วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (DVD) Review

Hands down, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the best Christmas theme comedy ever filmed. Personally, I'm not used to seeing this film about ten million times between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even after the movie so many times that I season recite word-for-word Christmas Vacation remains as hilarious and entertaining as the previous holiday. More than just a film of the season, it's one of those rare comedies that it near perfect from beginning toEnd.

Christmas Vacation follows the ongoing exploits Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) and the Griswold family, but this particular version of the classic holiday film is probably the best. As in previous films, Clark's goal is to create the perfect vacation for his family. Only this time, instead of flying Hit the road for Wally World or Europe, the Griswolds stay at home in a suburb of Chicago.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus (mere months before signing on forthe role of Elaine on Seinfeld) makes several appearances as Clark's annoying, yuppie neighbor Margot, accompanied her as a sign of elitist yuppie partner, Todd (Nicholas Guest). Randy Quaid makes a return appearance as Cousin Eddie, playing the same role from the original Vacation movie. As Clark naive and backward relative, Eddie is a man whose "heart is bigger than its brain." Beverly D'Angelo is also in her previous role as Mrs. Clark,Ellen.

When Clark vows to create "the most fun-filled old-fashioned family Christmas ever", which naturally go awry. The Griswold family, and her parents live under one roof, the relatives constantly get on the nerves of the other side. Clark sets out to decorate the house for Christmas, and his efforts culminated in a 25,000 light extravaganza that covers every square inch of the house. In the process, he almost breaks his neck several times and knocks Todd and Margot windowwith a flying lance gutter ice.

The laughs multiply several times as Cousin Eddie comes uninvited and parks his RV in the Griswold driveway. In tow are his wife Catherine, their two kids Ruby Sue and Rocky, and her beautiful dog "Snot". The crescendo of disaster is always higher than Christmas Day approaches with Clark's agony compounded the absence of his annual Christmas bonus. Clark's big Christmas surprise for the family that he would in a pool, butBegin to work as soon as the ground thawed, he had laid a strong deposit, not the cover without the scrutiny of his Christmas money.

Exploded after a Christmas Eve in Turkey, is directed towards Aunt Bethany cat itself, Uncle Lewis burns the tree, and a squirrel is loose in the house, a late night knock on the door provides Clark with hope. A messenger handed him an envelope, which fell between the seats, the fabled Christmas bonus. But if the bonusis not quite what awaits Clark, Cousin Eddie Clark with an unexpected surprise last-minute gift ...

Originally published in 1989, Christmas Vacation has surprisingly little content that makes it seem "expiration date passed. As such, it is surely just a holiday tradition for future generations. With some of the best one-liner in all comedy, you find yourself reciting their dialogue for many Christmases to come. But what makes Christmas Vacation as a permanent filmthat anyone who observes how he can relate to within the events. Almost everyone has a strange relationship as Eddie or a pair of snotty elitist neighbors, and of course, anyone who is not a squirrel plunder her house on Christmas Eve? Overall, this film is a barrel of laughs. If you do not like it, you will probably not breathe ...

วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Japanese Animation Movies

Since the founding of the Japanese animated films the world has learned to fall in love with her, and because many of them in Japanese, you'll find that the people to read the subtitles and still like to see these movies used to. Animated films in Japan began in 1917, and since have gone on more than just movies, but make cartoon series.

Some of these Japanese animation movies would be suitable for small children, but becausea growing majority of adult viewers just started making the movies more mature and more mature scenes, do not watch the little children. However, they began to observe the creation of more family-oriented films for the whole family and not just children or adults could.

As the animated films it was easier to be creative for the creators of Japanese animation films, and go the whole hog with the art and the drawings. One could say that the film wasvery imaginative and full of imagination. It was easier for the director, the story works because it was animated and all the old stories of Japanese vampires and all other creatures were easily created and made entertaining movies. Would be another key figure in the Japanese animation of the samurai and his sword. Many of the films samurai warriors and the funny thing was that they were warriors of the past into the future, is actually quite interesting,Watch.

Many of the animation was like a work of art and the work of Japanese calligraphy and Japanese painting also came into play to create the most features of the animation style. If you are Japanese for animated movies, then you can always get from the Internet, and they are very interesting to observe.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Classic Old Time Monster Movies: The Killer Shrews. Starring James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, and Alfredo DeSoto.

