives - 21 Quotes from Peaceful Warrior

I'm not sure what Ebert and Roeper had to say about this movie, but I'm here to tell you that it is one that should not be missed. I think the secret was a source of inspiration for the documentary The Peaceful Warrior will do for the dramas of inspiration.

This film was actually released in very limited vision that some time ago, but never in one place in my area. So I waited, because in reality the hope of having the DVD when it see published. So for my month later, surprise, I had the good fortune toan Internet connection for free tickets for opening weekend, now a much larger version which accepted my position. I tell you the law of attraction is always in action.

I take my fourteen years, and we are out. Let's just say I was already feeling good because I did not do my wallet whip. I have no words to convey what this film has inspired me feel. I followed the career of Nick Nolte here and there, I have this film some of his best work ever. I loved thethat was not perfectly made, and cuddly, his scratchy voice, his trademark. Yes, you can use a little "cheese in places to be found, but are much lower if you are in a position at the big picture in mind.

After the movie, my fourteen years, and I talked and recited quotes the movie at home. If this is not strange to find so you do not know my son. This young man did not waste his words and if I get one or two sentences, one days of it, I have luck. WeBoth feel good left motivated and inspired. Maybe these quotes from the movie and book by Dan Millman Way of the Warrior quiet when the movie is based will inspire you to give food for the mind and make you feel at home.

1. There are no ordinary moments.

2. This moment is the only one that counts.

3. Wake up! If you knew for sure that an incurable disease ... If you have little time to live ... lose little. Well, I tell you ... youhave a terminal illness: It's called birth. They have no more than a few years ago. Nobody does! So be happy now, without reason ... or not at all.

4. The first realization of a warrior is not known.

5. Each action has its pleasure and its price.

6. You have not yet opened your heart full of life, every time. Peaceful Warrior's way is not about invulnerability, but absolute vulnerability ... to sense the world, life and presence. AllI have shown by example that the life of a warrior, not imagined perfection or victory, it is love. Love is the sword of a warrior, no matter where you cut, there is life, not death.

7. Love will find what you are doing.

8. Everything has an end. It is up to you to find.

9. If you do not get what you want, pain, if you do not get what you want, suffering, even if you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because they do not last eternally on them. Your mind isYour situation. Will resistant to change. Without pain, without the obligations of life and death. But change is the law and no amount of credit will change this reality.

10. Some people live their whole lives without ever waking up the fight.

11. Knowledge is not the same wisdom.

12. Moderation? E 'mediocrity, fear and confusion in disguise. E 'The dilemma of the devil. He has not. This is the compromise that will not be happy not to waver. Moderation isBland, apologetic for the attention of the world, afraid to take a position. For those who are afraid to laugh or cry, for those who are afraid to live or die. Moderate ... lukewarm tea is the drink of the devil.

13. I consider myself a warrior of peace ... because the real battles we fight are inside.

14. Here you'll find answers from within.

15. Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon, that the suffering of our psychological resistance to what is happening. Events can cause physical painbut not enough to create distress. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what ... the only problem in your life is the strength of spirit to your life as it occurs.

16. Those who are hardest to love, those who need it most.

17. Take everything that should lead to that date.

18. Where are you? Here. What time is it? Now. What are you? Moment.

19. There is nothing happening.

20. Three principlesChange reality: Paradox, Humor and.

21. It is only the journey.

I gladly pay this time to see the film again and will certainly add to my DVD collection next to the Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know. I take these courses and used on the agenda of the school of my son, a type of notebook his school to track homework assignments and parental communication. So instead of signing my name all night, I write a quote or a positive Kudo for my son to read forthe same school the next day.

If you think you have time for this weekend, check out this movie?

วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Why We Love Scary Movies

Well, some scary movies to love many people. There is something eerie, a show that is under the skin to be seen. For most viewers, this issue is not something that is well thought out in general. However, we want to fear us, why we love, while you watch a movie.

For some people it may be that they enjoy cuddling up to their caregivers. They may protect the sense of a particular person. For it is this experience thatjust watch an exciting spectacle. But for the rest of the audience, it is something else.