Classic Old Time Monster Movies: The Killer Shrews. Starring James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, and Alfredo DeSoto. Review

Classic Old Time Monster Movies: The Killer Shrews. Starring James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, and Alfredo DeSoto. Feature

  • Year: 1959
  • Run time: 69 minutes
  • Director: Ray Kellogg
  • Starring: James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, Alfredo DeSoto

Classic Old Time Monster Movies: The Killer Shrews. Starring James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, and Alfredo DeSoto. Overview

Possibly the greatest 1950s monster movie ever made, The Killer Shrews is a cornucopia of ridiculous costumes, effects, and a little Miss Universe thrown in for good measure! The murderous shrews at the heart of the film are dogs in absurd rubber masks, along with polka-dot stockings and papier-mache. James Best, of Gunsmoke fame, stars along with 1957's Miss Universe Ingrid Goude. But for all the garbage, the movie is still a blast to follow as the heroes combat vicious monsters at every turn. The poor people are trapped on a small island, which provides a nicely claustrophobic feel to the shoot'em up proceedings. Delightfully awful, The Killer Shrews is not to be missed by any true fan of classic cinema.

Classic Old Time Monster Movies: The Killer Shrews. Starring James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, and Alfredo DeSoto. Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 28, 2009 14:20:05

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best of Horror, Vol. 1 & 2

The Best of Horror, Vol. 1 & 2 Review

these are some good movies the picture is clear and the sound is good but the movies are not widescreen they are fullscreen

The Best of Horror, Vol. 1 & 2 Feature

The Best of Horror, Vol. 1 & 2 Overview

The Best of Horror, Vol. 1 & 2 Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 27, 2009 14:14:05

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Decor TV Show Online - Design Star

Perhaps the network is a leading provider of TV shows online home decor, or even in standard TV sets is HGTV. It is actually a cable-TV station in the United States created to take into the demand for television shows with themes about home and garden improvement. Unlike some of its sister companies such as the Food and Fine Living Network HGTV has expanded the scope of the programs. In any case, many people are discovering that the best places innovative reality shows through, so as not free in the box arein the jungle, rough terrain or environments, but simply cruel, within the four walls of one's home.

How HGTV Design Star, a certain number of individuals will prove itself to the best interior designer or decorator a certain cheap looking living space. It is both a very competitive reality show, at the same time it offers its viewers a good home interior design guidelines and general beautification. Every week there are challenges and share allParticipants, in which they are a minimal amount of the budget, but should provide their best show - the best design outputs in a given very limited time. Everyone needs to survive the weekly eliminations and prevent his or show her that stopped out. The show lasted three seasons until today, and many repeats of the show is still broadcast. Repetition is seen not only in the conventional TV sets, but it may easily accessible online with lots of video streams available. Thisis without doubt one of the major home decor shows TV online entertainment affected in the world of reality.

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Yu Yu Hakusho - Sixth Sense eps. 71-84

Yu Yu Hakusho - Sixth Sense eps. 71-84 Review

In Yu Yu Hakusho: Sixth Sense, you will get 14 terrific episodes of the show on two DVDs. Specifically these are episodes 71 to 84 and all occur as part of the Chapter Black, or Sensui Saga. Yusuke Urameshi has won the Dark Tournament and resumed his everyday life, but when three teenagers come to meet Yusuke, he finds they have strange psychic powers. The ordeal to rescue Yusuke from these psychics was in the last volume, but now Genkai reveals the point of the ordeal. Someone is continuing Sakyo's plan to build a tunnel connecting the Living World with the Demon World.

In Mushiyori City, psychics are popping up all over the place, demon insects are everywhere, and a giant tunnel is quickly being made to usher in the end of humanity. Some of the new psychics choose to help Yusuke to stop the tunnel from being created, while seven others try to ensure its creation is successful. These seven psychics, all human, go under the names Black Angel, Gate Keeper, Gourmet, Seaman, Doctor, Game Master, and Sniper. If Yusuke is to save humanity, he must stop them.

Eventually, Black Angel is revealed to be the leader of the group, his real name is Shinobu Sensui. The Spirit Detective before Yusuke, Sensui witnessed first hand the evil of men and now wishes for humanity to atone for its many sins. By the end of this volume, most of the seven are defeated, leaving only Sensui and Yusuke to face off in a climactic showdown. The volume ends here, but leaves you wanting more.