All good movies have a terrible evil. In general, someone or something so terrible that we hate to see. However, we are pleased and often enjoy the moment. Most of the bad horror movies are just disgusting. There is not much we fear to the point of real need to.

However, there are few that really for us. A good example is Silence of the Lambs. HannibalLecter is one of the few villains who have made such an impression. Even in captivity, is deeply troubling. The first time we have seen, was underground in the last cell trapped in a maximum security prison. Was not behind bars, like the other prisoners. He was placed on the back of unbreakable Plexiglas. Buy the impression that this evil is worse than all the other bad guys.

Like Hannibal, the most feared villains seem real. Do not you feel an incredibleBeing. This is a human being like everyone else we encounter every day. However, it is an evil beyond our imagination. If he eats a man, then maybe Joe could my neighbor too. Finally, he turns with him a bit "strange sometimes.

Fear is the film to observe the beautiful stay with us long after we watch them. We leave the theater with gasps and laughter as the tension is finally relieved. Why we love her so much. For many people, the anticipation isRogues and emotion when he burst on the screen. Oh, how do you keep the interest and not let go, even after the end of the film. That is why we love horror movies. The experience continues to live after the show ends.

For more information, scary movie, including the discussion and buy your favorite movies of scared to go Waits

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best of Abbott & Costello, Vol. 4 (Abbott & Costello Meet Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde / Abbott & Costello Meet the Keystone Cops / Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy / Abbott & Costello Meet Jerry Seinfeld / Abbott & Costello Meet the Monsters / The World of Abbott & Costello)

The Best of Abbott & Costello, Vol. 4 (Abbott & Costello Meet Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde / Abbott & Costello Meet the Keystone Cops / Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy / Abbott & Costello Meet Jerry Seinfeld / Abbott & Costello Meet the Monsters / The World of Abbott & Costello) Review

Siendo niño disfrutaba de las aventuras de estos dos grandes (y un tanto olvidados) genios de la comedia. Ahora puedo disfrutar de esas películas y de otras que no llegaron a estrenarse en España. Muy recomendable para cinéfilos y amantes de la comedia sin pretensiones y en general, para todos aquellos que deseen pasar un buen rato.

The Best of Abbott & Costello, Vol. 4 (Abbott & Costello Meet Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde / Abbott & Costello Meet the Keystone Cops / Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy / Abbott & Costello Meet Jerry Seinfeld / Abbott & Costello Meet the Monsters / The World of Abbott & Costello) Overview

Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 10/06/2009 Rating: Nr

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 23, 2009 02:21:07

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Funny Jokes Collection

Snicker snicker ... Laugh the way to good health. Who says that laughter is the best medicine must have really done laughing his way from his hospital bed mad for the big medical bills.

You have your laughs for the day? Otherwise, the time has come. Access to the site, and come in jokes until you'll be spoiled for choice. There are classes to go directly from kiddy jokes estimated to those of adults much. My kids are alrightJokes. What would happen if blondes are sexy, it is increasingly important for the lady, the provision of entertainment, is not it?

Then there are the jokes work. The categories include: office, lawyer, doctor, engineer, and tons of others, not to mention the brutal gay men in uniform. But jokes about politicians and sex on the cake. All you need is just another political fiasco of our elected representatives and our Mr. Leno separates.

Sex is a part of ourlives since the times immortal, and what could be better to keep it interesting to take him to bed. This special category is the most searched on the net. And then there are the jokes Yo mama. "They give not only fun, but also the chance to get even with your neighborhood racket.

Whatever the purpose of satisfying the jokes in our lives are a very important part of it. Thus, only some of them, relax, have fun and give you shake well to read your abdominal muscles.

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

My Best Friend is a Vampire (The Lost Collection)

My Best Friend is a Vampire (The Lost Collection) Review

This film is a heartwarming feature that treats vampirism like Juvenile Diabetes. People who catch this communicable disease are only subject to lifestyle changes and drinking blood is to be thought of as "Taking your vitamins".