Sensui is definitely a unique villain. One of the most interesting kinds of villains are those who were at one time heroes, and the reason why Sensui became evil is very intriguing. Of course, what makes Sensui so interesting is the fact that he truly believes he is doing the right thing. Another interesting point in these episodes is that our heroes are forced, more than once, to choose between taking human life, or allowing the world to end. This saga has many questions of morality and it is definitely interesting to see how each character answers them.

Overall 14 good episodes of a great show. I recommend this to any fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, or anime in general. Just make sure you have seen the earlier episodes first. In the next volume, the two spirit detectives clash, and secrets will be revealed about both Sensui, and Yusuke!

Yu Yu Hakusho - Sixth Sense eps. 71-84 Feature

Yu Yu Hakusho - Sixth Sense eps. 71-84 Overview

"It's one of the best action series out there." --- Anime News Network -- Own the entire series - 14 episodes at a time! Someone in Musiyori City is carving a tunnel between the Living World and the Demon World that could usher in an age of destructive chaos. Yusuke seeks his best chance to uncover the truth behind the passsage...but mere hours after entering Mushiyori City Yusuke's team finds itself hunted by an unseen evil. Just who are Black Angel Gate Keeper Sniper Gourmet Game Master Doctor and Seaman? These are the seven psychics that hope to let loose an army of demons strong enough to annihilate Earth One after the other the freak psychics are confronted each with undeniable and uncanny abilities.The heroes are definitely in grave danger. Genre: ANIMATION/ADULT SWIM Artist: YU YU HAKUSHO UPC: 704400060106 Manufacturer No: 1-4210-0520-4

Yu Yu Hakusho - Sixth Sense eps. 71-84 Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 25, 2009 09:55:05

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Attack of the Monsters 10 Movie Pack

Attack of the Monsters 10 Movie Pack Review

This movie goes wayyy beyond anything silly I've EVER seen before.....seriously ;) I found this movie in a 2-pack at the Dollar Tree the other night. There was a whole bunch of dollar 2-for-1 dvds in a big, huge pile up at the front. This was the ONLY Japanese monster one. All the others were Dracula, Wolfman, Mummy ones, you know. Alongsides Godzilla, Spectreman, Space Giants and the like, Gamera was one that I had grew up with {however, this particular movie I hadn't seen yet}.

O.k., I come home but don't have time to watch it as I am tired and it's late. Next day, however, I watch it, wow....simply Woooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! I was expecting silliness and cheeziness..however this movie was just wayyy too funny. This movie was hilarious, to say the least. Some people here mentioned Gamera doing gymnastics and dancing and stuff. I swear I didn't believe it. Then, I saw it first-hand for myself - I swear I couldn't stop laughing!!!!

And, the monster that Gamera fought? He really is just an over-grown knife. A Knife Monster??? Almost like they ran out of ideas there. It was good, though. That Knife Monster - you'd just have to see this thing for yourself. Really, he's quite strange and wierd-looking.

Over-all, pretty funny and pretty good ;)

Attack of the Monsters 10 Movie Pack Feature

Attack of the Monsters 10 Movie Pack Overview

This fourth entry in the Gamera series found the titanic turtle paralleling the cuddly direction of his competitor Godzilla. When two young, star-gazing children investigate a spaceship that has practically landed in their backyard, they are whisked away to Terra, our undiscovered tenth planet whose two "groovy spacegirls" are all that remain of a once-superior alien civilization. But the boys soon discover that their seemingly friendly hosts have sinister plans in mind for them. Never fear, for Gamera comes to save them, flying through space to battle the spacegirls' guardian Guiron, a giant, rhino-like beast possessing a razor-sharp steel blade for a snout. This movie is truly suited for young children, for older kids, and especially for adults will chortle at the unintentional humor arising from the cheesy effects, underplayed roles, and possibly the worst dubbing job in Japanese monster history. Taken as comedy, adults will find this a real camp gem--when the two boys witness Guiron slice 'n' dice a laser-spewing Gaos, one of them proclaims: "What a monster!" --Bryan Reesman

Attack of the Monsters 10 Movie Pack Specifications

Phantom from 10000 Leagues The Another cult classic of 50's science fiction warning of the perils of unchecked scientific progress. The titular creature stands guard over a submerged uranium deposit and messily does away with anyone who gets too close to it.Giant Gila Monster TheTeenage mechanic Chase Winstead and his friends are only interested in having a groovy time but there's a giant lizard cramping their style--and eating them. The rear projection gila monster is decidedly low-tech and Chase's musical numbers will leave your mouth agape but it all comes together in a wonderfully schlocky package.Eegah! Eegah (yes that is his name) meets and falls in love with pretty young Roxy Miller played by Marilyn (I'm-too-old-to be-playing-a-teenager) Manning. The fact that Arch Hall Jr. plays Roxy's boyfriend and Arch Hall Sr. plays her father adds to both the confusion and the fun. Utterly hilarious.Monster Maker The Horror mainstay J. Carrol Naish plays mad scientist Dr. Igor Markoff. The good doctor has eyes for Patricia Lawrence but she has the good taste not to reciprocate his feelings. Markoff then injects Patricia's concert pianist father Anthony with a serum that hideously deforms his hands and face. Since only Markoff can cure Anthony Patricia will have to love him now won't she? Classic mad scientist logic in this gem from Hollywood's golden age of horror.Attack of the Giant Leeches B-Movie mogul Roger Corman served as executive producer on this slimy little opus. That old chestnut nuclear radiation is to blame for some men in cheap monster suits--I mean giant leeches--which start feeding on the residents of a small southern town. Especially noteworthy is the performance from July 1959 Playmate Yvette Vickers as a white trash goddess who along with her illicit lover is forced into the leech infested swamp by her cuckolded husband.Killer Shrews The Captain Thorne Sherman (James Best who later played Roscoe P. Coltr

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 24, 2009 02:26:05

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

CGI Cyber Movies

The movie 300 announced the beginning of a new era in film production. So hot on his heels in front of 300, Beowolf suggests that the digital revolution, film begins to gather pace. As long as actors, camera operators and agents can continue to assert that it is an integral part of the filmmaking process are?

Since the early 1990s, it became clear that filmmaking was heading in the direction of a less cellulose medium. Few would have thought then that would eventually digital filmmaking,primarily film-less, band and less now, location-less! This is largely down to the economic needs of low-budget filmmakers who do not compete financially with the studios on the procurement of advertising trademarks actors habitual residence of the A-list. Instead, they use the skills learned on their computer at home while growing up, to create an imaginary digital world in cyberspace, which provides a magical way like the real world, except for the fact that the freedom to create andto your own computer. Marks look good when they are in the best and most movies are brilliant, but then again, so little known, unknown and un-named players, too! So what is the solution to this problem of fame?

Studio-based films are very quick to prove not only the economic reality of the film industry, but work hand in hand with new digital artists who create moving images on the computer and integrate them well and live action thatalmost impossible to tell them apart. Many of these movies look so good and their storylines produced and presented so well, that Hollywood and other centers of excellence must be shuddering at the thought of an avalanche of high quality low-budget movies without star names attached which will steal their thunder and ultimately steal their revenues from right under their noses.

Digital Film Schools and other film courses such as The Lyceum of Theatrical Film in London (www.thelyceum.co.uk) not only teach the basics of cinematography, lace shop etc, but mainly to express the story concept and the way to get it, all his perception and presentation of digital imaging concepts storyboarded. Blue or green screen is a fundamental right of the 21 Century digital film process is the use of Lightwave 3D 9, 3D animation package used by the '300 ',' Sin City "and" Pan's Labyrinth, "endorphin Dynamic Motion Synthesis software used to create 'virtual stuntdoubled, "Vue Infinite 3D terrain generator that uses the" Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest "and others.

วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Good Story Transcends Film Production Costs

If you tell a good story there is no reason why it should not be done in an independent film. With the right techniques of film production, the right font, the right people working with you and a relatively small amount of money you can use a low-budget film, which compete with the best of them on the festival circuit in places such as can make Cannes, Toronto, Telluride and Sundance Film Festival. If you forget your story convincing enough people that the production valueis somewhat questionable.

There are people everywhere in this world who never gave up on their dreams, make films, despite the difficulties that come with working outside the mainstream film industry. They are passionate filmmakers who think that anyone who has to tell a compelling story to the right to make a movie. Through their struggles this diehard filmmakers have cheaper ways to create films. This revolution was born of frustration due to decades of having theircreative voices and they avoid the major film studios, preferably on the commercialization of creativity.

The commercial with the films that are released by the major Hollywood studios these days, is very frustrating for everyone connected to filmmakers who consider their work to be art. Today, films are tested in advance to ensure that the studio was committed hundreds of millions of dollars, it will lose money. This kind of testing tends to narrow the field to justa few kinds of films that will invest them in the states, there is no room for new ideas. True artist can never be happy if it imposed restrictions on their methods and subject matter.