And it isn't a sappy teenage love story either. Moreso it delivers a quality message about the power of friendship when friends turn out, by way of their physical being or their ethical character, to be less than ideal.

Also this film turns away from most 80's films as it openly mocks the objectification of women in cinema as those that attempt such actions in this film often have the tables turned against them.

All in all, I recommend this film for anyone who would enjoy a light-hearted look at vampires instead of the gory and gruesome look given to them by modern media.

My Best Friend is a Vampire (The Lost Collection) Feature

  • A young student finds himself being transformed into a vampire after a night with an attractive female vampire. Run Time: 89 minutes Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: PG-13 Age: 031398108528 UPC: 031398108528 Manufacturer No: 25333

My Best Friend is a Vampire (The Lost Collection) Overview

Studio: Lions Gate Home Ent. Release Date: 04/14/2009 Run time: 89 minutes Rating: Pg13

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 21, 2009 01:51:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Movie Trucker

# 1 Convoy

Based on the song Convoy by CW McCall, the movie offers the 1978 for those employees that combine to form a convoy of unbreakable, tipping in a bid to the Sheriff. Truckers are impressive miles-long convoy of Kris Kristofferson and Ali McGraw.

# 2 Breaker! Breaker!

Trucking this film only Chuck Norris. Stars like Chuck JD Dawes, a tight-jean wearing transportation workers who goes on a quest to find oneselfBrother. The film takes the viewer to follow with him to Texas, where the scenes of fighting with the police Crooked.

# 3 Sorcerer

This 1977 thriller stars Rob Schneider Trucking and Bruno Cremer. The plot revolves around workers for oil drilling activities in South America. During a fire, the workers are in a situation where they returned to a charge of dynamite in the truck to drive unstable older. Exciting scenes include truck through the jungles and ricketyBridges.

# 4 They Drive by Night

This film deals with the reality of workers to take in dangerous crisis and the measures of performance features to support their families. George Raft and Humphrey Bogart stars as two workers in the road, running trucking hazardous.

# 5 Coast to Coast

Dyan Cannon and Robert Blake, the main roles in this film from 1980. Madie, the main character, who use a ride with an employee of the financial difficulties of the road, Charles Callahan.Madie is a rich and neurotic woman, by the consequences of an ugly divorce and an unlikely friendship forms between her and shakes the truck drivers.

# 6 High Ballin '

This 1978 film deals with problems arising from contracts of carriage and passenger operate. Jerry Reed, and Peter Fonda star as two truck drivers who engage in a fight with a club-run transport company drivers who want an independent company, the diversion and abuse of innocent victims.

# 7 CitizensTie

Paul Le Mat and Candy Clark star in this comedy from trucks to turn around a local radio station. One main character, Charles Napier, a delivery worker who is the victim of a truck accident is. During his stay in the hospital to develop a series of hilarious consequences.

Duel # 8

Dennis Weaver stars in the Fun type Spielberg thriller on the road, the sad experiences of the encounter has a rogue trucker. Weaver accidentally angerTransport workers aggressive and dangerous following.

# 9 Steel Cowboy

Clay Pfanner truck is the star in this film. Not with the prospect of losing his truck because of the debt can be paid in view of his fellow truck drivers, KW offers him a contract for the transportation of livestock. Clay decides to take a chance and hope for the best, and committed in an attempt to Livestock.

# 10 Over the Top

Stars of the legendary Sylvester Stallone, the film tellsto fight the story of an employee's transfer must be new life. The attempt to create a stronger bond with his only son create Lincoln Hawk (played by Stallone) is involved in place on an arm of the national wrestling competition in Las Vegas.

วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

I, Madman

I, Madman Review

I, Madman has great mood and atmosphere and is an all around fun horror film. With 24 out of 26 reviews at this time being 5 or 4 stars, 12 each, I don't feel this is underrated as far as who views it, those who see it like it or love it. However I don't think enough people, including myself (until recently) saw this film, this is definitely a hidden gem. I highly recommend this film to horror fans looking a good fun time.

So, back to the film and the great mood and atmosphere. Virginia a bookstore clerk who is reading a horror book in her cozy homey apartment on her couch with a blanket while it thunders and rains outside, what a great set up, we as viewers are getting that warm cozy feeling ourselves. She gets nervous but soon her police officer boyfriend comes over and turns on the lights and all is good again. This gave me the feeling of when your a kid and you rent some horror films for a sleepover with friends maybe you exchange some stories about oh did you hear about this house or what happened to this kid, or perhaps your watching a double feature on cable when all of a sudden your mom comes in and starts vacuuming, essentially vacuuming the ghosts and it gives you a break from that rush you are getting.

Virginia is not a teeny bopper she's an independent woman with as I said a nice warm apartment. Her job at a bookstore is one of those antique mom and pop stores that would be rare to get a job at, not some Barnes and Noble where you work with 50 other people and nobody has a personality. Virginia would have fit right in with the girls from Sex and the City. She has one co worker in this Bookstore who works a lot and seems to really like her job as well, she's a funny and good person as are most of the people in this film, filled with positive vibes. At this antique bookstore with great character her friend/co-worker even takes in a stray cat to add to the warmth of the shop.

I refer to The Neverending Story as the kid is in the attic of his school while a storm is going on and reading a book by candlelight wrapped up in a blanket the story starts becoming real, as does this story. Did I say real?

So, like Virginia we get all ready to be cuddled up and scared, as she reads her horror book and we watch our horror film. Sometimes a fun campy horror film gives you a warm feeling, it is just a film and you are nice and safe in your house, can give you a feeling of security with some excitement. For Virginia her fun doesn't last long, and oh, what is that thing in the attic of the bookstore, the big box with holes in it for something or someone to breathe?

I would have given I, Madman 5 stars but the ending gets a bit ridiculous, but that's fine this is a fun movie from start to finish with great atmosphere and mood with likable good characters who we root for. A great 80s slasher horror movie. So if your gonna have a little horror film marathon with some friends or a significant other get a blanket, dim the lights, wait for a thunder storm , pop some popcorn, and make I, Madman the first one you watch to set the mood right for some good fun scares.

I, Madman Feature

  • An actress who likes scary novels gets involved in a potboiler about a psychotic who slices off his facial features to prove his love to a beautiful actress. It all seems too real when her friends are murdered and mutilated just like the novel. System Requirements: Starring: Jenny Wright, Clayton Rohner, Randall William Cook, Stephanie Hodge, Michelle Jordan Directed By: Tibor Takacs Runni

I, Madman Overview

An actress who likes scary novels gets involved in a potboiler about a psychotic who slices off his facial features to prove his love to a beautiful actress. It all seems too real when her friends are murdered and mutilated just like the novel.System Requirements:Starring: Jenny Wright Clayton Rohner Randall William Cook Stephanie Hodge Michelle Jordan Directed By: Tibor Takacs Running Time: 89 Min. Color Copyright 2003 MGM Studios.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: R UPC: 027616888549 Manufacturer No: 1004827

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 18, 2009 01:29:06

วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Friday the 13th, Part 3 3D [Blu-ray]

Friday the 13th, Part 3 3D [Blu-ray] Review

.....the 3D sucks. Really. Bad. The MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D Blu-Ray is phenomenal when compared to this junk...but at least you get to see it in 3D the way it was meant. The 3D itself isn't that bad, it's the set-piece killings that fall flat. When a object gets forced into the foreground (3D's purpose!) the split image fails to coalesce properly with these glasses, but the 3D effect in "normal" situations is fine. The film was meant to be viewed in polarized fashion, not anaglyph. But MY BLOODY VALENTINE was also shown in polarized 3D and given the anaglyph treatment on DVD with no problems, so who knows..?