Although the film industry is a fusion of storytelling and trade, history has always the most important part of telling half of the equation for the audience. The major studios executives seem to have forgotten this fact because they films that continue to produce moreStyle than substance. They would much prefer a good film with a low value of production as if it were a bad film with a high production value.

Talent and a good story is worth more usually as a movie look expensive. If you notice just get a good story committed to film festivals and filed, then the people will. When a buzz is created through your film, there may be a distribution that is worth many times more than the money youinvested.

After you with all phases of film production process that you need to places that show your film to the public to search ended. There is something called the film festival circuit, and it is the last bastion of hope for people who want to make independent films. Sure, have the celebrities and big studios recently, the larger events such as Toronto, Cannes and Sundance Film Festival was, but still room for the little guys. Independent filmmakers are still theFocus of the film festival, no matter how much advertising they receive.

Films like The Blair Witch Project is a perfect example of how a film with a very small budget, but a very clever story may be to the big time. This is a very independent film was a big hit at the Sundance Film Festival in the late nineties and it was all because of the action. The film was shot and edited on video and transferred to 16mm film for the pressure which was necessary for screenings at the festival. Theindependent filmmakers that this film only spent roughly $ 40,000 to make and prepare it done to Sundance. The production value was very poor, but they could not stop talking about how the story ended. He received a lot of publicity and was then sold to a major movie studios for one and a half million dollars. The studio has 150 million U.S. dollars on the film, when they blew it up to 35 millimeters and distributed it nationwide in theaters.

Festivals are places where thelevel playing field for all actors in the film industry razed to the ground. It is a strange connection between people who get hungry in the film industry and people, too much of it and just want something with less full of it are needed. They yearn for the days when film-maker was more of an art form and less commercial. The result is that independent filmmakers embrace in their original form. When this happens, there is always a chance that one of the little guys can suddenly be made toLimelight of the big players and glorified. If you do this, it is always because the plot of the film created a buzz, not the production value.

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2

The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2 Review

The original Outer Limits TV series is an excellent example of how great story telling and relatively fine acting could be accomplished on a low budget back in the 60's. The special effects however poor and cheesy by today's standards were very imaginative and fairly ground breaking for the time. Great stuff, and not just in a "So Bad its Good" way. I bought this set to replace a damaged disc in the more expensive remastered set. The images are not quite so clearly defined as in that more expensive set but the difference is not really significant; the picture is somehow warmer more like I remember it growing up. This set is more than just good enough it is a great value.

The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2 Feature

The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2 Overview

Movie DVD

The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2 Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 08, 2009 16:05:05

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Horror Comedy Film: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Starring The East Kids with Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan & David Gorcey

Horror Comedy Film: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Starring The East Kids with Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan & David Gorcey Review

Horror Comedy Film: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Starring The East Kids with Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan & David Gorcey Feature

  • Year: 1941
  • Run time: 1:04:07
  • Director: Phil Rosen
  • Starring: Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan, David Gorcey

Horror Comedy Film: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Starring The East Kids with Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan & David Gorcey Overview

If you mix the most famous vampire of all time Bela Lugosi (Plan 9 from Outer Space) with the goofy gang the East Side Kids, the results are going to be fantastically ridiculous. That's just what Spooks Run Wild accomplishes: madcap comedy and ludicrous action. When the Kids go to summer camp, they hear rumors of a killer monster that's on the loose. The Kids meet Lugosi in passing, who plots their capture by tricking them into his creepy haunted mansion. Dopey gags ensue, and the comedy holds up surprisingly well, as the Kids attempt to turn the tables by capturing and trapping Lugosi. Spooks Run Wild is a shameless good time that goes great with a large bucket of popcorn on a raining night.

Horror Comedy Film: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Starring The East Kids with Bela Lugosi, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan & David Gorcey Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 07, 2009 15:52:09

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Are Modern Horror Movies Any Good?

There is no denying the horror of one of the largest and most popular film genres, it is.Just what is it that makes horror movies so appealing?

People love to fear, and saw a horror movie is a great way to experience to ensure a safe environment.Then fear, it is the social aspect is just a scare with friends, and laughed out loud when one of them jumps at a certain scene for an entertaining evening. Horror Movieshave the masses for decades.The popularity of the horror movie seems to talk only become bigger every year.

I absolutely love horror, flesh-eating zombies, vampires murdering psychopaths actually good.but it's all in my opinion, the horror films coming out right now are simply not as good as before.