Ok, rant over. The film rates a 4/5 stars in the Friday the 13th canon. The first four films are the best, IMHO. The 2D version in Blu-Ray is probably the best we will ever get. I have compared every edition on DVD ever made for the US market through my 1080p HD projector onto a 100" screen (I know, I'm lucky!) and the Blu-Ray is tops. I would also like to point out that it seems the exact same print was used to make every DVD. All the artifacts, dust, hairs in the camera gate, etc. are exactly the same in every version. So, again, this is probably the best we can expect, sans some kind of digital clean up, which I'd be against. Although, as noted in other reviews, the "upgrade" to the Blu-Ray from the Deluxe Edition is a matter of personal choice, my advice: If you plan on watching the film on a screen over 40", then you might as well spend the extra for the Blu-Ray.

Extras are nice, but not mind blowing and certainly nothing new is covered for the die-hard fan....I'd rate the extras 3/5 stars.

Overall, this is a welcome edition to my library. You may want to wait as the Blu-Ray will eventually fall in price, maybe even to the - range by around November, as usual for these horror releases.

This Blu-Ray DVD is probably the best quality they can muster from the print, so I say 'job well done'. 4/5 stars. Recommended purchase.

Friday the 13th, Part 3 3D [Blu-ray] Overview

Studio: Paramount Home Video Release Date: 06/16/2009 Run time: 95 minutes Rating: R

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 17, 2009 01:27:41

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Alfred Hitchcock Collection: The Best of Hitchcock, Vol. 1 (Psycho / Rear Window / Shadow of a Doubt / The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) / Rope / Topaz / Family Plot / Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 2)

The Alfred Hitchcock Collection: The Best of Hitchcock, Vol. 1 (Psycho / Rear Window / Shadow of a Doubt / The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) / Rope / Topaz / Family Plot / Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 2) Review

Some of Alfred Hitchcock's most impressive and mature films are available in this DVD box set so that a new generation of fans can admire the expert craft and knowing sensibility that the acclaimed director put into his imposing resume. SHADOW OF A DOUBT (1943) is a superb Film Noir thriller boasting a great dramatic turn from screen veteran Joseph Cotten, a ripping musical score from 50s Hitch stalwart buddy Dimitri Tiomkin. ROPE (1948) is less impressive, with the experimental style where the camera never "cuts" fails to impress (Hitch later stated that he didn't think it was a good idea) and the story meanders aimlessly. We all know what happened with the murder at the beginning, so the tension is virtually non-existent. Jimmy Stewart has his first Hitchcock collaboration, but it's not his best role, playing an atypical mentor to two men who commit murder as an experiment. John Dall and Farley Granger (STRANGERS ON A TRAIN) are really good as the two friends who murder. The film has its moments, but a technical achievement aside, there isn't much to like here.

Far more impressive is Hitch's best film ever and possibly the greatest film ever made. Forget CITIZEN KANE, CASABLANCA and GONE WITH THE WIND, REAR WINDOW (1954) is a masterpiece of voyeurism and thrilling suspense. Few movies have affected me like this, and James Stewart gives such a convincing performance and Grace Kelly is fabulous. Stewart is photographer L B. Jefferies, stuck in a wheelchair in his apartment with nothing to do but stare out the window, until one day he starts seeing things that possibly point to a murder. In an Oscar-worthy role, Stewart really ensconces himself in the role of Jefferies, and Raymond Burr is terrifyingly superb as Lars Thorwald, the man who may or may not have murdered his wife. Filming the entire movie on the one apartment set should feel claustrophobic, but its not, in fact, it feels more elaborate and fantastic than other experimental thrillers like 39 STEPS. A fantastic movie masterpiece. A remake of the 1938 original, THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (1955) is another fantastic Jimmy Stewart film, and Hitch's strong directorial style shows through in many of the film's tense action scenes.

Slammed by some critics for being vulgar and disgusting upon the film's release in 1960, PSYCHO is the first 'slasher' film, but it's a lot more than that. Who ever heard of setting your story around an actress, providing an engrossing story, problems, solutions, then killing off your main character 25 minutes through? Robert Bloch's fascinating book is a great starting point for a movie, giving everything what it needs, and Anthony Perkins gives a bone-chillingly-horrifying turn as Norman Bates, the deeply disturbed young man with parental problems. Bernard Herrman's unnervingly creepy score wracks up the terror. The famous shower scene alone is worth watching the film for. Unlike other slashers, PSYCHO actually does things artfully, with unique camera moves and amazing film techniques. TOPAZ (1969) is less impressive, with some nice performances, but this was the first film to signal Hitch's unfortunate decline in quality, and FAMILY PLOT, his last film in 1976 is far from his best movies. However, Bruce Dern gives a solid performance, and surprisingly, this is a fitting swansong for the director whose career spanned almost 50 years and 60 amazing films. Alfred Hitchcock will always be remembered forever as the master of suspense, inspiring young filmmakers for generations and scaring the pants of audiences for years to come. This is an essentail DVD collection for film fans

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 16, 2009 01:21:18

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Ghost Breakers

The Ghost Breakers Review

This is one of my few Bob Hope "keepers," not that I didn't like the man; I just found most of his movies somewhat corny. However, as silly as this one is, it's also very funny and very entertaining.....and that's the name of that tune, as "Baretta" used to say.

The story moves fast, which tells you it's entertaining, and has a good mixture of comedy, drama, horror and romance. Paulette Goddard is a very attractive, likable female lead and Willie West provides a lot of laughs as Hope's valet-friend. Yes, his role is degrading if you're a black person, so a warning to those who would be very offended at seeing that.

All in all, a movie that a lot other folks would agree is one of Hope's funniest films.

The Ghost Breakers Overview

Gangsters chase a radio commentator to havana where he helps a woman with her haunted mansion. Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 04/15/2003 Starring: Bob Hope Paul Lukas Run time: 82 minutes Rating: Nr Director: George Marshall

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 07, 2009 20:21:06

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The 13 best horror movies for Halloween

It is not simply a horror film that is shocking not only to sudden noises or strong Gore to the audience - who may make, why so few mediocre films in the horror genre rise above. A film like Carrie has wonderful scenes, but the mood is ruined by the change of tone, as if they can not decide what kind of movie you want. Hellraiser has its share of frightening scenes, but the abundance of blood, it is difficult to control. And films such asPorter mind to suffer too absurd to create elaborate explanations for the supernatural. What I admire are movies that create a feeling of horror with more subtlety and art. During the following films are not all completely shocked "type, which deals with all themes of horror. In alphabetical order, here are my Top-13 takes you into the mind set of Halloween.

1st The Blair Witch Project - 1999, dir. DanielMyrick, Eduardo Sanchez. This modest, has low-budget film shows that you do not need to create eye-catching effects successfully create a climate of terror. The story is like a documentary about a real amateur shots found in a forest presented after three students disappeared while searching for a well known local legend as the Blair Witch. We have the characters, watch the pictures from their point of view in the viewfinder as they filmed, which attracts us and increases the peak cooling.

2.Carnival of Souls - 1962, dir. Herk Harvey. Then he took a job as organist of the church, is a woman haunted by a strange phenomenon. It takes an abandoned lakeside pavilion, from a chain of strange events. Harvey macabre masterpiece of low budget, which has the appropriate body to score a disturbing cult.

3rd Donnie Darko - 2001, dir. Richard Kelly. Time travel, a horrible little man in the dress and a rabbitProtagonist can not roll or in the form of mental illness mystery at the heart of the film cult science-fiction and horror rides, but is much more of both sexes. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager in the suburbs of Virginia, trying to make sense of seemingly unrelated worrying son and hallucinations. Everything is finally on the night before Halloween, when Donnie is forced to make a decision that his future and will change the face of hisPast.

4th The Exorcist - 1973, dir. William Friedkin. Even putting aside the hype, this remains one of the best horror movie at the time. Ellen Burstyn plays a mother who increasingly bizarre behavior is distracted daughter (played by Linda Blair). Reluctant to admit the possibility that their daughter is possessed by the devil finally agreed, however, call an exorcist. Minimalist music from Tubular Bells by MikeOldfield, which is built slowly and inevitably, what was not originally in the film for the horror in my head together, but only a few bars of the theme can raise the hairs on the back of the neck.