Take the Saw series saw, for instance, was a great horror film. It was all he had done that before and in many ways, differentit broke the mold of the typical Horror Picture. It had everything Gore, action, suspense and more than enough plot twists, happy with all the horror fan. Then they went and committed the cardinal sin of horror movies. They made a sequel, not just a consequence of four sequels. So we are now seeing 5 and God help us saw 6 is on its way.

I'm not saying that any of the Saw sequels have been particularly bad, but by so many, they have taken away the originalitySaw that the original so well done. Another problem I have with the so-called modern horror is that they so rely too much on gore and gross tactics. What will happen again, without seeing a head chopped off fear?

The best known example of modern horror films use of gore and gross out tactic is the Hostel series. Also I'm not saying that there are bad films (okay so Hostel 2 was a bit bad), but they rely more on the blood and guts thanclassic horror.

Luckily, not use all the modern horrors this cheap tricks. Take, for example, Last House On The Left. During the film a few bloody scenes, which have been carried out by including a microwave and a head, the rest of the film is a good old-fashioned suspense. I will not spoil the film, but if you do not see it I highly recommend it.

Regardless of my thoughts on current horror films, it is obvious that this genre will continue to entertain us for many yearsto come.

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Dead Zone - The Complete First Season

The Dead Zone - The Complete First Season Review

The DVDs are in great condition, as described. The seller is a good shipper and got the box set promotly. My only bad word is that the cardboard slipcover didn't come with the box set, but works perfectly.

The Dead Zone - The Complete First Season Feature

The Dead Zone - The Complete First Season Overview

Based on the characters and story from the best-selling book by Stephen King The Dead Zone is unique psychological thriller that combines a rich mix of action the paranormal and a continuing quest for justice. Johnny Smith's life is interrupted by a near fatal car crash that leaves him in a deep comma for six years. When he regains consciousness he discovers that he now possesses amazing psychic powers.-powers that allow him to see into the life of anyone he touches.* BONUS DISC OFFER/CORRECTION: All Dead Zone DVD Box Set purchases made prior to 9/20/03 are eligible (with proof of receipt) to receive a fifth Bonus Disc featuring the Unaired Dead Zone Season One Pilot Episode and other Special Features. See DVD insert for details.System Requirements:Starring: Anthony Michael hall Nicole De Boer Chris Bruno John L. Adams David Ogden Stiers and Kristen Dalton.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: TELEVISION/SERIES & SEQUELS UPC: 031398834229 Manufacturer No: VM8342D

The Dead Zone - The Complete First Season Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 05, 2009 14:00:04

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Horror Star Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection

Horror Star Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection Review

Horror Star Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection Feature

  • Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection
  • Over 9 Hours Run Time

Horror Star Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection Overview

Bela Lugosi was the consummate horror movie star of early filmmaking. This 9 DVD Set contains a wonderful sampling of Lugosi's rich film career: some of his best films, some of his lesser known films, and some of his most outrageous performances. Lugosi's trademark Hungarian accent and hammy facial expressions steal every scene in these wonderful old films. Best known for his portrayal of Dracula, Lugosi had a lengthy career that spanned five decades. While Dracula is not included in this set, Lugosi's wealth of brilliant horror characters are well represented. Spooky, creepy, monstrous, and wacky, Lugosi's films are a joy to watch. This 9 DVD Set embraces Lugosi as the horror movie icon he was and continues to be. This set includes these feature films: Disc I: The Gorilla (1939) Disc II: The Mysterious Mr. Wong (1934) Disc III: The Phantom Ship (1936) Disc IV: White Zombie (1932) Disc V: Black Dragons (1942) Disc VI: Invisible Ghost (1941) Disc VII: Scared to Death (1947) Disc VIIII: Spooks Run Wild (1941) Disc IX: The Corpse Vanishes (1942)

Horror Star Bela Lugosi 9 DVD Collection Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 04, 2009 09:15:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best of Gay Britain (Boyfriends / Like It Is / The Wolves of Kromer)

The Best of Gay Britain (Boyfriends / Like It Is / The Wolves of Kromer) Review

The Best of Gay Britain (Boyfriends / Like It Is / The Wolves of Kromer) Feature

The Best of Gay Britain (Boyfriends / Like It Is / The Wolves of Kromer) Overview

Studio: First Run Features Release Date: 05/18/2004

The Best of Gay Britain (Boyfriends / Like It Is / The Wolves of Kromer) Specifications

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