5th The Haunting (original version) - 1963, dir. Robert Wise. This is the original film version of Shirley Jackson's novel, a paranormal researcher and his three companions, who gather in an old house known for its terrible past. Claire Bloom plays the psychologicallyIn fragile slowly sinks badly under the influence of the house. Despite a few moments, Campy later than the time the film manages to maintain his power. Wise to understand that terrorism often what is not revealed.

6th The Nightmare Before Christmas - 1993, dir. Wrote Henry Selick (Tim Burton s). In this case, the action fantasy invention of the leaders of Halloween Town (as Jack Skellington, the "King of the Pumpkins' known) will help breathe new liferepetitive in the celebration of Halloween by kidnapping Santa Claus and their dark spin on Christmas Day to be imposed. The graphics are appealing, the music by Danny Elfman macabre provides the right balance between humor and horror in a good mood.

7th Onibaba - 1964, dir. Kaneto Shindo. This film is in black and white Japanese horror takes place during the 14th Century civil wars that rocked the country and led to mass extinctions. A woman and her daughter-in-lawsurvive through the sale of unruly warrior armor, the women for their deaths. Use the supernatural element is subtle, minimalist images as Pampa the wind, under a dark sky demon or Noh mask is masterful.

8 Others - 2001, dir. Alejandro Amenábar. Nicole Kidman plays a nervous woman, the English countryside with her two sons, photophobia, during World War II escapes to her husband againbefore. This variant of the classic theme of the Haunted House is done with the right touch of pathos and horror of the supernatural.

9th The Phantom of the Opera (Original Version) - 1925, dir. Rupert Julian. Lon Chaney appeared in the title role in this silent film about a mask, disfigured composer who haunts the Paris Opera and falls in love with one of the singers of the opera. It is famous for Chaney intentionally terrible, self-application of makeup. Later, built up, including theAndrew Lloyd Webber musical, are pretty lame compared with the power and the horror of the original.

10th Pitch Black - 2000, dir. David Twohy. It is the facade of a science fiction, but the story is really one of our initial concerns: the darkness. A cargo ship crashes on a desolate planet where only two keeping the planet in broad daylight, seemingly for all eternity. The survivors discover a mysterious deserted outpost and slowly realize that something terribleshould be issued, if the planet is dependent on the darkness of a total eclipse. Vin Diesel plays a man convicted of certain vision that they must learn to trust in order to survive the night. This film scared the pants for me.

11th Scary Movie 3-2003, dir. David Zucker. The kind of terror is ripe for a parody, and the third episode of Scary Movie flicks skewers not only the ring and the other, but from American Idol MichaelJackson. The scene after she makes me laugh so hard it hurts.

12th Shutter (original version) - 2004, dir. Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom. A photographer and his girlfriend left accidentally on a young woman who appears out of nowhere on a dark road, so shamefully run. The dead woman begins to meddle in their lives, first appeared in photographs and are increasingly more physical presence. The last scene is a disturbing pictureThey still pursue long after the end of the film. Be sure to see the original Thai version, not the American remake.

13th The Silence of the Lambs - 1991, dir. Jonathan Demme. Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins, who in this thriller about an FBI agent, the assistance of a psychiatrist who seeks indicted for manslaughter for hunting a serial killer Stars. Instead of the supernatural, the reality is that this movie makes it scary, sparking fear of the real-life monsters of life in our community.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Boris Karloff Villain Collection: 3 films starring Hollywood actor & movie star, Boris Karloff

The Boris Karloff Villain Collection: 3 films starring Hollywood actor & movie star, Boris Karloff Review

The Boris Karloff Villain Collection: 3 films starring Hollywood actor & movie star, Boris Karloff Feature

  • Boris Karloff 3 DVD Set
  • Set Includes: Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947), Doomed to Die (1940), The Terror (1963)
  • Over 3 Hours Run Time!

The Boris Karloff Villain Collection: 3 films starring Hollywood actor & movie star, Boris Karloff Overview

Horror movie kingpin Boris Karloff made a wildly successful career for himself portraying Hollywood's most monstrous monsters. This 3 DVD set showcases Karloff at his most delightfully villainous. During his grand run as a box office smash, Karloff would be paired against many heroes as an insidious creature of menace and mayhem. Karloff now enjoys a cult following thanks to his spectacular use of facial expression and foul speech. He truly is the bad guy that everyone loves to hate. Karloff's standout career is beautifully spotlighted in this remarkable 3 DVD set. This set includes: Disc I: Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947) Disc II: Doomed to Die (1940) Disc III: The Terror (1963)

The Boris Karloff Villain Collection: 3 films starring Hollywood actor & movie star, Boris Karloff Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 05, 2009 19:47:05

วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Top 10 Chick Flicks That Will Make You Cry

Every woman needs a good chick flick to stir up a few tears now and then. Also, every man needs a good chick flick is that it clogs experience. Sure, he is looking around the room to make sure that no one is watching, but the chances are a chick flick is really good if it makes a man weep. However, defining what a Chick Flick? Most people define it as a juicy love story that women and love to hate the man.

Sometimes they make good films when depending on the contentHide and at other times, people in another room because she wants to talk, not all of the romantic and are the "man girl, girl shuns Guy Guy pain for her, Guy tries to woo her, girl is still ignored it, girl finally noticed that he gets one, Guy girl, and everything is good. "Well, that is a general measure, but some feel Chick Flicks that everyone is equal. The thing is, this is not true. Let's take a look at 10, as the top 10 chick flicks that make you cry is rated:

1. Gonewith the wind - of course this is a will, number one. Everyone is aware of this timeless classic all girl power and love.

2. Beaches - then we consider actually a loop for a. Barbara Hershey and Bette Midler do you want to call all of her best friend, only to tell them they love to tell them. The plot is compelling, the story of two friends, allows the viewer to relate to the characters, and that commitment is simply overwhelming. The end offersGoose bumps.

3. Fried Green Tomatoes - This is not a juicy love story, but a film about what constitutes true friendship. Apparently there is something about a woman and her best friend. The story tells of two young friends and their trials as Cathy Bates makes a new friend in the present.

4. Steel Magnolias - Everyone is aware, Steel Magnolias, because it was one of the greatest roles Julia Roberts ever was. It contains a little bit of loveHistory, but it comes to friends, family, and their love for each other and how they relate to each other. Of course, that ends when Julia Roberts' character dies, the spectator is struck with tears.

5. When Harry Met Sally-Now this one is a romantic comedy, will bring tears to the eyes. Lake is not to make a juicy love story it is up to number 5, so that not all chick flicks "man gets the girl" movies. This movie is about friends of the opposite sex to realize loveexists.

6. Women-Here is another female bonding movie that shows support, friendship, mutually at its finest with a circle of friends.

7. Gray Gardens Chick Flick This is a strange sight in a very strange and very intense relationship between a mother and her daughter.

8. Sabrina-This is now a "girl wants the guy" movie and Sabrina has even attempted suicide because she wants his love so bad.

9. The Valley of the Dolls - This movie has you intrigued bythe beginning. Patty Duke, Sharon Tate and Barbara Parkins takes you on a journey of drugs, death, disease and much more.

10. Thelma & Louise - Of course one can not be left alone with his story about true friendship women in mind. They love each other, protect each other, and they die together.

It is not recommended that all these films will be re-observed-to-back. If they are, can be a special trip to the store to buy the value pack of tissues to lead tothrough. Whether you live in "Girl Power", love stories or true friendship, which has top 10 movies, all for you.

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best of Horror DVD

The Best of Horror DVD Review

this DVD collection is a must for any lover of B grade horror. these movies make you laugh, cringe, and sometimes they even make you pack your pants! The Dentist is also an awesome date movie - yet another reason to buy!! All in all, an excellent collection, all of which are worth multiple viewings. ENJOY!!

The Best of Horror DVD Feature

The Best of Horror DVD Overview

The Best of Horror DVD Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 02, 2009 13:14:05